Movie of the Day
Invited Talks at the SDO-4/IRIS/Hinode Workshop - March 2012
Invited Talks
(zip file)
Hansteen: Overview of Simulations and Observations of the Coupling Between Solar Regions
Tarbell: How to Exploit Current and Future Instrumentation to Understand the Coupled Solar Atmosphere
Young: Doing Science with IRIS - Experience Learned from Hinode/EIS (poster)
Physical Models
Gudiksen: State-of-the-Art of Single Fluid MHD Numerical Modeling of the Coupled Solar Atmosphere
Khomenko: Beyond Single Fluid MHD: Multi-fluid Modeling of the Coupled Solar Atmosphere
Van Ballegooijen: The Role of Magnetic Braiding and MHD Wave Dynamics in the Heating of the Sun's Outer Atmosphere
Assumptions of Simulations
Judge: Key- or Tomb- stones in the Bridge from Photosphere to Corona?
Klimchuk: The Pros and Cons of 1D vs 3D Modeling
Strengths and Limitations of Coronal Seismology
De Moortel: What We Can and Cannot Learn from Seismology of the Solar Atmosphere
van Doorsselaere: What We Can and Cannot Learn from Seismology of the Solar Atmosphere
McIntosh: What We Can and Cannot Learn from Seismology of the Solar Atmosphere
Energy Input
Cameron: Observational/Modeling Constraints of Magneto-convective Energy into Photosphere
Fisher: Electric Fields and Poynting Fluxes from Vector Magnetograms and Doppler Shifts
Non-LTE Diagnostics
Rutten: Graphical Introduction to NLTE Chromospheric Line Formation
Carlsson: State-of-the-art of non-LTE Diagnostics: Observations and Simulations
Mason: IRIS: Transition Region and Coronal Diagnostics
Chromospheric/Coronal Spectropolarimetry
: Inversion Tools for Chromospheric Lines
Centeno: Opportunities and Challenges in Determining the Chromospheric Magnetic Field Using He I 10830
Harvey: Opportunities and Challenges in Determining the Chromospheric Magnetic Field
de la Cruz Rodriguez: NLTE Inversions from a 3D MHD Chromospheric Simulation
Tomzcyk: Constraints on Coronal Magnetic Fields from Observations of Visible and IR Emission Lines
Magnetic Fields
Moreno-Insertis: Magnetic Flux Emergence into the Atmosphere: 3D Numberical Models
DeRosa: The Impact of the Chromosphere of Magnetic Fields: Field Exptrapolations
Abbett: The Impact of the Chromosphere on Numerical Models of the Convection Zone-to-Corona
Energy Transport and Dissipations
Isobe: Observations and Modeling of Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere
McIntosh: Observational Evidence of Magnetic Waves in the Solar Atmosphere
De Moortel: Coupling, Damping and Dissipation of Magnetic Waves in the Chromosphere and Corona
Nordlund: Beyond Single Fluid MHD: Modeling Kinetic Effects in the Coupled Solar Atmosphere
Tian: The Mass Cycle Between the Chromosphere and the Corona/Solar Wind
Tutorial: Non-LTE Diagnostics Made Fun!
Uitenbroek: How to Calculate non-LTE Diagnostics using RH
Leenaarts: How to do 3D Radiation
Uitenbroek: Problems with 1D Semi-emperical Modeling
Uitenbroek: NLTE Discussion of Response Funcitions/Contribution Functions/Formation Height
Leenaarts: Basic Properties of the Mg II h & k Line Formation
Coupling on Large Scales & Into the Solar Wind
Antiochos: The Role of Topology in the Energetics of the Couple Solar Atmosphere
Mikic: Global MHD Models of the Corona and Solar Wind