# FILE: # /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/IS0798_E_IRIS_Timeline_Current_Builds/iris_timeline/html//iris_tim_20241204.31.html # T24339TIMFIL # Written by IRIS Timeline, 20221031_141409, revision 1.279 # TITLE: # timeline for year=2024, dayOfYear=339, date=2024-12-04 # PURPOSE: # # HISTORY: # # COMMENTS: # # # # NUMDAYS=1 # # IRIS FDT files used for this timeline: # IRIS roll view file: /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/FDTIrisCurrent/IRIS_rollview_20241202.V01.txt # IRIS star file: /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/FDTIrisCurrent/IRIS_star_20241202.V01.txt # IRIS eclipse file: /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/FDTIrisCurrent/IRIS_eclipse_20241202.V01.txt # IRIS AAZ file: /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/FDTIrisCurrent/IRIS_aaz_20241202.V01.txt # IRIS events file: /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/FDTIrisCurrent/IRIS_events_20241202.V01.txt # IRIS rad zones file: /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/FDTIrisCurrent/IRIS_radzones_20241202.V01.txt # IRIS Stanford file: /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/FDTIrisCurrent/IRIS_stanford_20241202.V01.txt +0 04:00:00 leaf ORB REF TIME time=2111976488 secs +0 04:00:01 leaf ORB PERIOD period=5827 secs +0 04:00:02 leaf CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=SRT_ID, REG_VALUE1=0, REG_VALUE2=0 +0 04:00:03 leaf ORB orbid=259, desc=Default orbital wobble table +0 04:00:04 leaf CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-141 +0 04:00:06 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=3600 +0 04:00:07 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=1200 +0 04:00:08 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_ENA_MSK, PAR_VALUE=65535 +0 04:10:00 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 04:10:01 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 04:23:26 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 04:23:27 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1749, eclipseflag=1 # +0 04:23:57 AAZ Entry +0 04:25:28 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 04:25:28 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 04:26:19 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=78s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 04:27:37 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=78s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 04:29:05 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=170s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 04:31:55 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=170s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 04:45:53 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +0 04:45:53 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END # +0 04:47:36 AAZ Exit +0 04:52:36 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 04:52:37 parent=1 //annotation=A1: QS Monitoring +0 04:52:38 parent=1 ABORT +0 04:52:39 parent=1 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 04:53:08 parent=1 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 04:53:09 parent=1 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_1_109" +0 04:53:10 parent=1 SLEW xoff=12.4, yoff=102.6, m1=48, m2=174, cmdx=1.0, cmdy=109.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 05:01:10 parent=1 // IRIS slew ends +0 05:01:20 parent=1 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=351760 +0 05:01:22 parent=1 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 05:01:23 parent=1 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 05:01:23 parent=1 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 05:01:24 parent=1 // wait 1 +0 05:01:25 parent=1 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808400033, USE_CA_CFG=NO +0 05:01:26 parent=1 // wait 23 +0 05:01:49 parent=1 // OBS priming commands end. +0 05:01:50 parent=1 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 05:02:01 parent=1 PZT_SRT TAI=2111979758, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 05:02:02 parent=1 PZT_SRT TAI=2111979759, PZTA=266, PZTB=90, PZTC=545 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 05:02:03 parent=1 // OBSID=3882010194: RPT=1, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster +0 05:02:03 parent=1 // OBSID=3882010194, RPT=1 x dur=1084.4s, size=1987.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 05:20:07, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster +0 05:02:03 pid=1 START obsid=3882010194, repeat=1 x dur=1084.4s/rpt, size=1987.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=1.0, ys=109.0, megabitsPerSec=1.2, xa=1.0, ya=101.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster +0 05:20:07 parent=1 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +0 05:02:03 +0 05:20:08 parent=1 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +0 04:52:37 +0 05:20:08 parent=1 PZT_SRT TAI=2111980845, PZTA=267, PZTB=146, PZTC=488 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 05:20:10 parent=1 PZT_SRT TAI=2111980847, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 05:20:11 parent=1 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 05:20:12 parent=1 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 05:20:13 parent=1 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=300 +0 05:20:14 parent=1 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=300 +0 05:20:26 parent=2 //annotation=SUIT Coord: QS #1 +0 05:20:27 parent=2 ABORT +0 05:20:28 parent=2 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 05:20:57 parent=2 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 05:20:58 parent=2 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_66_-346" +0 05:20:59 parent=2 SLEW xoff=81.5, yoff=-352.1, m1=44, m2=141, cmdx=66.0, cmdy=-346.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 05:28:59 parent=2 // IRIS slew ends +0 05:29:09 parent=2 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=385140 +0 05:29:11 parent=2 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 05:29:12 parent=2 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 05:29:12 parent=2 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 05:29:13 parent=2 // wait 1 +0 05:29:14 parent=2 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 05:29:15 parent=2 // wait 9 +0 05:29:24 parent=2 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 05:29:25 parent=2 // wait 9 +0 05:29:34 parent=2 // OBS priming commands end. +0 05:29:35 parent=2 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 05:29:46 parent=2 PZT_SRT TAI=2111981423, PZTA=50, PZTB=50, PZTC=50 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 05:29:47 parent=2 PZT_SRT TAI=2111981424, PZTA=8, PZTB=-236, PZTC=379 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 05:29:48 parent=2 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 05:29:48 pid=2 START obsid=3680201977, repeat=1 x dur=666.4s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=66.0, ys=-346.0, megabitsPerSec=0.9, xa=66.0, ya=-353.