T24230REGOTL , 2024:229:20:16:58, IRIS, IOC, SCS, 2024:230:04:00:00, 2024:233:03:59:59, , , 1, , // IRIS Instrument Timeline for 2024.08.17_04:00:00 through 2024.08.20_03:59:59 // Created: 2024-08-16T20:16:58Z // Written by IRIS Timeline, 20221031_141409, revision 1.279 // TIM File: iris_tim_20240817.65 // IRIS FDT files used for this timeline: // IRIS roll view file: /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/FDTIrisCurrent/IRIS_rollview_20240816.V01.txt // IRIS star file: /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/FDTIrisCurrent/IRIS_star_20240816.V01.txt // IRIS eclipse file: /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/FDTIrisCurrent/IRIS_eclipse_20240816.V01.txt // IRIS AAZ file: /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/FDTIrisCurrent/IRIS_aaz_20240816.V01.txt // IRIS events file: /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/FDTIrisCurrent/IRIS_events_20240816.V01.txt // IRIS rad zones file: /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/FDTIrisCurrent/IRIS_radzones_20240816.V01.txt // IRIS Stanford file: /Users/aparna/Desktop/Projects/IRIS_Planning/FDTIrisCurrent/IRIS_stanford_20240816.V01.txt // // // IRIS PZT bias/offset if (obsid < 3400000000 OR obsid > 3800000000): 450 // IRIS PZT bias/offset if (3400000000 <= obsid <= 3800000000): 200 2024:230:04:00:00 CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=ORB_EQ_TIME, REG_VALUE1=2102560778, REG_VALUE2=0 2024:230:04:00:01 CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=ORB_PERIOD, REG_VALUE1=5831, REG_VALUE2=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:04:00:02 CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=SRT_ID, REG_VALUE1=0, REG_VALUE2=0 2024:230:04:00:03 CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=OWT_ID, REG_VALUE1=20231, REG_VALUE2=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:04:00:04 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-148 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:04:00:06 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=3600 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:04:00:07 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=1200 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:04:00:08 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_ENA_MSK, PAR_VALUE=65535 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:04:10:00 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:04:10:01 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:230:04:10:02 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13785) // ABORT 2024:230:04:10:03 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:04:10:04 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:230:04:10:33 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:04:10:34 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_336_-294" 2024:230:04:10:35 CMD I_SLEW WM1=84, WM2=176 // 2024:230:04:18:35 // IRIS slew ends 2024:230:04:18:45 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:04:18:47 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:230:04:18:48 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:04:18:48 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2024:230:04:18:49 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:04:18:50 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700200355, SJI_FDB=3700201891, NUV_FDB=3700201123 // 2024:230:04:18:51 // wait 12 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:04:19:03 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700202659, NUV_FDB=3700201123 // 2024:230:04:19:04 // wait 12 // 2024:230:04:19:16 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:04:19:17 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // PZT SRT table id=24230 2024:230:04:19:28 CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=SRT_ID, REG_VALUE1=24230, REG_VALUE2=0 // 2024:230:04:19:28 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102559605, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:230:04:19:29 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102559606, PZTA=33, PZTB=-540, PZTC=1109 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // 2024:230:04:19:30 // OBSID=3640106059: RPT=30, desc=Large sparse 64-step raster 63x120 64s Deep x 4 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 // 2024:230:04:19:30 // OBSID=3640106059, RPT=30 x dur=324.4s, size=152.2 Mbits, endTime=+0 07:01:42, desc=Large sparse 64-step raster 63x120 64s Deep x 4 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13785) 2024:230:04:19:30 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3640106059, NUM_REPEATS=30 //! DUMP_START: 2024:230:05:06:03 station pass START, duration=3 minutes 2024:230:05:06:03 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:230:05:09:08 station pass END, duration=3 minutes 2024:230:05:09:08 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:230:05:10:37 station pass START, duration=3 minutes 2024:230:05:10:37 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:230:05:14:07 station pass END, duration=3 minutes 2024:230:05:14:07 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:230:06:44:19 station pass START, duration=5 minutes 2024:230:06:44:19 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:230:06:49:56 station pass END, duration=5 minutes 2024:230:06:49:56 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:230:07:01:42 // 30 repeats of OBSID=3640106059 ENDS, started at +0 04:19:30 // 2024:230:07:01:43 // total of 30 repeats of OBSID=3640106059 ENDS, started at +0 04:10:02 // 2024:230:07:01:43 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102569340, PZTA=56, PZTB=-105, PZTC=652 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:230:07:01:45 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102569342, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:230:07:01:46 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:07:01:47 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:07:01:48 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:07:01:49 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // ABORT 2024:230:07:02:01 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:07:02:02 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 // 2024:230:07:02:03 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Coronal Nanojets (West Limb) 2024:230:07:02:31 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:07:02:32 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_926_216" 2024:230:07:02:33 CMD I_SLEW WM1=143, WM2=196 // 2024:230:07:10:33 // IRIS slew ends 2024:230:07:10:43 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:07:10:46 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:230:07:10:47 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:07:10:47 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 // 2024:230:07:10:48 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:07:10:49 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700300084, SJI_FDB=3700301556, NUV_FDB=3700300788 // 2024:230:07:10:50 // wait 16 // 2024:230:07:11:06 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:07:11:07 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:230:07:11:08 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102569905, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:230:07:11:09 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102569906, PZTA=148, PZTB=57, PZTC=396 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction // 2024:230:07:11:09 // OBSID=3660259532, RPT=100 x dur=76.5s, size=42.4 Mbits, endTime=+0 09:18:44, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Coronal Nanojets (West Limb) 2024:230:07:11:10 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3660259532, NUM_REPEATS=100 //! DUMP_START: 2024:230:08:20:45 station pass START, duration=1 minutes 2024:230:08:20:45 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:230:08:22:29 station pass END, duration=1 minutes 2024:230:08:22:29 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:230:09:18:44 // 100 repeats of OBSID=3660259532 ENDS, totRepeats=100, STRT at +0 07:11:10 // 2024:230:09:18:44 // total of 100 repeats of OBSID=3660259532 ENDS, started at +0 07:02:01 // 2024:230:09:18:45 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102577562, PZTA=148, PZTB=57, PZTC=396 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction // 2024:230:09:18:46 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102577563, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:230:09:18:47 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:09:18:47 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:09:18:48 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=200 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:09:18:49 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=200 // 2024:230:09:19:01 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13789) // ABORT 2024:230:09:19:02 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:09:19:03 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:230:09:19:32 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:09:19:33 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_88_322" 2024:230:09:19:34 CMD I_SLEW WM1=22, WM2=160 // 2024:230:09:27:34 // IRIS slew ends 2024:230:09:27:44 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:09:27:46 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:230:09:27:47 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:09:27:47 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2024:230:09:27:48 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:09:27:49 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700200355, SJI_FDB=3700201891, NUV_FDB=3700201123 // 2024:230:09:27:50 // wait 12 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:09:28:02 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700202659, NUV_FDB=3700201123 // 2024:230:09:28:03 // wait 12 // 2024:230:09:28:15 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:09:28:16 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:230:09:28:27 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102578144, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:230:09:28:28 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102578145, PZTA=113, PZTB=-631, PZTC=1119 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // 2024:230:09:28:29 // OBSID=3640106059, RPT=28 x dur=324.4s, size=152.2 Mbits, endTime=+0 11:59:53, desc=Large sparse 64-step raster 63x120 64s Deep x 4 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13789) 2024:230:09:28:29 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3640106059, NUM_REPEATS=28 // 2024:230:09:28:29 // OBSID=3640106059: RPT=28, desc=Large sparse 64-step raster 63x120 64s Deep x 4 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 // 2024:230:11:59:53 // 28 repeats of OBSID=3640106059 ENDS, started at +0 09:28:29 // 2024:230:11:59:54 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102587231, PZTA=118, PZTB=-235, PZTC=718 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:230:11:59:54 // total of 28 repeats of OBSID=3640106059 ENDS, started at +0 09:19:01 // 2024:230:11:59:56 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102587233, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:230:11:59:57 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:11:59:58 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:11:59:59 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:00:00 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:00:12 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:00:13 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:230:12:00:14 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: A1: QS Monitoring // ABORT 2024:230:12:00:15 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:00:16 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:230:12:00:45 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:00:46 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-13_-4" 2024:230:12:00:47 CMD I_SLEW WM1=71, WM2=192 // 2024:230:12:08:47 // IRIS slew ends 2024:230:12:08:57 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:08:59 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:230:12:09:00 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:09:00 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:230:12:09:01 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:09:02 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400033, NUV_FDB=3808400705 // 2024:230:12:09:03 // wait 23 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:09:26 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808401377, NUV_FDB=3808400705 // 2024:230:12:09:27 // wait 23 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:09:50 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402049, NUV_FDB=3808400705 // 2024:230:12:09:51 // wait 23 // 2024:230:12:10:14 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:10:15 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:230:12:10:26 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102587863, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:230:12:10:27 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102587864, PZTA=481, PZTB=263, PZTC=606 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: A1: QS Monitoring 2024:230:12:10:28 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3882010194, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:230:12:10:28 // OBSID=3882010194, RPT=1 x dur=1084.4s, size=1987.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 12:28:32, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster // 2024:230:12:10:28 // OBSID=3882010194: RPT=1, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster // 2024:230:12:28:32 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +0 12:10:28 // 2024:230:12:28:33 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102588950, PZTA=481, PZTB=318, PZTC=551 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:230:12:28:33 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +0 12:00:14 // 2024:230:12:28:35 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102588952, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:230:12:28:36 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:28:37 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:28:38 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:28:39 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:230:12:31:20 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: QS #1 // ABORT 2024:230:12:31:21 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:31:22 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:230:12:31:51 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:31:52 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_4_6" 2024:230:12:31:53 CMD I_SLEW WM1=62, WM2=182 // 2024:230:12:39:53 // IRIS slew ends 2024:230:12:40:03 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:40:05 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:40:06 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:230:12:40:06 // OBS priming commands begin. // 2024:230:12:40:07 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:40:08 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:230:12:40:09 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:40:18 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:230:12:40:19 // wait 9 // 2024:230:12:40:28 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:40:29 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:230:12:40:40 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102589677, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:230:12:40:41 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102589678, PZTA=201, PZTB=-229, PZTC=628 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: QS #1 2024:230:12:40:42 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3680201977, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:230:12:40:42 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 12:51:48, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:230:12:40:42 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:230:12:51:48 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +0 12:40:42 // 2024:230:12:51:49 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102590346, PZTA=201, PZTB=-195, PZTC=594 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:230:12:51:49 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +0 