IRIS Health & Safety

Statement of support for ALMA

During the upcoming ALMA cycle 4 solar observations from December 2016 to April 2017, IRIS will prioritize support of successful ALMA cycle 4 solar observing proposals. Proposers to the ALMA cycle 4 can refer to this message as evidence of IRIS support for their observations. Keep in mind that while IRIS is in eclipse season from early November through mid February, during this time frame IRIS will nevertheless  be able to provide high quality observations for about 60 minutes out of every orbit (97 minutes). To maximize overlap with IRIS, requesting at least 1.5 hours of ALMA observations is the best option. IRIS has no limitations for ALMA support from mid February onwards. Please contact us at iris_request[at]lmsal[dot]com as soon as possible if you are the PI of an accepted ALMA proposal and desire IRIS support.

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