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 05:29:48 parent=2 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 05:40:54, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 05:33:50 leaf SAAI +0 05:40:54 parent=2 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +0 05:29:48 +0 05:40:55 parent=2 PZT_SRT TAI=2111982092, PZTA=8, PZTB=-204, PZTC=347 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 05:40:55 parent=2 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +0 05:20:26 +0 05:40:57 parent=2 PZT_SRT TAI=2111982094, PZTA=50, PZTB=50, PZTC=50 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 05:40:58 parent=2 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 05:40:59 parent=2 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 05:41:00 parent=2 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=300 +0 05:41:01 parent=2 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=300 +0 05:41:13 parent=3 //annotation=SUIT Coord: QS #2 +0 05:41:14 parent=3 ABORT +0 05:41:15 parent=3 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 05:41:44 parent=3 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 05:41:45 parent=3 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-43_121" +0 05:41:46 parent=3 SLEW xoff=-28.0, yoff=116.9, m1=52, m2=180, cmdx=-43.0, cmdy=121.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 05:45:11 leaf SAAO +0 05:49:46 parent=3 // IRIS slew ends +0 05:49:56 parent=3 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=410080 +0 05:49:58 parent=3 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 05:49:59 parent=3 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 05:49:59 parent=3 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 05:50:00 parent=3 // wait 1 +0 05:50:01 parent=3 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 05:50:02 parent=3 // wait 9 +0 05:50:11 parent=3 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 05:50:12 parent=3 // wait 9 +0 05:50:21 parent=3 // OBS priming commands end. +0 05:50:22 parent=3 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 05:50:33 parent=3 PZT_SRT TAI=2111982670, PZTA=50, PZTB=50, PZTC=50 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 05:50:34 parent=3 PZT_SRT TAI=2111982671, PZTA=-37, PZTB=-204, PZTC=392 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 05:50:35 parent=3 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 05:59:28, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 05:50:35 parent=3 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 05:50:35 pid=3 START obsid=3685201977, repeat=1 x dur=533.9s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-43.0, ys=121.0, megabitsPerSec=1.1, xa=-43.0, ya=113.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 05:59:28 parent=3 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +0 05:50:35 +0 05:59:29 parent=3 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +0 05:41:13 +0 05:59:29 parent=3 PZT_SRT TAI=2111983206, PZTA=-37, PZTB=-177, PZTC=364 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 05:59:31 parent=3 PZT_SRT TAI=2111983208, PZTA=50, PZTB=50, PZTC=50 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 05:59:32 parent=3 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 05:59:33 parent=3 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 05:59:34 parent=3 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=300 +0 05:59:35 parent=3 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=300 +0 06:00:33 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 06:00:34 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1750, eclipseflag=1 # +0 06:01:04 AAZ Entry +0 06:02:36 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 06:02:36 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 06:23:01 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +0 06:23:01 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END # +0 06:24:44 AAZ Exit +0 06:29:44 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 06:29:45 parent=4 //annotation=SUIT Coord: AR #1 +0 06:29:46 parent=4 ABORT +0 06:29:47 parent=4 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 06:30:16 parent=4 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 06:30:17 parent=4 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-133_-97" +0 06:30:18 parent=4 SLEW xoff=-116.9, yoff=-103.6, m1=94, m2=221, cmdx=-133.0, cmdy=-97.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 06:38:18 parent=4 // IRIS slew ends +0 06:38:28 parent=4 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=468320 +0 06:38:30 parent=4 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 06:38:31 parent=4 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 06:38:31 parent=4 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 06:38:32 parent=4 // wait 1 +0 06:38:33 parent=4 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 06:38:34 parent=4 // wait 9 +0 06:38:43 parent=4 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 06:38:44 parent=4 // wait 9 +0 06:38:53 parent=4 // OBS priming commands end. +0 06:38:54 parent=4 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 06:39:05 parent=4 PZT_SRT TAI=2111985582, PZTA=50, PZTB=50, PZTC=50 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 06:39:06 parent=4 PZT_SRT TAI=2111985583, PZTA=19, PZTB=-255, PZTC=385 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 06:39:07 parent=4 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 06:50:13, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 06:39:07 pid=4 START obsid=3680201977, repeat=1 x dur=666.4s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-133.0, ys=-97.0, megabitsPerSec=0.9, xa=-133.0, ya=-104.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 06:39:07 parent=4 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 06:50:13 parent=4 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +0 06:39:07 +0 06:50:14 parent=4 PZT_SRT TAI=2111986251, PZTA=19, PZTB=-221, PZTC=350 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 06:50:14 parent=4 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +0 06:29:45 +0 06:50:16 parent=4 PZT_SRT TAI=2111986253, PZTA=50, PZTB=50, PZTC=50 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 06:50:17 parent=4 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 06:50:18 parent=4 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 06:50:19 parent=4 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=300 +0 06:50:20 parent=4 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=300 +0 06:50:32 parent=5 //annotation=SUIT Coord: AR #2 +0 06:50:33 parent=5 ABORT +0 06:50:34 parent=5 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 06:51:03 parent=5 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 06:51:04 parent=5 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-133_-97" +0 06:51:05 parent=5 SLEW xoff=-116.9, yoff=-103.6, m1=94, m2=221, cmdx=-133.0, cmdy=-97.