12:31:20 // 2024:230:12:51:51 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102590348, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:230:12:51:52 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:51:53 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:51:54 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:51:55 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:230:12:52:07 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: QS #2 // ABORT 2024:230:12:52:08 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:52:09 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:230:12:52:38 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:12:52:39 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_29_-30" 2024:230:12:52:40 CMD I_SLEW WM1=200, WM2=69 // 2024:230:13:00:40 // IRIS slew ends 2024:230:13:00:50 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:00:52 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:230:13:00:53 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:00:53 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:230:13:00:54 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:00:55 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:230:13:00:56 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:01:05 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:230:13:01:06 // wait 9 // 2024:230:13:01:15 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:01:16 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:230:13:01:27 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102590924, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:230:13:01:28 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102590925, PZTA=122, PZTB=62, PZTC=416 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: QS #2 2024:230:13:01:29 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3685201977, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:230:13:01:29 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:230:13:01:29 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 13:10:22, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 //! DUMP_START: 2024:230:13:05:19 station pass START, duration=2 minutes 2024:230:13:05:19 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:230:13:07:47 station pass END, duration=2 minutes 2024:230:13:07:47 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:230:13:10:22 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +0 13:01:29 // 2024:230:13:10:23 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +0 12:52:07 // 2024:230:13:10:23 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102591460, PZTA=122, PZTB=89, PZTC=389 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:230:13:10:25 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102591462, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:230:13:10:26 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:10:27 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:10:28 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:10:29 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:10:41 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:10:42 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:230:13:10:43 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: AR #1 // ABORT 2024:230:13:10:44 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:10:45 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:230:13:11:14 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:11:15 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_194_-238" 2024:230:13:11:16 CMD I_SLEW WM1=173, WM2=59 // 2024:230:13:19:16 // IRIS slew ends 2024:230:13:19:26 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:19:28 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:230:13:19:29 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:19:29 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:230:13:19:30 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:19:31 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:230:13:19:32 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:19:41 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:230:13:19:42 // wait 9 // 2024:230:13:19:51 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:19:52 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:230:13:20:03 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102592040, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:230:13:20:04 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102592041, PZTA=252, PZTB=-218, PZTC=566 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: AR #1 2024:230:13:20:05 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3680201977, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:230:13:20:05 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 13:31:11, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:230:13:20:05 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:230:13:31:11 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +0 13:20:05 // 2024:230:13:31:12 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102592709, PZTA=253, PZTB=-186, PZTC=533 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:230:13:31:12 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +0 13:10:43 // 2024:230:13:31:14 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102592711, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:230:13:31:15 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:31:16 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:31:17 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:31:18 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:230:13:31:30 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: AR #2 // ABORT 2024:230:13:31:31 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:31:32 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:230:13:32:01 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:32:02 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_424_-290" 2024:230:13:32:03 CMD I_SLEW WM1=89, WM2=178 // 2024:230:13:40:03 // IRIS slew ends 2024:230:13:40:13 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:40:15 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:230:13:40:16 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:40:16 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:230:13:40:17 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:40:18 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:230:13:40:19 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:40:28 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:230:13:40:29 // wait 9 // 2024:230:13:40:38 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:40:39 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:230:13:40:50 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102593287, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:230:13:40:51 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102593288, PZTA=91, PZTB=8, PZTC=502 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // 2024:230:13:40:52 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:230:13:40:52 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 13:49:45, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: AR #2 2024:230:13:40:52 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3685201977, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:230:13:49:45 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +0 13:40:52 // 2024:230:13:49:46 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +0 13:31:30 // 2024:230:13:49:46 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102593823, PZTA=93, PZTB=31, PZTC=478 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:230:13:49:48 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102593825, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:230:13:49:49 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:49:50 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:49:51 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:49:52 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:230:13:50:04 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13789) // ABORT 2024:230:13:50:05 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:50:06 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:230:13:50:35 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:50:36 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_122_311" 2024:230:13:50:37 CMD I_SLEW WM1=16, WM2=157 // 2024:230:13:58:37 // IRIS slew ends 2024:230:13:58:47 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:58:49 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:230:13:58:50 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:58:50 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 // 2024:230:13:58:51 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:58:52 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700300084, SJI_FDB=3700301556, NUV_FDB=3700300788 // 2024:230:13:58:53 // wait 16 // 2024:230:13:59:09 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:13:59:10 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:230:13:59:21 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102594398, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:230:13:59:22 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102594399, PZTA=74, PZTB=-1055, PZTC=1582 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // 2024:230:13:59:23 // OBSID=3660259532, RPT=110 x dur=76.5s, size=42.4 Mbits, endTime=+0 16:19:42, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13789) 2024:230:13:59:23 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3660259532, NUM_REPEATS=110 // 2024:230:13:59:23 // OBSID=3660259532: RPT=110, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 //! DUMP_START: 2024:230:14:37:55 station pass START, duration=6 minutes 2024:230:14:37:55 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:230:14:44:51 station pass END, duration=6 minutes 2024:230:14:44:51 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:230:16:15:50 station pass START, duration=5 minutes 2024:230:16:15:50 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:230:16:19:42 // 110 repeats of OBSID=3660259532 ENDS, started at +0 13:59:23 // 2024:230:16:19:43 // total of 110 repeats of OBSID=3660259532 ENDS, started at +0 13:50:04 // 2024:230:16:19:43 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102602820, PZTA=80, PZTB=-701, PZTC=1222 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:230:16:19:45 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102602822, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:230:16:19:46 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:16:19:47 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:16:19:48 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:16:19:49 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:230:16:20:01 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: BBSO Coord (Sunspot in AR 13788) // ABORT 2024:230:16:20:02 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:16:20:03 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:230:16:20:32 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:16:20:33 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_261_-235" 2024:230:16:20:34 CMD I_SLEW WM1=185, WM2=76 //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:230:16:21:01 station pass END, duration=5 minutes 2024:230:16:21:01 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:230:16:28:34 // IRIS slew ends 2024:230:16:28:44 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:16:28:46 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:230:16:28:47 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:16:28:47 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:230:16:28:48 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:16:28:49 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700100100, SJI_FDB=3700101572, NUV_FDB=3700100804 // 2024:230:16:28:50 // wait 16 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:16:29:06 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700102340, NUV_FDB=3700100804 // 2024:230:16:29:07 // wait 16 // 2024:230:16:29:23 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:16:29:24 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:230:16:29:35 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102603412, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:230:16:29:36 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102603413, PZTA=178, PZTB=-1241, PZTC=1664 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: BBSO Coord (Sunspot in AR 13788) 2024:230:16:29:37 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3624258103, NUM_REPEATS=161 // 2024:230:16:29:37 // OBSID=3624258103, RPT=161 x dur=111.9s, size=142.0 Mbits, endTime=+0 21:29:47, desc=Large sit-and-stare 0.3x120 1s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 SJI cadence 10x faster // 2024:230:16:29:37 // OBSID=3624258103: RPT=161, desc=Large sit-and-stare 0.3x120 1s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 SJI cadence 10x faster //! DUMP_START: 2024:230:18:01:30 station pass START, duration=6 minutes 2024:230:18:01:30 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:230:18:07:54 station pass END, duration=6 minutes 2024:230:18:07:54 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:230:19:38:14 station pass START, duration=1 minutes 2024:230:19:38:14 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:230:19:39:59 station pass END, duration=1 minutes 2024:230:19:39:59 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:230:19:41:48 station pass START, duration=1 minutes 2024:230:19:41:48 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:230:19:42:56 station pass END, duration=1 minutes 2024:230:19:42:56 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:230:21:13:08 station pass START, duration=6 minutes 2024:230:21:13:08 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:230:21:19:33 station pass END, duration=6 minutes 2024:230:21:19:33 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:230:21:29:47 // 161 repeats of OBSID=3624258103 ENDS, started at +0 16:29:37 // 2024:230:21:29:48 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102621425, PZTA=212, PZTB=-395, PZTC=784 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:230:21:29:48 // total of 161 repeats of OBSID=3624258103 ENDS, started at +0 16:20:01 // 2024:230:21:29:50 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102621427, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:230:21:29:51 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:21:29:52 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:21:29:53 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:21:29:54 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:230:21:31:58 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13790) // ABORT 2024:230:21:31:59 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:21:32:00 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:230:21:32:29 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:21:32:30 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-707_-267" 2024:230:21:32:31 CMD I_SLEW WM1=81, WM2=7 // 2024:230:21:40:31 // IRIS slew ends 2024:230:21:40:41 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:21:40:43 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:21:40:44 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2024:230:21:40:44 // OBS priming commands begin. // 2024:230:21:40:45 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:21:40:46 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700200355, SJI_FDB=3700201891, NUV_FDB=3700201123 // 2024:230:21:40:47 // wait 12 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:21:40:59 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700202659, NUV_FDB=3700201123 // 2024:230:21:41:00 // wait 12 // 2024:230:21:41:12 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:230:21:41:13 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:230:21:41:24 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102622121, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:230:21:41:25 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102622122, PZTA=236, PZTB=-443, PZTC=807 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13790) 2024:230:21:41:26 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3640106059, NUM_REPEATS=30 // 2024:230:21:41:26 // OBSID=3640106059, RPT=30 x dur=324.4s, size=152.2 Mbits, endTime=+1 00:23:38, desc=Large sparse 64-step raster 63x120 64s Deep x 4 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 // 2024:230:21:41:26 // OBSID=3640106059: RPT=30, desc=Large sparse 64-step raster 63x120 64s Deep x 4 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 //! DUMP_START: 2024:230:22:51:30 station pass START, duration=5 minutes 2024:230:22:51:30 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:230:22:56:55 station pass END, duration=5 minutes 2024:230:22:56:55 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:231:00:23:38 // 30 repeats of OBSID=3640106059 ENDS, started at +0 21:41:26 // 2024:231:00:23:39 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102631856, PZTA=185, PZTB=-104, PZTC=519 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:231:00:23:39 // total of 30 repeats of OBSID=3640106059 ENDS, started at +0 21:31:58 // 2024:231:00:23:41 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102631858, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:00:23:42 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:00:23:43 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:00:23:44 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:00:23:45 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // ABORT 2024:231:00:23:57 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:00:23:58 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 // 2024:231:00:23:59 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13780) 2024:231:00:24:27 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:00:24:28 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_928_-164" 2024:231:00:24:29 CMD I_SLEW WM1=123, WM2=182 //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:00:25:57 station pass START, duration=5 minutes 2024:231:00:25:57 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:00:31:41 station pass END, duration=5 minutes 2024:231:00:31:41 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:231:00:32:29 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:00:32:39 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:00:32:42 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:00:32:43 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:00:32:43 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:231:00:32:44 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:00:32:45 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700300084, SJI_FDB=3700301556, NUV_FDB=3700300788 // 2024:231:00:32:46 // wait 16 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:00:33:02 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700302324, NUV_FDB=3700300788 // 2024:231:00:33:03 // wait 16 // 2024:231:00:33:19 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:00:33:20 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:231:00:33:21 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102632438, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:00:33:22 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102632439, PZTA=338, PZTB=170, PZTC=91 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction // 2024:231:00:33:22 // OBSID=3660259102, RPT=256 x dur=28.1s, size=15.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 02:33:26, desc=Medium sit-and-stare 0.3x60 1s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13780) 2024:231:00:33:23 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3660259102, NUM_REPEATS=256 //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:02:01:03 station pass START, duration=0 minutes 2024:231:02:01:03 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:02:01:43 station pass END, duration=0 minutes 2024:231:02:01:43 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:02:03:08 station pass START, duration=4 minutes 2024:231:02:03:08 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:02:07:53 station pass END, duration=4 minutes 2024:231:02:07:53 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:231:02:33:26 // 256 repeats of OBSID=3660259102 ENDS, totRepeats=256, STRT at +1 00:33:23 // 2024:231:02:33:26 // total of 256 repeats of OBSID=3660259102 ENDS, started at +1 00:23:57 // 2024:231:02:33:27 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102639644, PZTA=338, PZTB=170, PZTC=91 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction // 2024:231:02:33:28 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102639645, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:02:33:29 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:02:33:29 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:02:33:30 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=200 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:02:33:31 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=200 // 2024:231:02:33:43 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13784) // ABORT 2024:231:02:33:44 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:02:33:45 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:231:02:34:14 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:02:34:15 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_649_140" 2024:231:02:34:16 CMD I_SLEW WM1=212, WM2=128 // 2024:231:02:42:16 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:02:42:26 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:02:42:28 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:02:42:29 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:02:42:29 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:231:02:42:30 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:02:42:31 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700300084, SJI_FDB=3700301556, NUV_FDB=3700300788 // 2024:231:02:42:32 // wait 16 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:02:42:48 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700302324, NUV_FDB=3700300788 // 2024:231:02:42:49 // wait 16 // 2024:231:02:43:05 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:02:43:06 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:231:02:43:17 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102640234, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:02:43:18 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102640235, PZTA=46, PZTB=-955, PZTC=1511 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13784) 2024:231:02:43:19 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3660259102, NUM_REPEATS=256 // 2024:231:02:43:19 // OBSID=3660259102, RPT=256 x dur=28.1s, size=15.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 04:43:22, desc=Medium sit-and-stare 0.3x60 1s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 // 2024:231:02:43:19 // OBSID=3660259102: RPT=256, desc=Medium sit-and-stare 0.3x60 1s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:03:39:26 station pass START, duration=1 minutes 2024:231:03:39:26 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:03:41:01 station pass END, duration=1 minutes 2024:231:03:41:01 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:03:42:57 station pass START, duration=0 minutes 2024:231:03:42:57 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:03:43:51 station pass END, duration=0 minutes 2024:231:03:43:51 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:231:04:43:22 // 256 repeats of OBSID=3660259102 ENDS, started at +1 02:43:19 // 2024:231:04:43:23 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102647440, PZTA=79, PZTB=-729, PZTC=1252 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:231:04:43:23 // total of 256 repeats of OBSID=3660259102 ENDS, started at +1 02:33:43 // 2024:231:04:43:25 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102647442, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:04:43:26 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:04:43:27 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:04:43:28 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:04:43:29 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:231:04:43:41 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13785) // ABORT 2024:231:04:43:42 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:04:43:43 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:231:04:44:12 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:04:44:13 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_536_-279" 2024:231:04:44:14 CMD I_SLEW WM1=103, WM2=184 // 2024:231:04:52:14 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:04:52:24 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:04:52:26 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:04:52:27 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:04:52:27 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 // 2024:231:04:52:28 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:04:52:29 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4204700148, NUV_FDB=4204700147 // 2024:231:04:52:30 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:04:52:39 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4204700152, NUV_FDB=4204700147 // 2024:231:04:52:40 // wait 9 // 2024:231:04:52:49 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:04:52:50 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:231:04:53:01 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102648018, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:04:53:02 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102648019, PZTA=349, PZTB=-744, PZTC=1746 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13785) 2024:231:04:53:03 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4204700237, NUM_REPEATS=60 // 2024:231:04:53:03 // OBSID=4204700237, RPT=60 x dur=173.0s, size=154.1 Mbits, endTime=+1 07:46:00, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II slow // 2024:231:04:53:03 // OBSID=4204700237: RPT=60, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, small linelist, C II slow //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:05:23:53 station pass START, duration=8 minutes 2024:231:05:23:53 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:05:32:23 station pass END, duration=8 minutes 2024:231:05:32:23 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:07:01:36 station pass START, duration=2 minutes 2024:231:07:01:36 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:07:04:16 station pass END, duration=2 minutes 2024:231:07:04:16 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:07:05:40 station pass START, duration=1 minutes 2024:231:07:05:40 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:07:07:03 station pass END, duration=1 minutes 2024:231:07:07:03 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:231:07:46:00 // 60 repeats of OBSID=4204700237 ENDS, started at +1 04:53:03 // 2024:231:07:46:01 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102658398, PZTA=389, PZTB=-342, PZTC=1304 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:231:07:46:01 // total of 60 repeats of OBSID=4204700237 ENDS, started at +1 04:43:41 // 2024:231:07:46:03 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102658400, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:07:46:04 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:07:46:05 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:07:46:06 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:07:46:07 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // ABORT 2024:231:07:46:19 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:07:46:20 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 // 2024:231:07:46:21 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Coronal Nanojets (West Limb) 2024:231:07:46:49 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:07:46:50 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_825_-472" 2024:231:07:46:51 CMD I_SLEW WM1=107, WM2=168 // 2024:231:07:54:51 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:07:55:01 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:07:55:04 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:07:55:05 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:07:55:05 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 // 2024:231:07:55:06 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:07:55:07 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700300084, SJI_FDB=3700301556, NUV_FDB=3700300788 // 2024:231:07:55:08 // wait 16 // 2024:231:07:55:24 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:07:55:25 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:231:07:55:26 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102658963, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:07:55:27 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102658964, PZTA=185, PZTB=295, PZTC=120 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction // 2024:231:07:55:27 // OBSID=3660259532, RPT=100 x dur=76.5s, size=42.4 Mbits, endTime=+1 10:03:02, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Coronal Nanojets (West Limb) 2024:231:07:55:28 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3660259532, NUM_REPEATS=100 //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:08:38:19 station pass START, duration=1 minutes 2024:231:08:38:19 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:08:40:12 station pass END, duration=1 minutes 2024:231:08:40:12 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:231:10:03:02 // 100 repeats of OBSID=3660259532 ENDS, totRepeats=100, STRT at +1 07:55:28 // 2024:231:10:03:02 // total of 100 repeats of OBSID=3660259532 ENDS, started at +1 07:46:19 // 2024:231:10:03:03 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102666620, PZTA=185, PZTB=295, PZTC=120 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction // 2024:231:10:03:04 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102666621, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:10:03:05 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:03:05 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:03:06 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=200 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:03:07 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=200 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:03:19 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:03:20 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:10:03:21 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: A1: QS Monitoring // ABORT 2024:231:10:03:22 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:03:23 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:231:10:03:52 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:03:53 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_46_-50" 2024:231:10:03:54 CMD I_SLEW WM1=206, WM2=77 // 2024:231:10:11:54 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:10:12:04 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:12:06 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:10:12:07 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:12:07 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:231:10:12:08 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:12:09 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400033, NUV_FDB=3808400705 // 2024:231:10:12:10 // wait 23 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:12:33 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808401377, NUV_FDB=3808400705 // 2024:231:10:12:34 // wait 23 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:12:57 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402049, NUV_FDB=3808400705 // 2024:231:10:12:58 // wait 23 // 2024:231:10:13:21 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:13:22 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:10:13:33 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102667250, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:10:13:34 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102667251, PZTA=446, PZTB=131, PZTC=773 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: A1: QS Monitoring 2024:231:10:13:35 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3882010194, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:231:10:13:35 // OBSID=3882010194, RPT=1 x dur=1084.4s, size=1987.