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 06:59:05 parent=5 // IRIS slew ends +0 06:59:15 parent=5 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=493260 +0 06:59:17 parent=5 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 06:59:18 parent=5 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 06:59:18 parent=5 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 06:59:19 parent=5 // wait 1 +0 06:59:20 parent=5 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 06:59:21 parent=5 // wait 9 +0 06:59:30 parent=5 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 06:59:31 parent=5 // wait 9 +0 06:59:40 parent=5 // OBS priming commands end. +0 06:59:41 parent=5 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 06:59:52 parent=5 PZT_SRT TAI=2111986829, PZTA=50, PZTB=50, PZTC=50 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 06:59:53 parent=5 PZT_SRT TAI=2111986830, PZTA=19, PZTB=-255, PZTC=385 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 06:59:54 pid=5 START obsid=3685201977, repeat=1 x dur=533.9s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-133.0, ys=-97.0, megabitsPerSec=1.1, xa=-133.0, ya=-104.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 06:59:54 parent=5 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 07:08:47, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 06:59:54 parent=5 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 07:08:47 parent=5 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +0 06:59:54 +0 07:08:48 parent=5 PZT_SRT TAI=2111987365, PZTA=19, PZTB=-228, PZTC=357 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 07:08:48 parent=5 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +0 06:50:32 +0 07:08:50 parent=5 PZT_SRT TAI=2111987367, PZTA=50, PZTB=50, PZTC=50 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 07:08:51 parent=5 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 07:08:52 parent=5 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 07:08:53 parent=5 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=300 +0 07:08:54 parent=5 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=300 +0 07:09:00 leaf SAAI +0 07:09:06 parent=6 //annotation=High cadence flare watch +0 07:09:07 parent=6 ABORT +0 07:09:08 parent=6 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 07:09:37 parent=6 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 07:09:38 parent=6 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-155_-92" +0 07:09:39 parent=6 SLEW xoff=-83.2, yoff=-52.0, m1=85, m2=210, cmdx=-155.0, cmdy=-92.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 07:17:39 parent=6 // IRIS slew ends +0 07:17:49 parent=6 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=515540 +0 07:17:51 parent=6 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 07:17:52 parent=6 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 07:17:52 parent=6 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +0 07:17:53 parent=6 // wait 1 +0 07:17:54 parent=6 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4204700148, SJI_FDB=4204700152, NUV_FDB=4204700147 +0 07:17:55 parent=6 // wait 9 +0 07:18:04 parent=6 // OBS priming commands end. +0 07:18:05 parent=6 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 07:18:16 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2111987933, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 07:18:17 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2111987934, PZTA=314, PZTB=-1135, PZTC=1721 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 07:18:18 pid=6 START obsid=4204700238, repeat=6 x dur=183.2s/rpt, size=204.4Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-155.0, ys=-92.0, megabitsPerSec=0.8, xa=-155.0, ya=-51.4, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II always +0 07:18:18 parent=6 // OBSID=4204700238, RPT=6 x dur=183.2s, size=204.4 Mbits, endTime=+0 07:36:37, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II always +0 07:18:18 parent=6 // OBSID=4204700238: RPT=6, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II always +0 07:25:15 leaf SAAO +0 07:36:37 parent=6 // 6 repeats of OBSID=4204700238 ENDS, started at +0 07:18:18 +0 07:36:38 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2111989035, PZTA=315, PZTB=-1079, PZTC=1664 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 07:36:38 parent=6 // total of 6 repeats of OBSID=4204700238 ENDS, started at +0 07:09:06 +0 07:36:40 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2111989037, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 07:37:41 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 07:37:42 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1750, eclipseflag=1 # +0 07:38:12 AAZ Entry +0 07:39:43 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 07:39:43 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 07:42:05 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=256s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 07:46:21 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=256s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 08:00:09 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +0 08:00:09 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END # +0 08:01:52 AAZ Exit +0 08:06:52 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 08:07:02 parent=6 //annotation=High cadence flare watch +0 08:07:03 parent=6 ABORT +0 08:07:04 parent=6 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 08:07:33 parent=6 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 08:07:34 parent=6 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-146_-92" +0 08:07:35 parent=6 SLEW xoff=-68.8, yoff=-51.4, m1=218, m2=81, cmdx=-146.0, cmdy=-91.9, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 08:15:35 parent=6 // IRIS slew ends +0 08:15:45 parent=6 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=585060 +0 08:16:12 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2111991409, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 08:16:13 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2111991410, PZTA=300, PZTB=-1235, PZTC=1835 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 08:16:14 parent=6 START obsid=4204700238, repeat=19 x dur=183.2s/rpt, size=204.4Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-146.0, ys=-91.9, megabitsPerSec=0.8, xa=-146.0, ya=-51.3, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II always +0 08:16:14 parent=6 // OBSID=4204700238, RPT=19 x dur=183.2s, size=204.4 Mbits, endTime=+0 09:14:14, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II always +0 08:16:14 parent=6 // OBSID=4204700238: RPT=19, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II always +0 08:44:12 leaf SAAI +0 09:01:48 leaf SAAO +0 09:14:14 parent=6 // 19 repeats of OBSID=4204700238 ENDS, started at +0 08:16:14 +0 09:14:15 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2111994892, PZTA=302, PZTB=-1056, PZTC=1654 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 09:14:15 parent=6 // total of 19 repeats of OBSID=4204700238 ENDS, started at +0 08:07:02 +0 09:14:17 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2111994894, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 09:14:48 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 09:14:49 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1751, eclipseflag=1 # +0 09:15:19 AAZ Entry +0 09:16:51 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 09:16:51 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 09:37:17 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +0 09:37:17 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END # +0 09:39:00 AAZ Exit +0 09:44:00 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 09:44:10 parent=6 //annotation=High cadence flare watch +0 09:44:11 parent=6 ABORT +0 09:44:12 parent=6 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 09:44:41 parent=6 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 09:44:42 parent=6 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-131_-92" +0 09:44:43 parent=6 SLEW xoff=-65.9, yoff=-48.4, m1=84, m2=208, cmdx=-130.9, cmdy=-91.8, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 09:52:43 parent=6 // IRIS slew ends +0 09:52:53 parent=6 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=701620 +0 09:53:20 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2111997237, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 09:53:21 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2111997238, PZTA=237, PZTB=-960, PZTC=1623 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 09:53:22 parent=6 START obsid=4204700238, repeat=19 x dur=183.2s/rpt, size=204.4Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-130.9, ys=-91.8, megabitsPerSec=0.8, xa=-130.9, ya=-51.2, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II always +0 09:53:22 parent=6 // OBSID=4204700238, RPT=19 x dur=183.2s, size=204.4 Mbits, endTime=+0 10:51:22, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II always +0 09:53:22 parent=6 // OBSID=4204700238: RPT=19, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II always +0 10:21:53 leaf SAAI +0 10:36:58 leaf SAAO +0 10:51:22 parent=6 // 19 repeats of OBSID=4204700238 ENDS, started at +0 09:53:22 +0 10:51:23 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2112000720, PZTA=239, PZTB=-780, PZTC=1442 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 10:51:23 parent=6 // total of 19 repeats of OBSID=4204700238 ENDS, started at +0 09:44:10 +0 10:51:25 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2112000722, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 10:51:56 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 10:51:57 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1751, eclipseflag=1 # +0 10:52:27 AAZ Entry +0 10:53:58 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 10:53:58 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 11:14:25 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +0 11:14:25 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END # +0 11:16:08 AAZ Exit +0 11:21:08 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 11:21:18 parent=6 //annotation=High cadence flare watch +0 11:21:19 parent=6 ABORT +0 11:21:20 parent=6 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=200 +0 11:21:49 parent=6 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=140 +0 11:21:50 parent=6 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-116_-92" +0 11:21:51 parent=6 SLEW xoff=-49.6, yoff=-50.1, m1=84, m2=207, cmdx=-115.8, cmdy=-91.7, slewtime=140s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 11:24:11 parent=6 // IRIS slew ends +0 11:24:21 parent=6 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=140, issopenticks=818180 +0 11:30:28 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2112003065, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 11:30:29 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2112003066, PZTA=278, PZTB=-1005, PZTC=1627 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 11:30:30 parent=6 START obsid=4204700238, repeat=19 x dur=183.2s/rpt, size=204.4Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-115.8, ys=-91.7, megabitsPerSec=0.8, xa=-115.8, ya=-51.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II always +0 11:30:30 parent=6 // OBSID=4204700238, RPT=19 x dur=183.2s, size=204.4 Mbits, endTime=+0 12:28:30, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II always +0 11:30:30 parent=6 // OBSID=4204700238: RPT=19, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II always +0 12:00:29 leaf SAAI +0 12:10:14 leaf SAAO +0 12:28:30 parent=6 // 19 repeats of OBSID=4204700238 ENDS, started at +0 11:30:30 +0 12:28:31 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2112006548, PZTA=280, PZTB=-825, PZTC=1445 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 12:28:31 parent=6 // total of 19 repeats of OBSID=4204700238 ENDS, started at +0 11:21:18 +0 12:28:33 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2112006550, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 12:28:34 parent=6 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 12:28:35 parent=6 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 12:28:36 parent=6 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=300 +0 12:28:37 parent=6 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=300 +0 12:29:04 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 12:29:05 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1751, eclipseflag=1 # +0 12:29:35 AAZ Entry +0 12:31:06 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 12:31:06 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 12:33:26 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=189s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +0 12:36:35 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=189s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +0 12:51:33 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +0 12:51:33 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END # +0 12:53:16 AAZ Exit +0 12:58:16 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 12:58:28 parent=7 ABORT +0 12:58:28 parent=7 //annotation=Slew to QS for FUV +0 12:58:29 parent=7 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 12:58:58 parent=7 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 12:58:59 parent=7 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_25_114" +0 12:59:00 pid=7 SLEW xoff=25.0, yoff=114.0, m1=180, m2=41, cmdx=25.0, cmdy=114.