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 10:31:39, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster // 2024:231:10:13:35 // OBSID=3882010194: RPT=1, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster // 2024:231:10:31:39 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +1 10:13:35 // 2024:231:10:31:40 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102668337, PZTA=446, PZTB=186, PZTC=718 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:231:10:31:40 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +1 10:03:21 // 2024:231:10:31:42 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102668339, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:10:31:43 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:31:44 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:31:45 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:31:46 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:231:10:31:58 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: B2: QS Tracking from limb to Limb // ABORT 2024:231:10:31:59 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:32:00 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:231:10:32:29 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:32:30 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_341_110" 2024:231:10:32:31 CMD I_SLEW WM1=130, WM2=222 // 2024:231:10:40:31 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:10:40:41 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:40:43 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:10:40:44 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:40:44 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2024:231:10:40:45 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:40:46 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400055, NUV_FDB=3808400727 // 2024:231:10:40:47 // wait 38 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:41:25 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808401399, NUV_FDB=3808400727 // 2024:231:10:41:26 // wait 38 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:42:04 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402071, NUV_FDB=3808400727 // 2024:231:10:42:05 // wait 38 // 2024:231:10:42:43 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:42:44 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:10:42:55 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102669012, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:10:42:56 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102669013, PZTA=420, PZTB=-741, PZTC=1671 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: B2: QS Tracking from limb to Limb 2024:231:10:42:57 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3893012099, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:231:10:42:57 // OBSID=3893012099, RPT=1 x dur=576.5s, size=826.8 Mbits, endTime=+1 10:52:33, desc=Coarse synoptic raster 34x175 18s Deep x 30 SJI cadence 3x faster Lossless compression // 2024:231:10:42:57 // OBSID=3893012099: RPT=1, desc=Coarse synoptic raster 34x175 18s Deep x 30 SJI cadence 3x faster Lossless compression // 2024:231:10:52:33 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3893012099 ENDS, started at +1 10:42:57 // 2024:231:10:52:34 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102669591, PZTA=421, PZTB=-715, PZTC=1644 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:231:10:52:34 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3893012099 ENDS, started at +1 10:31:58 // 2024:231:10:52:36 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102669593, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:10:52:37 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:52:38 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:52:39 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:52:40 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:52:52 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:52:53 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:231:10:52:54 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13788) // ABORT 2024:231:10:52:55 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:52:56 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:231:10:53:25 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:10:53:26 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_370_-224" 2024:231:10:53:27 CMD I_SLEW WM1=92, WM2=184 // 2024:231:11:01:27 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:11:01:37 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:01:39 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:11:01:40 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:01:40 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2024:231:11:01:41 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:01:42 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700200355, SJI_FDB=3700201891, NUV_FDB=3700201123 // 2024:231:11:01:43 // wait 12 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:01:55 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700202659, NUV_FDB=3700201123 // 2024:231:11:01:56 // wait 12 // 2024:231:11:02:08 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:02:09 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:231:11:02:20 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102670177, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:11:02:21 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102670178, PZTA=205, PZTB=-726, PZTC=1121 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13788) 2024:231:11:02:22 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3640106059, NUM_REPEATS=4 // 2024:231:11:02:22 // OBSID=3640106059, RPT=4 x dur=324.4s, size=152.2 Mbits, endTime=+1 11:23:59, desc=Large sparse 64-step raster 63x120 64s Deep x 4 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 // 2024:231:11:02:22 // OBSID=3640106059: RPT=4, desc=Large sparse 64-step raster 63x120 64s Deep x 4 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 // 2024:231:11:23:59 // 4 repeats of OBSID=3640106059 ENDS, started at +1 11:02:22 // 2024:231:11:24:00 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102671477, PZTA=208, PZTB=-668, PZTC=1059 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:231:11:24:00 // total of 4 repeats of OBSID=3640106059 ENDS, started at +1 10:52:54 // 2024:231:11:24:02 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102671479, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:11:24:03 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:24:04 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:24:05 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:24:06 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:231:11:24:18 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: B1: Ar Tracking from limb to limb // ABORT 2024:231:11:24:19 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:24:20 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:231:11:24:49 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:24:50 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_385_-224" 2024:231:11:24:51 CMD I_SLEW WM1=91, WM2=184 // 2024:231:11:32:51 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:11:33:01 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:33:03 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:11:33:04 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:33:04 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2024:231:11:33:05 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:33:06 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400040, SJI_FDB=3808401384, NUV_FDB=3808400712 // 2024:231:11:33:07 // wait 23 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:33:30 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402056, NUV_FDB=3808400712 // 2024:231:11:33:31 // wait 23 // 2024:231:11:33:54 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:33:55 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:231:11:34:06 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102672083, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:11:34:07 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102672084, PZTA=394, PZTB=179, PZTC=778 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: B1: Ar Tracking from limb to limb 2024:231:11:34:08 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3893010094, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:231:11:34:08 // OBSID=3893010094, RPT=1 x dur=1086.4s, size=2037.1 Mbits, endTime=+1 11:52:14, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 3x faster Lossless compression // 2024:231:11:34:08 // OBSID=3893010094: RPT=1, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 3x faster Lossless compression //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:11:47:40 station pass START, duration=1 minutes 2024:231:11:47:40 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:11:49:28 station pass END, duration=1 minutes 2024:231:11:49:28 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:231:11:52:14 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3893010094 ENDS, started at +1 11:34:08 // 2024:231:11:52:15 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102673172, PZTA=397, PZTB=227, PZTC=727 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:231:11:52:15 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3893010094 ENDS, started at +1 11:24:18 // 2024:231:11:52:17 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102673174, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:11:52:18 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:52:19 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:52:20 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:52:21 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:52:33 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:52:34 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:11:52:35 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: QS #1 // ABORT 2024:231:11:52:36 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:52:37 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:231:11:53:06 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:11:53:07 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_76_-3" 2024:231:11:53:08 CMD I_SLEW WM1=166, WM2=35 // 2024:231:12:01:08 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:12:01:18 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:01:20 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:12:01:21 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:01:21 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:231:12:01:22 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:01:23 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:231:12:01:24 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:01:33 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:231:12:01:34 // wait 9 // 2024:231:12:01:43 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:01:44 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:12:01:55 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102673752, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:12:01:56 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102673753, PZTA=6, PZTB=-73, PZTC=670 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: QS #1 2024:231:12:01:57 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3680201977, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:231:12:01:57 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 12:13:03, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:231:12:01:57 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:231:12:13:03 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +1 12:01:57 // 2024:231:12:13:04 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102674421, PZTA=6, PZTB=-40, PZTC=636 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:231:12:13:04 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +1 11:52:35 // 2024:231:12:13:06 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102674423, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:12:13:07 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:13:08 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:13:09 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:13:10 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:231:12:13:22 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: QS #2 // ABORT 2024:231:12:13:23 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:13:24 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:231:12:13:53 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:13:54 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_64_-74" 2024:231:12:13:55 CMD I_SLEW WM1=227, WM2=99 // 2024:231:12:21:55 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:12:22:05 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:22:07 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:12:22:08 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:22:08 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:231:12:22:09 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:22:10 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:231:12:22:11 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:22:20 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:231:12:22:21 // wait 9 // 2024:231:12:22:30 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:22:31 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:12:22:42 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102674999, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:12:22:43 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102675000, PZTA=98, PZTB=67, PZTC=435 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: QS #2 2024:231:12:22:44 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3685201977, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:231:12:22:44 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 12:31:37, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:231:12:22:44 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:231:12:31:37 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +1 12:22:44 // 2024:231:12:31:38 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102675535, PZTA=98, PZTB=94, PZTC=408 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:231:12:31:38 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +1 12:13:22 // 2024:231:12:31:40 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102675537, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:12:31:41 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:31:42 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:31:43 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:31:44 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:31:56 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:31:57 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:231:12:31:58 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: AR #1 // ABORT 2024:231:12:31:59 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:32:00 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:231:12:32:29 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:32:30 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_292_324" 2024:231:12:32:31 CMD I_SLEW WM1=153, WM2=239 // 2024:231:12:40:31 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:12:40:41 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:40:43 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:12:40:44 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:40:44 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:231:12:40:45 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:40:46 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:231:12:40:47 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:40:56 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:231:12:40:57 // wait 9 // 2024:231:12:41:06 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:41:07 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:231:12:41:18 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102676115, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:12:41:19 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102676116, PZTA=266, PZTB=-281, PZTC=614 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: AR #1 2024:231:12:41:20 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3680201977, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:231:12:41:20 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 12:52:26, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:231:12:41:20 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:231:12:52:26 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +1 12:41:20 // 2024:231:12:52:27 