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0, annotation=Slew to QS for FUV +0 13:07:00 parent=7 // Slew End +0 13:07:10 parent=7 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=934760 +0 13:07:13 parent=8 // Start queue: Q37_FUV_NUV_SG_Flat_Fields. Queue Load File: Load_Q37_CM_scan_science_cal_FF_27oct16.proc,Load_Q33_4limb_LED_21oct14.proc +0 13:07:14 pid=8 QUEUE id=Q37_FUV_NUV_SG_Flat_Fields, duration=3000, datarate=1.630 megabits/sec, desc=FUV and NUV SG Flat Fields +0 13:07:15 parent=8 CMD B_QM_EXEC Q_NUM=37, QPTR=200 +0 13:07:16 parent=8 // Wait 2980 +0 13:56:56 parent=8 CMD B_QM_HALT Q_NUM=37 +0 13:56:57 parent=8 // Wait 1 +0 13:56:58 parent=8 CMD B_QM_HALT Q_NUM=33 +0 13:56:59 parent=8 // Wait 10 +0 13:57:09 parent=8 CMD I_GT_BIAS_OFFSET X=0, Y=0 +0 13:57:10 parent=8 // Wait 10 +0 13:57:20 parent=8 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-141 +0 13:57:21 parent=8 // Wait 5 +0 13:57:26 parent=8 // End of queue: Q37_FUV_NUV_SG_Flat_Fields +0 13:57:31 parent=8 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 13:57:32 parent=8 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 13:57:33 parent=8 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=300 +0 13:57:34 parent=8 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=300 +0 14:06:11 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 14:06:12 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1752, eclipseflag=1 # +0 14:06:42 AAZ Entry +0 14:08:14 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 14:08:14 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 14:28:41 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +0 14:28:41 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END # +0 14:30:24 AAZ Exit +0 14:35:24 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 14:35:36 parent=9 //annotation=Slew to QS for SJI flats +0 14:35:36 parent=9 ABORT +0 14:35:37 parent=9 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 14:36:06 parent=9 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 14:36:07 parent=9 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_213_73" +0 14:36:08 pid=9 SLEW xoff=213.0, yoff=73.0, m1=141, m2=3, cmdx=213.0, cmdy=73.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0, annotation=Slew to QS for SJI flats +0 14:44:08 parent=9 // Slew End +0 14:44:18 parent=9 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1051320 +0 14:44:20 parent=10 // Start queue: Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_All. Queue Load File: Load_Q37_CM_scan_science_cal_FF_27oct16.proc +0 14:44:21 pid=10 QUEUE id=Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_All, duration=2425, datarate=0.360 megabits/sec, desc=SJI Flat Fields, FUV & NUV +0 14:44:22 parent=10 CMD B_QM_EXEC Q_NUM=37, QPTR=225 +0 14:44:23 parent=10 // Wait 2380 +0 15:24:03 parent=10 CMD B_QM_HALT Q_NUM=37 +0 15:24:04 parent=10 // Wait 30 +0 15:24:34 parent=10 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-141 +0 15:24:35 parent=10 // Wait 15 +0 15:24:50 parent=10 // End of queue: Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_All +0 15:24:55 parent=10 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 15:24:56 parent=10 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 15:24:57 parent=10 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=300 +0 15:24:58 parent=10 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=300 +0 15:25:09 parent=11 ABORT +0 15:25:09 parent=11 //annotation=Slew to QS for SJI flats2 +0 15:25:10 parent=11 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 15:25:39 parent=11 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 15:25:40 parent=11 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_409_32" +0 15:25:41 pid=11 SLEW xoff=409.0, yoff=32.0, m1=122, m2=216, cmdx=409.0, cmdy=32.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0, annotation=Slew to QS for SJI flats2 +0 15:33:41 parent=11 // Slew End +0 15:33:51 parent=11 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1110780 +0 15:43:19 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 15:43:20 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1752, eclipseflag=1 +0 15:43:33 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=199s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) # +0 15:43:50 AAZ Entry +0 15:45:21 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 15:45:21 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 15:46:52 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=199s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +0 16:05:49 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +0 16:05:49 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END # +0 16:07:32 AAZ Exit +0 16:12:32 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 16:17:48 leaf SAAI +0 16:26:33 leaf SAAO +0 16:26:45 parent=12 // Start queue: Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_FUVOnly. Queue Load File: Load_Q37_CM_scan_science_cal_FF_27oct16.proc +0 16:26:46 pid=12 QUEUE id=Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_FUVOnly, duration=1235, datarate=0.250 megabits/sec, desc=SJI Flat Fields, FUV Only +0 16:26:47 parent=12 CMD B_QM_EXEC Q_NUM=37, QPTR=241 +0 16:26:48 parent=12 // Wait 1200 +0 16:46:48 parent=12 CMD B_QM_HALT Q_NUM=37 +0 16:46:49 parent=12 // Wait 30 +0 16:47:19 parent=12 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-141 +0 16:47:20 parent=12 // Wait 5 +0 16:47:25 parent=12 // End of queue: Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_FUVOnly +0 16:47:30 parent=12 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 16:47:31 parent=12 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 16:47:32 parent=12 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=300 +0 16:47:33 parent=12 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=300 +0 16:47:44 parent=13 //annotation=Slew to QS for SJI flats3 +0 16:47:44 parent=13 ABORT +0 16:47:45 parent=13 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 16:48:14 parent=13 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 16:48:15 parent=13 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_288_-135" +0 16:48:16 pid=13 SLEW xoff=288.0, yoff=-135.0, m1=94, m2=196, cmdx=288.0, cmdy=-135.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0, annotation=Slew to QS for SJI flats3 +0 16:56:16 parent=13 // Slew End +0 16:56:26 parent=13 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1209880 +0 17:20:26 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 17:20:27 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1753, eclipseflag=1 # +0 17:20:57 AAZ Entry +0 17:22:29 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 17:22:29 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 17:28:41 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=397s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 17:35:18 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=397s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 17:42:57 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +0 17:42:57 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END # +0 17:44:40 AAZ Exit +0 17:49:40 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 17:49:52 parent=14 // Start queue: Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_All. Queue Load File: Load_Q37_CM_scan_science_cal_FF_27oct16.proc +0 17:49:53 pid=14 QUEUE id=Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_All, duration=2425, datarate=0.360 megabits/sec, desc=SJI Flat Fields, FUV & NUV +0 17:49:54 parent=14 CMD B_QM_EXEC Q_NUM=37, QPTR=225 +0 17:49:55 parent=14 // Wait 2380 +0 17:52:25 leaf SAAI +0 18:06:10 leaf SAAO +0 18:29:35 parent=14 CMD B_QM_HALT Q_NUM=37 +0 18:29:36 parent=14 // Wait 30 +0 18:30:06 parent=14 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-141 +0 18:30:07 parent=14 // Wait 15 +0 18:30:22 parent=14 // End of queue: Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_All +0 18:30:27 parent=14 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 18:30:28 parent=14 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 18:30:29 parent=14 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=300 +0 18:30:30 parent=14 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=300 +0 18:30:41 parent=15 ABORT +0 18:30:41 parent=15 //annotation=Slew to QS for SJI flats3 +0 18:30:42 parent=15 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 18:31:11 parent=15 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 18:31:12 parent=15 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_263_-274" +0 18:31:13 pid=15 SLEW xoff=263.0, yoff=-274.0, m1=73, m2=171, cmdx=263.0, cmdy=-274.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0, annotation=Slew to QS for SJI flats3 +0 18:39:13 parent=15 // Slew End +0 18:39:23 parent=15 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1333420 +0 18:57:34 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 18:57:35 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1753, eclipseflag=1 # +0 18:58:05 AAZ Entry +0 18:59:36 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 18:59:36 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 19:20:05 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +0 19:20:05 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END # +0 19:21:48 AAZ Exit +0 19:26:48 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 19:27:05 leaf SAAI +0 19:45:28 leaf SAAO +0 19:45:40 parent=16 // Start queue: Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_FUVOnly. Queue Load File: Load_Q37_CM_scan_science_cal_FF_27oct16.proc +0 19:45:41 pid=16 QUEUE id=Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_FUVOnly, duration=1235, datarate=0.250 megabits/sec, desc=SJI Flat Fields, FUV Only +0 19:45:42 parent=16 CMD B_QM_EXEC Q_NUM=37, QPTR=241 +0 19:45:43 parent=16 // Wait 1200 +0 20:05:43 parent=16 CMD B_QM_HALT Q_NUM=37 +0 20:05:44 parent=16 // Wait 30 +0 20:06:14 parent=16 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-141 +0 20:06:15 parent=16 // Wait 5 +0 20:06:20 parent=16 // End of queue: Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_FUVOnly +0 20:06:25 parent=16 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 20:06:26 parent=16 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 20:06:27 parent=16 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=300 +0 20:06:28 parent=16 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=300 +0 20:06:39 parent=17 //annotation=Slew to QS for SJI flats3 +0 20:06:39 parent=17 ABORT +0 20:06:40 parent=17 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 20:07:09 parent=17 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 20:07:10 parent=17 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_88_-285" +0 20:07:11 pid=17 SLEW xoff=88.0, yoff=-285.0, m1=43, m2=144, cmdx=88.0, cmdy=-285.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0, annotation=Slew to QS for SJI flats3 +0 20:15:11 parent=17 // Slew End +0 20:15:21 parent=17 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1448580 +0 20:34:41 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 20:34:42 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1754, eclipseflag=1 # +0 20:35:12 AAZ Entry +0 20:36:44 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 20:36:44 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 20:42:39 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=104s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 20:44:23 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=104s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 20:45:49 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=94s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 20:47:23 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=94s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 20:57:13 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +0 20:57:13 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END # +0 20:58:56 AAZ Exit +0 21:03:56 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 21:04:14 leaf SAAI +0 21:21:23 leaf SAAO +0 21:21:25 parent=18 // Start queue: Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_All. Queue Load File: Load_Q37_CM_scan_science_cal_FF_27oct16.proc +0 21:21:26 pid=18 QUEUE id=Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_All, duration=2425, datarate=0.360 megabits/sec, desc=SJI Flat Fields, FUV & NUV +0 21:21:27 parent=18 CMD B_QM_EXEC Q_NUM=37, QPTR=225 +0 21:21:28 parent=18 // Wait 2380 +0 22:01:08 parent=18 CMD B_QM_HALT Q_NUM=37 +0 22:01:09 parent=18 // Wait 30 +0 22:01:39 parent=18 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-141 +0 22:01:40 parent=18 // Wait 15 +0 22:01:55 parent=18 // End of queue: Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_All +0 22:02:00 parent=18 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 22:02:01 parent=18 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 22:02:02 parent=18 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=300 +0 22:02:03 parent=18 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=300 +0 22:02:14 parent=19 ABORT +0 22:02:14 parent=19 //annotation=Slew to QS for SJI flats6 +0 22:02:15 parent=19 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 22:02:44 parent=19 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 22:02:45 parent=19 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-40_-271" +0 22:02:46 pid=19 SLEW xoff=-40.0, yoff=-271.0, m1=22, m2=121, cmdx=-40.0, cmdy=-271.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0, annotation=Slew to QS for SJI flats6 +0 22:10:46 parent=19 // Slew End +0 22:10:56 parent=19 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1587280 +0 22:11:49 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 22:11:50 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1754, eclipseflag=1 # +0 22:12:20 AAZ Entry +0 22:13:51 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 22:13:51 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 22:28:35 leaf DUMP_START band=S, duration=710s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +0 22:33:17 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=114s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +0 22:34:21 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +0 22:34:21 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +0 22:35:11 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=114s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) # +0 22:36:04 AAZ Exit +0 22:40:25 leaf DUMP_STOP band=S, duration=710s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +0 22:41:04 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 22:43:40 leaf SAAI +0 22:57:16 leaf SAAO +0 22:57:18 parent=20 // Start queue: Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_FUVOnly. Queue Load File: Load_Q37_CM_scan_science_cal_FF_27oct16.proc +0 22:57:19 pid=20 QUEUE id=Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_FUVOnly, duration=1235, datarate=0.250 megabits/sec, desc=SJI Flat Fields, FUV Only +0 22:57:20 parent=20 CMD B_QM_EXEC Q_NUM=37, QPTR=241 +0 22:57:21 parent=20 // Wait 1200 +0 23:17:21 parent=20 CMD B_QM_HALT Q_NUM=37 +0 23:17:22 parent=20 // Wait 30 +0 23:17:52 parent=20 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-141 +0 23:17:53 parent=20 // Wait 5 +0 23:17:58 parent=20 // End of queue: Q37_SJI_Flat_Fields_FUVOnly +0 23:18:03 parent=20 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 23:18:04 parent=20 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 23:18:05 parent=20 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=300 +0 23:18:06 parent=20 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=300 +0 23:18:18 parent=21 //annotation=High cad fl watch (AR 13912) +0 23:18:19 parent=21 ABORT +0 23:18:20 parent=21 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 23:18:49 parent=21 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 23:18:50 parent=21 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-3_-91" +0 23:18:51 parent=21 SLEW xoff=73.3, yoff=-50.0, m1=194, m2=65, cmdx=-3.0, cmdy=-91.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 23:26:51 parent=21 // IRIS slew ends +0 23:27:01 parent=21 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1678580 +0 23:27:03 parent=21 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 23:27:04 parent=21 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 23:27:04 parent=21 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +0 23:27:05 parent=21 // wait 1 +0 23:27:06 parent=21 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4204700148, NUV_FDB=4204700147 +0 23:27:07 parent=21 // wait 9 +0 23:27:16 parent=21 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4204700152, NUV_FDB=4204700147 +0 23:27:17 parent=21 // wait 9 +0 23:27:26 parent=21 // OBS priming commands end. +0 23:27:27 parent=21 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 23:27:38 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112046095, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 23:27:39 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112046096, PZTA=291, PZTB=-1211, PZTC=1820 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 23:27:40 pid=21 START obsid=4204700237, repeat=7 x dur=173.0s/rpt, size=154.1Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-3.0, ys=-91.0, megabitsPerSec=0.6, xa=-3.0, ya=-50.4, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II slow +0 23:27:40 parent=21 // OBSID=4204700237, RPT=7 x dur=173.0s, size=154.1 Mbits, endTime=+0 23:47:50, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II slow +0 23:27:40 parent=21 // OBSID=4204700237: RPT=7, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II slow +0 23:47:50 parent=21 // 7 repeats of OBSID=4204700237 ENDS, started at +0 23:27:40 +0 23:47:51 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112047308, PZTA=292, PZTB=-1148, PZTC=1756 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 23:47:51 parent=21 // total of 7 repeats of OBSID=4204700237 ENDS, started at +0 23:18:18 +0 23:47:53 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112047310, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 23:48:57 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 23:48:58 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1754, eclipseflag=1 # +0 23:49:28 AAZ Entry +0 23:50:59 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +0 23:50:59 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +1 00:11:03 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=174s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +1 00:11:29 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +1 00:11:29 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END # +1 00:13:12 AAZ Exit +1 00:13:57 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=174s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +1 00:18:12 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +1 00:18:22 parent=21 //annotation=High cad fl watch (AR 13912) +1 00:18:23 parent=21 ABORT +1 00:18:24 parent=21 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=240 +1 00:18:53 parent=21 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=180 +1 00:18:54 parent=21 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_6_-91" +1 00:18:55 parent=21 SLEW xoff=78.5, yoff=-45.7, m1=188, m2=59, cmdx=6.4, cmdy=-90.9, slewtime=180s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 00:21:55 parent=21 // IRIS slew ends +1 00:22:05 parent=21 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=180, issopenticks=1750660 +1 00:27:02 leaf SAAI +1 00:27:42 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112049699, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 00:27:43 