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102676784, PZTA=267, PZTB=-254, PZTC=586 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:231:12:52:27 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +1 12:31:58 // 2024:231:12:52:29 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102676786, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:12:52:30 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:52:31 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:52:32 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:52:33 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:231:12:52:45 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: AR #2 // ABORT 2024:231:12:52:46 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:52:47 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:231:12:53:16 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:12:53:17 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_399_-231" 2024:231:12:53:18 CMD I_SLEW WM1=92, WM2=184 // 2024:231:13:01:18 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:13:01:28 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:01:30 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:13:01:31 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:01:31 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:231:13:01:32 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:01:33 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:231:13:01:34 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:01:43 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:231:13:01:44 // wait 9 // 2024:231:13:01:53 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:01:54 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:231:13:02:05 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102677362, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:13:02:06 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102677363, PZTA=46, PZTB=-69, PZTC=624 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: AR #2 2024:231:13:02:07 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3685201977, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:231:13:02:07 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 13:11:00, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:231:13:02:07 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:231:13:11:00 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +1 13:02:07 // 2024:231:13:11:01 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102677898, PZTA=47, PZTB=-45, PZTC=599 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:231:13:11:01 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +1 12:52:45 // 2024:231:13:11:03 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102677900, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:13:11:04 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:11:05 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:11:06 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:11:07 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:231:13:11:19 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Flare watch (Sit & Stare AR 13784) // ABORT 2024:231:13:11:20 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:11:21 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:231:13:11:50 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:11:51 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_732_163" 2024:231:13:11:52 CMD I_SLEW WM1=137, WM2=203 // 2024:231:13:19:52 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:13:20:02 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:20:04 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:13:20:05 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:20:05 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:231:13:20:06 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:20:07 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700300084, SJI_FDB=3700301556, NUV_FDB=3700300788 // 2024:231:13:20:08 // wait 16 //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:13:20:12 station pass START, duration=0 minutes 2024:231:13:20:12 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:20:24 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700302324, NUV_FDB=3700300788 // 2024:231:13:20:25 // wait 16 // 2024:231:13:20:41 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:13:20:42 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:231:13:20:53 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102678490, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:13:20:54 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102678491, PZTA=160, PZTB=-737, PZTC=1178 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Flare watch (Sit & Stare AR 13784) 2024:231:13:20:55 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3660259102, NUM_REPEATS=380 // 2024:231:13:20:55 // OBSID=3660259102, RPT=380 x dur=28.1s, size=15.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 16:19:07, desc=Medium sit-and-stare 0.3x60 1s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 // 2024:231:13:20:55 // OBSID=3660259102: RPT=380, desc=Medium sit-and-stare 0.3x60 1s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:13:21:02 station pass END, duration=0 minutes 2024:231:13:21:02 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:13:22:33 station pass START, duration=1 minutes 2024:231:13:22:33 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:13:23:49 station pass END, duration=1 minutes 2024:231:13:23:49 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:13:25:30 station pass START, duration=0 minutes 2024:231:13:25:30 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:13:26:22 station pass END, duration=0 minutes 2024:231:13:26:22 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:14:54:38 station pass START, duration=6 minutes 2024:231:14:54:38 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:15:01:17 station pass END, duration=6 minutes 2024:231:15:01:17 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:231:16:19:07 // 380 repeats of OBSID=3660259102 ENDS, started at +1 13:20:55 // 2024:231:16:19:08 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102689185, PZTA=215, PZTB=-466, PZTC=851 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:231:16:19:08 // total of 380 repeats of OBSID=3660259102 ENDS, started at +1 13:11:19 // 2024:231:16:19:10 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102689187, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:16:19:11 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:16:19:12 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:16:19:13 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:16:19:14 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:231:16:19:26 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: BBSO Coord (Disk Cneter) // ABORT 2024:231:16:19:27 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:16:19:28 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:231:16:19:57 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:16:19:58 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-0_-0" 2024:231:16:19:59 CMD I_SLEW WM1=175, WM2=44 // 2024:231:16:27:59 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:16:28:09 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:16:28:11 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:16:28:12 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:16:28:12 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:231:16:28:13 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:16:28:14 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700100100, SJI_FDB=3700101572, NUV_FDB=3700100804 // 2024:231:16:28:15 // wait 16 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:16:28:31 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700102340, NUV_FDB=3700100804 // 2024:231:16:28:32 // wait 16 // 2024:231:16:28:48 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:16:28:49 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:231:16:29:00 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102689777, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:16:29:01 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102689778, PZTA=149, PZTB=-1309, PZTC=1760 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: BBSO Coord (Disk Cneter) 2024:231:16:29:02 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3624258103, NUM_REPEATS=160 // 2024:231:16:29:02 // OBSID=3624258103, RPT=160 x dur=111.9s, size=142.0 Mbits, endTime=+1 21:27:20, desc=Large sit-and-stare 0.3x120 1s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 SJI cadence 10x faster // 2024:231:16:29:02 // OBSID=3624258103: RPT=160, desc=Large sit-and-stare 0.3x120 1s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 SJI cadence 10x faster //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:16:41:56 station pass START, duration=6 minutes 2024:231:16:41:56 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:16:48:00 station pass END, duration=6 minutes 2024:231:16:48:00 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:18:18:41 station pass START, duration=6 minutes 2024:231:18:18:41 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:18:25:23 station pass END, duration=6 minutes 2024:231:18:25:23 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:18:33:55 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:18:33:56 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:19:56:29 station pass START, duration=6 minutes 2024:231:19:56:29 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:20:02:41 station pass END, duration=6 minutes 2024:231:20:02:41 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:231:21:27:20 // 160 repeats of OBSID=3624258103 ENDS, started at +1 16:29:02 // 2024:231:21:27:21 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102707678, PZTA=149, PZTB=-404, PZTC=855 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:231:21:27:21 // total of 160 repeats of OBSID=3624258103 ENDS, started at +1 16:19:26 // 2024:231:21:27:23 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102707680, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:231:21:27:24 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:21:27:25 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:21:27:26 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:21:27:27 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:231:21:27:39 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13790) // ABORT 2024:231:21:27:40 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:21:27:41 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:231:21:28:10 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:21:28:11 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-536_-287" 2024:231:21:28:12 CMD I_SLEW WM1=91, WM2=5 //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:21:30:57 station pass START, duration=6 minutes 2024:231:21:30:57 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:231:21:36:12 // IRIS slew ends 2024:231:21:36:22 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:21:36:24 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:231:21:36:25 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:21:36:25 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2024:231:21:36:26 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:21:36:27 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700200355, SJI_FDB=3700201891, NUV_FDB=3700201123 // 2024:231:21:36:28 // wait 12 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:21:36:40 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700202659, NUV_FDB=3700201123 // 2024:231:21:36:41 // wait 12 // 2024:231:21:36:53 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:21:36:54 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:231:21:37:05 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102708262, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:231:21:37:06 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102708263, PZTA=346, PZTB=-640, PZTC=893 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13790) 2024:231:21:37:07 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3640106059, NUM_REPEATS=29 // 2024:231:21:37:07 // OBSID=3640106059, RPT=29 x dur=324.4s, size=152.2 Mbits, endTime=+2 00:13:55, desc=Large sparse 64-step raster 63x120 64s Deep x 4 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 // 2024:231:21:37:07 // OBSID=3640106059: RPT=29, desc=Large sparse 64-step raster 63x120 64s Deep x 4 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:21:37:31 station pass END, duration=6 minutes 2024:231:21:37:31 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:21:59:04 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:21:59:05 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 //! DUMP_START: 2024:231:23:09:21 station pass START, duration=5 minutes 2024:231:23:09:21 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:231:23:14:33 station pass END, duration=5 minutes 2024:231:23:14:33 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:23:35:19 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:231:23:35:20 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:232:00:13:55 // 29 repeats of OBSID=3640106059 ENDS, started at +1 21:37:07 // 2024:232:00:13:56 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102717673, PZTA=308, PZTB=-240, PZTC=531 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:00:13:56 // total of 29 repeats of OBSID=3640106059 ENDS, started at +1 21:27:39 // 2024:232:00:13:58 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102717675, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:00:13:59 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:14:00 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:14:01 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:14:02 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:14:42 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:14:43 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:00:14:44 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: C1: North Pole // ABORT 2024:232:00:14:45 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:14:46 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:00:15:15 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:15:16 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-9_940" 2024:232:00:15:17 CMD I_SLEW WM1=6, WM2=191 // 2024:232:00:23:17 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:00:23:27 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:23:29 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:00:23:30 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:23:30 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2024:232:00:23:31 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:23:32 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400048, SJI_FDB=3808401392, NUV_FDB=3808400720 // 2024:232:00:23:33 // wait 38 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:24:11 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402064, NUV_FDB=3808400720 // 2024:232:00:24:12 // wait 38 // 2024:232:00:24:50 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:24:51 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:00:25:02 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102718339, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:00:25:03 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102718340, PZTA=431, PZTB=395, PZTC=525 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: C1: North Pole 2024:232:00:25:04 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3880012095, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:232:00:25:04 // OBSID=3880012095, RPT=1 x dur=2051.5s, size=3118.6 Mbits, endTime=+2 00:59:15, desc=Very large coarse 64-step raster 126x175 64s Deep x 30 // 2024:232:00:25:04 // OBSID=3880012095: RPT=1, desc=Very large coarse 64-step raster 126x175 64s Deep x 30 //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:00:43:40 station pass START, duration=5 minutes 2024:232:00:43:40 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:00:49:22 station pass END, duration=5 minutes 2024:232:00:49:22 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:232:00:59:15 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3880012095 ENDS, started at +2 00:25:04 // 2024:232:00:59:16 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102720393, PZTA=431, PZTB=400, PZTC=520 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:00:59:16 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3880012095 ENDS, started at +2 00:14:44 // 2024:232:00:59:18 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102720395, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:00:59:19 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:59:20 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:59:21 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:59:22 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:232:00:59:34 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: C1: South Pole // ABORT 2024:232:00:59:35 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:00:59:36 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:01:00:05 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:00:06 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-30_-929" 2024:232:01:00:07 CMD I_SLEW WM1=123, WM2=55 // 2024:232:01:08:07 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:01:08:17 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:08:19 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:01:08:20 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:08:20 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2024:232:01:08:21 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:08:22 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400048, SJI_FDB=3808401392, NUV_FDB=3808400720 // 2024:232:01:08:23 // wait 38 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:09:01 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402064, NUV_FDB=3808400720 // 2024:232:01:09:02 // wait 38 // 2024:232:01:09:40 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:09:41 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:01:09:52 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102721029, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:01:09:53 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102721030, PZTA=608, PZTB=264, PZTC=477 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: C1: South Pole 2024:232:01:09:54 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3880012095, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:232:01:09:54 // OBSID=3880012095, RPT=1 x dur=2051.5s, size=3118.6 Mbits, endTime=+2 01:44:05, desc=Very large coarse 64-step raster 126x175 64s Deep x 30 // 2024:232:01:09:54 // OBSID=3880012095: RPT=1, desc=Very large coarse 64-step raster 126x175 64s Deep x 30 // 2024:232:01:44:05 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3880012095 ENDS, started at +2 01:09:54 // 2024:232:01:44:06 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102723083, PZTA=608, PZTB=285, PZTC=457 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:01:44:06 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3880012095 ENDS, started at +2 00:59:34 // 2024:232:01:44:08 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102723085, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:01:44:09 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:44:10 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:44:11 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:44:12 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:44:24 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:44:25 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:232:01:44:26 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13784) // ABORT 2024:232:01:44:27 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:44:28 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:01:44:57 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:44:58 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_776_171" 2024:232:01:44:59 CMD I_SLEW WM1=138, WM2=201 // 2024:232:01:52:59 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:01:53:09 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:53:11 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:01:53:12 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:53:12 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 // 2024:232:01:53:13 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:53:14 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700300084, SJI_FDB=3700301556, NUV_FDB=3700300788 // 2024:232:01:53:15 // wait 16 // 2024:232:01:53:31 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:01:53:32 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:232:01:53:43 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102723660, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:01:53:44 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102723661, PZTA=199, PZTB=-685, PZTC=1085 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13784) 2024:232:01:53:45 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3660259532, NUM_REPEATS=94 // 2024:232:01:53:45 // OBSID=3660259532, RPT=94 x dur=76.5s, size=42.4 Mbits, endTime=+2 03:53:40, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 // 2024:232:01:53:45 // OBSID=3660259532: RPT=94, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:02:21:24 station pass START, duration=1 minutes 2024:232:02:21:24 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:02:22:51 station pass END, duration=1 minutes 2024:232:02:22:51 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:02:24:21 station pass START, duration=1 minutes 2024:232:02:24:21 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:02:25:26 station pass END, duration=1 minutes 2024:232:02:25:26 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:232:03:53:40 // 94 repeats of OBSID=3660259532 ENDS, started at +2 01:53:45 // 2024:232:03:53:41 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102730858, PZTA=238, PZTB=-527, PZTC=888 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:03:53:41 // total of 94 repeats of OBSID=3660259532 ENDS, started at +2 01:44:26 // 2024:232:03:53:43 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102730860, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:03:53:44 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:03:53:45 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:03:53:46 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:03:53:47 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:232:03:53:59 // Start queue: Q33_4Limb_whole_orbit. Queue Load File: Load_Q33_4limb_LED_21oct14.proc // Queue id: Q33_4Limb_whole_orbit // Queue description: Whole Orbit of 4-Limb Coalignment // Queue OBS ids (1): 3800 // Queue Load file: Load_Q33_4limb_LED_21oct14.proc // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:03:54:01 CMD B_QM_EXEC Q_NUM=33, QPTR=0 // 2024:232:03:54:02 // Wait 1799 //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:03:57:25 station pass START, duration=0 minutes 2024:232:03:57:25 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:03:58:16 station pass END, duration=0 minutes 2024:232:03:58:16 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:03:59:39 station pass START, duration=3 minutes 2024:232:03:59:39 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:04:02:41 station pass END, duration=3 minutes 2024:232:04:02:41 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:04:24:01 CMD B_QM_HALT Q_NUM=33 // 2024:232:04:24:02 // Wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:04:24:03 CMD B_QM_EXEC Q_NUM=33, QPTR=6 // 2024:232:04:24:04 // Wait 1299 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:04:45:43 CMD B_QM_HALT Q_NUM=33 // 2024:232:04:45:44 // Wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:04:45:45 CMD B_QM_EXEC Q_NUM=33, QPTR=6 // 2024:232:04:45:46 // Wait 1299 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:07:25 CMD B_QM_HALT Q_NUM=33 // 2024:232:05:07:26 // Wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:07:27 CMD B_QM_EXEC Q_NUM=33, QPTR=6 // 2024:232:05:07:28 // Wait 1299 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:29:07 CMD B_QM_HALT Q_NUM=33 // 2024:232:05:29:08 // Wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:29:09 CMD B_QM_EXEC Q_NUM=33, QPTR=6 // 2024:232:05:29:10 // Wait 1299 //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:05:41:45 station pass START, duration=7 minutes 2024:232:05:41:45 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:05:49:04 station pass END, duration=7 minutes 2024:232:05:49:04 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:50:49 CMD B_QM_HALT Q_NUM=33 // 2024:232:05:50:50 // End of queue: Q33_4Limb_whole_orbit // 2024:232:05:50:55 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:50:56 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:50:57 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:50:58 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:51:09 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:51:10 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:05:51:11 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: A1: QS Monitoring // ABORT 2024:232:05:51:12 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:51:13 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:05:51:42 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:51:43 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_11_-38" 2024:232:05:51:44 CMD I_SLEW WM1=209, WM2=77 // 2024:232:05:59:44 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:05:59:54 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:59:56 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:05:59:57 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:59:57 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:232:05:59:58 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:05:59:59 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400033, NUV_FDB=3808400705 // 2024:232:06:00:00 // wait 23 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:00:23 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808401377, NUV_FDB=3808400705 // 2024:232:06:00:24 // wait 23 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:00:47 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402049, NUV_FDB=3808400705 // 2024:232:06:00:48 // wait 23 // 2024:232:06:01:11 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:01:12 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:06:01:23 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102738520, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:06:01:24 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102738521, PZTA=415, PZTB=406, PZTC=530 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: A1: QS Monitoring 2024:232:06:01:25 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3882010194, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:232:06:01:25 // OBSID=3882010194, RPT=1 x dur=1084.4s, size=1987.9 Mbits, endTime=+2 06:19:29, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster // 2024:232:06:01:25 // OBSID=3882010194: RPT=1, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster // 2024:232:06:19:29 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +2 06:01:25 // 2024:232:06:19:30 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102739607, PZTA=415, PZTB=461, PZTC=475 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:06:19:30 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +2 05:51:11 // 2024:232:06:19:32 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102739609, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:06:19:33 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:19:34 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:19:35 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:19:36 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:19:48 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:19:49 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:232:06:19:50 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Flare Watch (AR 13785) // ABORT 2024:232:06:19:51 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:19:52 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:06:20:21 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:20:22 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_707_-266" 2024:232:06:20:23 CMD I_SLEW WM1=185, WM2=102 // 2024:232:06:28:23 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:06:28:33 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:28:35 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:06:28:36 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:28:36 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2024:232:06:28:37 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:28:38 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700200355, SJI_FDB=3700201891, NUV_FDB=3700201123 // 2024:232:06:28:39 // wait 12 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:28:51 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700202659, NUV_FDB=3700201123 // 2024:232:06:28:52 // wait 12 // 2024:232:06:29:04 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:06:29:05 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:232:06:29:16 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102740193, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:06:29:17 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102740194, PZTA=83, PZTB=-652, PZTC=1170 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Flare Watch (AR 13785) 2024:232:06:29:18 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3640106059, NUM_REPEATS=24 // 2024:232:06:29:18 // OBSID=3640106059, RPT=24 x dur=324.4s, size=152.2 Mbits, endTime=+2 08:39:04, desc=Large sparse 64-step raster 63x120 64s Deep x 4 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 // 2024:232:06:29:18 // OBSID=3640106059: RPT=24, desc=Large sparse 64-step raster 63x120 64s Deep x 4 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:07:12:12 station pass START, duration=4 minutes 2024:232:07:12:12 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:07:16:35 station pass END, duration=4 minutes 2024:232:07:16:35 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:232:08:39:04 // 24 repeats of OBSID=3640106059 ENDS, started at +2 06:29:18 // 2024:232:08:39:05 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102747982, PZTA=123, PZTB=-427, PZTC=905 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:08:39:05 // total of 24 repeats of OBSID=3640106059 ENDS, started at +2 06:19:50 // 2024:232:08:39:07 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102747984, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:08:39:08 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:08:39:09 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:08:39:10 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:08:39:11 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:232:08:39:23 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: High cad fl watch (AR 13784) // ABORT 2024:232:08:39:24 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:08:39:25 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:08:39:54 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:08:39:55 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_801_179" 2024:232:08:39:56 CMD I_SLEW WM1=139, WM2=200 // 2024:232:08:47:56 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:08:48:06 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:08:48:08 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:08:48:09 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:08:48:09 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 // 2024:232:08:48:10 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:08:48:11 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4204700157, NUV_FDB=4204700155 // 2024:232:08:48:12 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:08:48:21 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4204700190, NUV_FDB=4204700155 // 2024:232:08:48:22 // wait 9 // 2024:232:08:48:31 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:08:48:32 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:232:08:48:43 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102748560, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:08:48:44 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102748561, PZTA=408, PZTB=-391, PZTC=1333 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: High cad fl watch (AR 13784) 2024:232:08:48:45 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4204700235, NUM_REPEATS=49 // 2024:232:08:48:45 // OBSID=4204700235, RPT=49 x dur=208.7s, size=343.5 Mbits, endTime=+2 11:39:09, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, flare linelist, C II slow // 2024:232:08:48:45 // OBSID=4204700235: RPT=49, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, flare linelist, C II slow // 2024:232:11:39:09 // 49 repeats of OBSID=4204700235 ENDS, started at +2 08:48:45 // 2024:232:11:39:10 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102758787, PZTA=466, PZTB=-195, PZTC=1078 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:11:39:10 // total of 49 repeats of OBSID=4204700235 ENDS, started at +2 08:39:23 // 2024:232:11:39:12 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102758789, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:11:39:13 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:11:39:14 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:11:39:15 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:11:39:16 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:11:42:11 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:11:42:12 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:11:42:13 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: SUIT Coord QS #1 // ABORT 2024:232:11:42:14 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:11:42:15 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:11:42:44 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:11:42:45 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_23_-29" 2024:232:11:42:46 CMD I_SLEW WM1=198, WM2=67 // 2024:232:11:50:46 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:11:50:56 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:11:50:58 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:11:50:59 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:11:50:59 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:232:11:51:00 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:11:51:01 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:232:11:51:02 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:11:51:11 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:232:11:51:12 // wait 9 // 2024:232:11:51:21 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:11:51:22 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:11:51:33 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102759530, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:11:51:34 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102759531, PZTA=72, PZTB=-79, PZTC=607 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: SUIT Coord QS #1 2024:232:11:51:35 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3680201977, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:232:11:51:35 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+2 12:02:41, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:232:11:51:35 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:232:12:02:41 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +2 11:51:35 // 2024:232:12:02:42 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102760199, PZTA=72, PZTB=-45, PZTC=573 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:12:02:42 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +2 11:42:13 // 2024:232:12:02:44 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102760201, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:12:02:45 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:02:46 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:02:47 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:02:48 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:232:12:03:00 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: SUIT QS #2 // ABORT 2024:232:12:03:01 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:03:02 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:12:03:31 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:03:32 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_16_-32" 2024:232:12:03:33 CMD I_SLEW WM1=202, WM2=71 // 2024:232:12:11:33 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:12:11:43 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:11:45 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:12:11:46 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:11:46 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:232:12:11:47 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:11:48 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:232:12:11:49 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:11:58 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:232:12:11:59 // wait 9 // 2024:232:12:12:08 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:12:09 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:12:12:20 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102760777, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:12:12:21 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102760778, PZTA=152, PZTB=-167, PZTC=616 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: SUIT QS #2 2024:232:12:12:22 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3685201977, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:232:12:12:22 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+2 12:21:15, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:232:12:12:22 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:232:12:21:15 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +2 12:12:22 // 2024:232:12:21:16 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102761313, PZTA=152, PZTB=-140, PZTC=589 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:12:21:16 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +2 12:03:00 // 2024:232:12:21:18 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102761315, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:12:21:19 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:21:20 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:21:21 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:21:22 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:21:34 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:21:35 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:232:12:21:36 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: AR #1 // ABORT 2024:232:12:21:37 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:21:38 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:12:22:07 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:22:08 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_466_328" 2024:232:12:22:09 CMD I_SLEW WM1=146, WM2=225 // 2024:232:12:30:09 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:12:30:19 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:30:21 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:12:30:22 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:30:22 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:232:12:30:23 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:30:24 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:232:12:30:25 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:30:34 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:232:12:30:35 // wait 9 // 2024:232:12:30:44 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:30:45 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:232:12:30:56 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102761893, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:12:30:57 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102761894, PZTA=266, PZTB=-230, PZTC=563 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: AR #1 2024:232:12:30:58 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3680201977, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:232:12:30:58 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+2 12:42:04, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:232:12:30:58 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:232:12:42:04 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +2 12:30:58 // 2024:232:12:42:05 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102762562, PZTA=268, PZTB=-206, PZTC=537 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:12:42:05 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +2 12:21:36 // 2024:232:12:42:07 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102762564, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:12:42:08 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:42:09 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:42:10 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:42:11 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:232:12:42:23 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: AR #2 // ABORT 2024:232:12:42:24 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:42:25 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:12:42:54 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:42:55 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-407_-290" 2024:232:12:42:56 CMD I_SLEW WM1=97, WM2=4 // 2024:232:12:50:56 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:12:51:06 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:51:08 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:12:51:09 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:51:09 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:232:12:51:10 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:51:11 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:232:12:51:12 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:51:21 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 // 2024:232:12:51:22 // wait 9 // 2024:232:12:51:31 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:12:51:32 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:232:12:51:43 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102763140, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:12:51:44 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102763141, PZTA=222, PZTB=-195, PZTC=573 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: SUIT Coord: AR #2 2024:232:12:51:45 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3685201977, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2024:232:12:51:45 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+2 13:00:38, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:232:12:51:45 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 // 2024:232:13:00:38 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +2 12:51:45 // 2024:232:13:00:39 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102763676, PZTA=220, PZTB=-170, PZTC=550 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:13:00:39 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +2 12:42:23 // 2024:232:13:00:41 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102763678, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:13:00:42 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:13:00:43 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:13:00:44 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:13:00:45 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:232:13:00:57 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: High cad fl watch (13790) // ABORT 2024:232:13:00:58 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:13:00:59 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:13:01:28 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:13:01:29 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-416_-293" 2024:232:13:01:30 CMD I_SLEW WM1=8, WM2=92 // 2024:232:13:09:30 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:13:09:40 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:13:09:42 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:13:09:43 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:13:09:43 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:232:13:09:44 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:13:09:45 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4204700158, NUV_FDB=4204700156 // 2024:232:13:09:46 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:13:09:55 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4204700154, NUV_FDB=4204700156 // 2024:232:13:09:56 // wait 9 // 2024:232:13:10:05 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:13:10:06 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:232:13:10:17 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102764254, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:13:10:18 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102764255, PZTA=601, PZTB=-1112, PZTC=1861 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: High cad fl watch (13790) 2024:232:13:10:19 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4204700140, NUM_REPEATS=62 // 2024:232:13:10:19 // OBSID=4204700140, RPT=62 x dur=180.2s, size=343.7 Mbits, endTime=+2 16:16:29, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .15 sec, flare linelist, Mg II h/k slow // 2024:232:13:10:19 // OBSID=4204700140: RPT=62, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .15 sec, flare linelist, Mg II h/k slow //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:13:38:46 station pass START, duration=4 minutes 2024:232:13:38:46 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:13:43:41 station pass END, duration=4 minutes 2024:232:13:43:41 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:15:14:52 station pass START, duration=1 minutes 2024:232:15:14:52 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:15:16:32 station pass END, duration=1 minutes 2024:232:15:16:32 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:15:18:34 station pass START, duration=1 minutes 2024:232:15:18:34 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:15:20:33 station pass END, duration=1 minutes 2024:232:15:20:33 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:232:16:16:29 // 62 repeats of OBSID=4204700140 ENDS, started at +2 13:10:19 // 2024:232:16:16:30 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102775427, PZTA=566, PZTB=-590, PZTC=1374 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:16:16:30 // total of 62 repeats of OBSID=4204700140 ENDS, started at +2 13:00:57 // 2024:232:16:16:32 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102775429, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:16:16:33 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:16:16:34 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:16:16:35 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:16:16:36 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:232:16:19:59 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: HOP 487 (Disk Center, BBSO) // ABORT 2024:232:16:20:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:16:20:01 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:16:20:30 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:16:20:31 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_0" 2024:232:16:20:32 CMD I_SLEW WM1=185, WM2=54 // 2024:232:16:28:32 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:16:28:42 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:16:28:44 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:16:28:45 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:16:28:45 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2024:232:16:28:46 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:16:28:47 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700000436, SJI_FDB=3700001908, NUV_FDB=3700001140 // 2024:232:16:28:48 // wait 16 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:16:29:04 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700002676, NUV_FDB=3700001140 // 2024:232:16:29:05 // wait 16 // 2024:232:16:29:21 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:16:29:22 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:232:16:29:33 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102776210, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:16:29:34 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102776211, PZTA=340, PZTB=-1048, PZTC=1307 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: HOP 487 (Disk Center, BBSO) 2024:232:16:29:35 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3600608065, NUM_REPEATS=16 // 2024:232:16:29:35 // OBSID=3600608065, RPT=16 x dur=878.3s, size=558.0 Mbits, endTime=+2 20:23:47, desc=Very large dense 96-step raster 31.35x175 96s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 // 2024:232:16:29:35 // OBSID=3600608065: RPT=16, desc=Very large dense 96-step raster 31.35x175 96s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:16:59:44 station pass START, duration=6 minutes 2024:232:16:59:44 