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112049700, PZTA=196, PZTB=-1079, PZTC=1784 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +1 00:27:44 parent=21 START obsid=4204700237, repeat=20 x dur=173.0s/rpt, size=154.1Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=6.4, ys=-90.9, megabitsPerSec=0.6, xa=6.4, ya=-50.3, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II slow +1 00:27:44 parent=21 // OBSID=4204700237, RPT=20 x dur=173.0s, size=154.1 Mbits, endTime=+1 01:25:23, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II slow +1 00:27:44 parent=21 // OBSID=4204700237: RPT=20, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II slow +1 00:29:22 leaf SAAO +1 01:25:23 parent=21 // 20 repeats of OBSID=4204700237 ENDS, started at +1 00:27:44 +1 01:25:24 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112053161, PZTA=198, PZTB=-899, PZTC=1602 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +1 01:25:24 parent=21 // total of 20 repeats of OBSID=4204700237 ENDS, started at +1 00:18:22 +1 01:25:26 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112053163, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 01:26:04 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +1 01:26:05 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1755, eclipseflag=1 # +1 01:26:35 AAZ Entry +1 01:28:07 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +1 01:28:07 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +1 01:30:50 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=91s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 01:32:21 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=91s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 01:34:07 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=69s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 01:35:16 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=69s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 01:48:37 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +1 01:48:37 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END # +1 01:50:20 AAZ Exit +1 01:55:20 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +1 01:55:30 parent=21 //annotation=High cad fl watch (AR 13912) +1 01:55:31 parent=21 ABORT +1 01:55:32 parent=21 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=240 +1 01:56:01 parent=21 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=180 +1 01:56:02 parent=21 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_22_-91" +1 01:56:03 parent=21 SLEW xoff=98.6, yoff=-54.6, m1=174, m2=46, cmdx=21.7, cmdy=-90.8, slewtime=180s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 01:59:03 parent=21 // IRIS slew ends +1 01:59:13 parent=21 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=180, issopenticks=1867220 +1 02:04:50 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112055527, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 02:04:51 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112055528, PZTA=402, PZTB=-1281, PZTC=1779 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +1 02:04:52 parent=21 START obsid=4204700237, repeat=20 x dur=173.0s/rpt, size=154.1Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=21.7, ys=-90.8, megabitsPerSec=0.6, xa=21.7, ya=-50.2, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II slow +1 02:04:52 parent=21 // OBSID=4204700237, RPT=20 x dur=173.0s, size=154.1 Mbits, endTime=+1 03:02:31, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II slow +1 02:04:52 parent=21 // OBSID=4204700237: RPT=20, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II slow +1 03:02:31 parent=21 // 20 repeats of OBSID=4204700237 ENDS, started at +1 02:04:52 +1 03:02:32 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112058989, PZTA=404, PZTB=-1101, PZTC=1597 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +1 03:02:32 parent=21 // total of 20 repeats of OBSID=4204700237 ENDS, started at +1 01:55:30 +1 03:02:34 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112058991, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 03:03:12 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +1 03:03:13 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1755, eclipseflag=1 # +1 03:03:43 AAZ Entry +1 03:05:14 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +1 03:05:14 leaf // Earth Eclipse - START +1 03:25:45 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END +1 03:25:45 leaf // Earth Eclipse - END # +1 03:27:28 AAZ Exit +1 03:32:28 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +1 03:32:38 parent=21 //annotation=High cad fl watch (AR 13912) +1 03:32:39 parent=21 ABORT +1 03:32:40 parent=21 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=240 +1 03:33:09 parent=21 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=180 +1 03:33:10 parent=21 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_37_-91" +1 03:33:11 parent=21 SLEW xoff=114.3, yoff=-56.8, m1=151, m2=23, cmdx=36.9, cmdy=-90.6, slewtime=180s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 03:36:11 parent=21 // IRIS slew ends +1 03:36:21 parent=21 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=180, issopenticks=1983780 +1 03:41:58 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112061355, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 03:41:59 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112061356, PZTA=454, PZTB=-1317, PZTC=1761 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +1 03:42:00 parent=21 START obsid=4204700237, repeat=3 x dur=173.0s/rpt, size=154.1Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=36.9, ys=-90.6, megabitsPerSec=0.6, xa=36.9, ya=-50.0, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II slow +1 03:42:00 parent=21 // OBSID=4204700237, RPT=3 x dur=173.0s, size=154.1 Mbits, endTime=+1 03:50:38, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II slow +1 03:42:00 parent=21 // OBSID=4204700237: RPT=3, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II slow +1 03:50:38 parent=21 // 3 repeats of OBSID=4204700237 ENDS, started at +1 03:42:00 +1 03:50:39 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112061876, PZTA=454, PZTB=-1290, PZTC=1734 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +1 03:50:39 parent=21 // total of 3 repeats of OBSID=4204700237 ENDS, started at +1 03:32:38 +1 03:50:41 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2112061878, PZTA=300, PZTB=300, PZTC=300 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 03:50:42 parent=21 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 03:50:43 parent=21 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 03:50:44 parent=21 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=300 +1 03:50:45 parent=21 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=300 +1 03:59:00 leaf ABORT