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:17:05:49 station pass END, duration=6 minutes 2024:232:17:05:49 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:18:38:00 station pass START, duration=5 minutes 2024:232:18:38:00 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:18:43:52 station pass END, duration=5 minutes 2024:232:18:43:52 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:20:13:57 station pass START, duration=2 minutes 2024:232:20:13:57 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:20:16:08 station pass END, duration=2 minutes 2024:232:20:16:08 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:20:17:35 station pass START, duration=0 minutes 2024:232:20:17:35 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:20:18:15 station pass END, duration=0 minutes 2024:232:20:18:15 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:232:20:23:47 // 16 repeats of OBSID=3600608065 ENDS, started at +2 16:29:35 // 2024:232:20:23:48 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102790265, PZTA=339, PZTB=-337, PZTC=597 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:20:23:48 // total of 16 repeats of OBSID=3600608065 ENDS, started at +2 16:19:59 // 2024:232:20:23:50 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102790267, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:20:23:51 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:23:52 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:23:53 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:23:54 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:232:20:24:06 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: HOP 487 (Disk Center, BBSO) // ABORT 2024:232:20:24:07 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:24:08 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:20:24:37 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:24:38 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-0_0" 2024:232:20:24:39 CMD I_SLEW WM1=177, WM2=46 // 2024:232:20:32:39 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:20:32:49 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:32:51 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:20:32:52 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:32:52 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2024:232:20:32:53 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:32:54 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700000436, SJI_FDB=3700001908, NUV_FDB=3700001140 // 2024:232:20:32:55 // wait 16 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:33:11 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700002676, NUV_FDB=3700001140 // 2024:232:20:33:12 // wait 16 // 2024:232:20:33:28 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:33:29 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:232:20:33:40 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102790857, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:20:33:41 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102790858, PZTA=179, PZTB=-1249, PZTC=1670 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: HOP 487 (Disk Center, BBSO) 2024:232:20:33:42 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3600608037, NUM_REPEATS=7 // 2024:232:20:33:42 // OBSID=3600608037, RPT=7 x dur=146.4s, size=93.0 Mbits, endTime=+2 20:50:46, desc=Very large dense 16-step raster 5x175 16s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 // 2024:232:20:33:42 // OBSID=3600608037: RPT=7, desc=Very large dense 16-step raster 5x175 16s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 // 2024:232:20:50:46 // 7 repeats of OBSID=3600608037 ENDS, started at +2 20:33:42 // 2024:232:20:50:47 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102791884, PZTA=179, PZTB=-1197, PZTC=1618 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:20:50:47 // total of 7 repeats of OBSID=3600608037 ENDS, started at +2 20:24:06 // 2024:232:20:50:49 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102791886, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:20:50:50 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:50:51 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:50:52 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:50:53 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:232:20:51:05 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: HOP 487 (Disk Center, BBSO) // ABORT 2024:232:20:51:06 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:51:07 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:20:51:36 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:51:37 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_0" 2024:232:20:51:38 CMD I_SLEW WM1=185, WM2=54 // 2024:232:20:59:38 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:20:59:48 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:59:50 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:20:59:51 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:59:51 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2024:232:20:59:52 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:20:59:53 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700000436, SJI_FDB=3700001908, NUV_FDB=3700001140 // 2024:232:20:59:54 // wait 16 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:21:00:10 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700002676, NUV_FDB=3700001140 // 2024:232:21:00:11 // wait 16 // 2024:232:21:00:27 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:21:00:28 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:232:21:00:39 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102792476, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:21:00:40 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102792477, PZTA=340, PZTB=-1048, PZTC=1307 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: HOP 487 (Disk Center, BBSO) 2024:232:21:00:41 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3600608065, NUM_REPEATS=3 // 2024:232:21:00:41 // OBSID=3600608065, RPT=3 x dur=878.3s, size=558.0 Mbits, endTime=+2 21:44:35, desc=Very large dense 96-step raster 31.35x175 96s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 // 2024:232:21:00:41 // OBSID=3600608065: RPT=3, desc=Very large dense 96-step raster 31.35x175 96s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 // 2024:232:21:44:35 // 3 repeats of OBSID=3600608065 ENDS, started at +2 21:00:41 // 2024:232:21:44:36 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102795113, PZTA=340, PZTB=-915, PZTC=1174 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:232:21:44:36 // total of 3 repeats of OBSID=3600608065 ENDS, started at +2 20:51:05 // 2024:232:21:44:38 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102795115, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:232:21:44:39 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:21:44:40 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:21:44:41 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:21:44:42 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:232:21:44:54 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: High cad fl watch (AR 13785) // ABORT 2024:232:21:44:55 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:21:44:56 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:232:21:45:25 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:21:45:26 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_777_-291" 2024:232:21:45:27 CMD I_SLEW WM1=185, WM2=107 //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:21:49:08 station pass START, duration=6 minutes 2024:232:21:49:08 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:232:21:53:27 // IRIS slew ends 2024:232:21:53:37 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:21:53:39 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:232:21:53:40 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:21:53:40 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2024:232:21:53:41 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:21:53:42 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4204700158, NUV_FDB=4204700156 // 2024:232:21:53:43 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:21:53:52 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4204700154, NUV_FDB=4204700156 // 2024:232:21:53:53 // wait 9 // 2024:232:21:54:02 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:232:21:54:03 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:232:21:54:14 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102795691, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:232:21:54:15 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102795692, PZTA=242, PZTB=-504, PZTC=1614 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: High cad fl watch (AR 13785) 2024:232:21:54:16 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4204700140, NUM_REPEATS=53 // 2024:232:21:54:16 // OBSID=4204700140, RPT=53 x dur=180.2s, size=343.7 Mbits, endTime=+3 00:33:24, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .15 sec, flare linelist, Mg II h/k slow // 2024:232:21:54:16 // OBSID=4204700140: RPT=53, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .15 sec, flare linelist, Mg II h/k slow //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:21:55:36 station pass END, duration=6 minutes 2024:232:21:55:36 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:232:22:34:39: S band pass start // 2024:232:22:49:16: S band pass end //! DUMP_START: 2024:232:23:27:10 station pass START, duration=5 minutes 2024:232:23:27:10 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:232:23:32:10 station pass END, duration=5 minutes 2024:232:23:32:10 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:233:00:33:24 // 53 repeats of OBSID=4204700140 ENDS, started at +2 21:54:16 // 2024:233:00:33:25 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102805242, PZTA=296, PZTB=-277, PZTC=1333 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:233:00:33:25 // total of 53 repeats of OBSID=4204700140 ENDS, started at +2 21:44:54 // 2024:233:00:33:27 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102805244, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:233:00:33:28 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:00:33:29 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:00:33:30 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:00:33:31 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // 2024:233:00:36:53 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: High cad Flare watch // ABORT 2024:233:00:36:54 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:00:36:55 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:233:00:37:24 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:00:37:25 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_803_-246" 2024:233:00:37:26 CMD I_SLEW WM1=187, WM2=110 // 2024:233:00:45:26 // IRIS slew ends 2024:233:00:45:36 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:00:45:38 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:233:00:45:39 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:00:45:39 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 // 2024:233:00:45:40 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:00:45:41 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4204700157, NUV_FDB=4204700155 // 2024:233:00:45:42 // wait 9 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:00:45:51 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4204700190, NUV_FDB=4204700155 // 2024:233:00:45:52 // wait 9 // 2024:233:00:46:01 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:00:46:02 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:233:00:46:13 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102806010, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:233:00:46:14 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102806011, PZTA=220, PZTB=-417, PZTC=1549 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: High cad Flare watch 2024:233:00:46:15 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4204700235, NUM_REPEATS=33 // 2024:233:00:46:15 // OBSID=4204700235, RPT=33 x dur=208.7s, size=343.5 Mbits, endTime=+3 02:41:00, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, flare linelist, C II slow // 2024:233:00:46:15 // OBSID=4204700235: RPT=33, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, flare linelist, C II slow //! DUMP_START: 2024:233:01:00:56 station pass START, duration=6 minutes 2024:233:01:00:56 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:233:01:06:59 station pass END, duration=6 minutes 2024:233:01:06:59 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2024:233:02:36:41 station pass START, duration=5 minutes 2024:233:02:36:41 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:233:02:41:00 // 33 repeats of OBSID=4204700235 ENDS, started at +3 00:46:15 // 2024:233:02:41:01 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102812898, PZTA=260, PZTB=-263, PZTC=1354 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:233:02:41:01 // total of 33 repeats of OBSID=4204700235 ENDS, started at +3 00:36:53 // 2024:233:02:41:03 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102812900, PZTA=450, PZTB=450, PZTC=450 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:233:02:41:04 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:02:41:05 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:02:41:06 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:02:41:07 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 //! DUMP_STOP: 2024:233:02:42:36 station pass END, duration=5 minutes 2024:233:02:42:36 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2024:233:02:46:14 // IRIS planner HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13790) // ABORT 2024:233:02:46:15 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:02:46:16 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2024:233:02:46:45 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:02:46:46 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-297_-305" 2024:233:02:46:47 CMD I_SLEW WM1=10, WM2=100 // 2024:233:02:54:47 // IRIS slew ends 2024:233:02:54:57 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:02:54:59 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // 2024:233:02:55:00 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:02:55:00 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 // 2024:233:02:55:01 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:02:55:02 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700300084, SJI_FDB=3700301556, NUV_FDB=3700300788 // 2024:233:02:55:03 // wait 16 // 2024:233:02:55:19 // OBS priming commands end. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:02:55:20 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // 2024:233:02:55:31 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102813768, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2024:233:02:55:32 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102813769, PZTA=271, PZTB=-1097, PZTC=1425 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // IRIS planner OBS HCR annotation: Flare watch (AR 13790) 2024:233:02:55:33 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3660259532, NUM_REPEATS=47 // 2024:233:02:55:33 // OBSID=3660259532, RPT=47 x dur=76.5s, size=42.4 Mbits, endTime=+3 03:55:30, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 // 2024:233:02:55:33 // OBSID=3660259532: RPT=47, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 // 2024:233:03:55:30 // 47 repeats of OBSID=3660259532 ENDS, started at +3 02:55:33 // 2024:233:03:55:31 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102817368, PZTA=263, PZTB=-922, PZTC=1258 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2024:233:03:55:31 // total of 47 repeats of OBSID=3660259532 ENDS, started at +3 02:46:14 // 2024:233:03:55:33 PZT_SRT, TAI=2102817370, PZTA=200, PZTB=200, PZTC=200 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2024:233:03:55:34 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:03:55:35 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:03:55:36 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:03:55:37 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=450 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:03:55:49 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2024:233:03:55:50 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // ABORT 2024:233:03:59:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // END