# FILE: # /opt/iris/ops/iris_timeline/html//iris_tim_20240217.20.html # T24048TIMFIL # Written by IRIS Timeline, 20221031_141409, revision 1.279 # TITLE: # timeline for year=2024, dayOfYear=048, date=2024-02-17 # PURPOSE: # # HISTORY: # # COMMENTS: # # # # NUMDAYS=4 # # IRIS FDT files used for this timeline: # IRIS roll view file: /opt/iris/ops/fdt/current/IRIS_rollview_20240214.V01.txt # IRIS star file: /opt/iris/ops/fdt/current/IRIS_star_20240214.V01.txt # IRIS eclipse file: /opt/iris/ops/fdt/current/IRIS_eclipse_20240214.V01.txt # IRIS AAZ file: /opt/iris/ops/fdt/current/IRIS_aaz_20240214.V01.txt # IRIS events file: /opt/iris/ops/fdt/current/IRIS_events_20240214.V01.txt # IRIS rad zones file: /opt/iris/ops/fdt/current/IRIS_radzones_20240214.V01.txt # IRIS Stanford file: /opt/iris/ops/fdt/current/IRIS_stanford_20240214.V01.txt +0 04:00:00 leaf ORB REF TIME time=2086838187 secs +0 04:00:01 leaf ORB PERIOD period=5835 secs +0 04:00:02 leaf CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=SRT_ID, REG_VALUE1=0, REG_VALUE2=0 +0 04:00:03 leaf ORB orbid=20049, desc=Default orbital wobble table +0 04:00:04 leaf CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-152 +0 04:00:06 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=3600 +0 04:00:07 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=1200 +0 04:00:08 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_ENA_MSK, PAR_VALUE=65535 +0 04:10:00 parent=1 //annotation=SUIT coordination, QS pointing 1 +0 04:10:01 parent=1 ABORT +0 04:10:02 parent=1 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 04:10:31 parent=1 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 04:10:32 parent=1 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_21_72" +0 04:10:33 parent=1 SLEW xoff=35.3, yoff=67.6, m1=48, m2=171, cmdx=21.0, cmdy=72.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 04:18:33 parent=1 // IRIS slew ends +0 04:18:43 parent=1 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=300620 +0 04:18:45 parent=1 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 04:18:46 parent=1 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 04:18:46 parent=1 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 04:18:47 parent=1 // wait 1 +0 04:18:48 parent=1 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 04:18:49 parent=1 // wait 9 +0 04:18:58 parent=1 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 04:18:59 parent=1 // wait 9 +0 04:19:08 parent=1 // OBS priming commands end. +0 04:19:09 parent=1 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 04:19:20 parent=1 PZT_SRT TAI=2086834797, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 04:19:21 parent=1 PZT_SRT TAI=2086834798, PZTA=170, PZTB=7, PZTC=574 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 04:19:22 pid=1 START obsid=3680201977, repeat=1 x dur=666.4s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=21.0, ys=72.0, megabitsPerSec=0.9, xa=21.0, ya=64.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 04:19:22 parent=1 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 04:30:28, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 04:19:22 parent=1 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 04:30:28 parent=1 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +0 04:19:22 +0 04:30:29 parent=1 PZT_SRT TAI=2086835466, PZTA=170, PZTB=42, PZTC=539 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 04:30:29 parent=1 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +0 04:10:00 +0 04:30:31 parent=1 PZT_SRT TAI=2086835468, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 04:30:32 parent=1 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 04:30:33 parent=1 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 04:30:34 parent=1 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +0 04:30:35 parent=1 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +0 04:30:47 parent=2 //annotation=SUIT coordination, QS pointing 2 +0 04:30:48 parent=2 ABORT +0 04:30:49 parent=2 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 04:31:18 parent=2 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 04:31:19 parent=2 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_21_72" +0 04:31:20 parent=2 SLEW xoff=35.3, yoff=67.6, m1=48, m2=171, cmdx=21.0, cmdy=72.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 04:39:20 parent=2 // IRIS slew ends +0 04:39:30 parent=2 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=325560 +0 04:39:32 parent=2 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 04:39:33 parent=2 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 04:39:33 parent=2 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 04:39:34 parent=2 // wait 1 +0 04:39:35 parent=2 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 04:39:36 parent=2 // wait 9 +0 04:39:45 parent=2 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 04:39:46 parent=2 // wait 9 +0 04:39:55 parent=2 // OBS priming commands end. +0 04:39:56 parent=2 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 04:40:07 parent=2 PZT_SRT TAI=2086836044, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 04:40:08 parent=2 PZT_SRT TAI=2086836045, PZTA=170, PZTB=7, PZTC=574 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 04:40:09 pid=2 START obsid=3685201977, repeat=1 x dur=533.9s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=21.0, ys=72.0, megabitsPerSec=1.1, xa=21.0, ya=64.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 04:40:09 parent=2 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 04:49:02, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 04:40:09 parent=2 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 04:49:02 parent=2 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +0 04:40:09 +0 04:49:03 parent=2 PZT_SRT TAI=2086836580, PZTA=170, PZTB=35, PZTC=546 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 04:49:03 parent=2 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +0 04:30:47 +0 04:49:05 parent=2 PZT_SRT TAI=2086836582, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 04:49:06 parent=2 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 04:49:07 parent=2 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 04:49:08 parent=2 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +0 04:49:09 parent=2 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +0 04:49:21 parent=3 ABORT +0 04:49:22 parent=3 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 04:49:23 parent=3 //annotation=A1: QS monitoring +0 04:49:51 parent=3 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 04:49:52 parent=3 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_10_63" +0 04:49:53 parent=3 SLEW xoff=10.0, yoff=55.1, m1=187, m2=51, cmdx=10.0, cmdy=63.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 04:57:53 parent=3 // IRIS slew ends +0 04:58:03 parent=3 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=347820 +0 04:58:06 parent=3 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 04:58:07 parent=3 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 04:58:07 parent=3 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 04:58:08 parent=3 // wait 1 +0 04:58:09 parent=3 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400033, NUV_FDB=3808400705 +0 04:58:10 parent=3 // wait 23 +0 04:58:33 parent=3 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808401377, NUV_FDB=3808400705 +0 04:58:34 parent=3 // wait 23 +0 04:58:57 parent=3 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402049, NUV_FDB=3808400705 +0 04:58:58 parent=3 // wait 23 +0 04:59:21 parent=3 // OBS priming commands end. +0 04:59:22 parent=3 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 04:59:23 parent=3 PZT_SRT TAI=2086837200, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 04:59:24 parent=3 PZT_SRT TAI=2086837201, PZTA=467, PZTB=495, PZTC=539 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 04:59:24 parent=3 // OBSID=3882010194, RPT=1 x dur=1084.4s, size=1987.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 05:17:29, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster +0 04:59:25 pid=3 START obsid=3882010194, repeat=1 x dur=1084.4s/rpt, size=1987.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=10.0, ys=63.0, megabitsPerSec=1.2, xa=10.0, ya=55.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster +0 05:05:17 leaf SAAI +0 05:15:50 leaf SAAO +0 05:17:29 parent=3 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +0 04:59:25 +0 05:17:29 parent=3 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +0 04:49:21 +0 05:17:30 parent=3 PZT_SRT TAI=2086838287, PZTA=467, PZTB=495, PZTC=539 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 05:17:31 parent=3 PZT_SRT TAI=2086838288, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 05:17:32 parent=3 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 05:17:32 parent=3 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 05:17:33 parent=3 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +0 05:17:34 parent=3 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +0 05:17:46 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 05:17:47 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 05:17:48 parent=4 //annotation=SUIT coordination, AR pointing 1 +0 05:17:49 parent=4 ABORT +0 05:17:50 parent=4 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 05:18:19 parent=4 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 05:18:20 parent=4 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_104_-98" +0 05:18:21 parent=4 SLEW xoff=125.4, yoff=-108.6, m1=69, m2=180, cmdx=104.0, cmdy=-98.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 05:26:21 parent=4 // IRIS slew ends +0 05:26:31 parent=4 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=381980 +0 05:26:33 parent=4 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 05:26:34 parent=4 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 05:26:34 parent=4 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 05:26:35 parent=4 // wait 1 +0 05:26:36 parent=4 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 05:26:37 parent=4 // wait 9 +0 05:26:46 parent=4 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 05:26:47 parent=4 // wait 9 +0 05:26:56 parent=4 // OBS priming commands end. +0 05:26:57 parent=4 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 05:27:08 parent=4 PZT_SRT TAI=2086838865, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 05:27:09 parent=4 PZT_SRT TAI=2086838866, PZTA=311, PZTB=-206, PZTC=645 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 05:27:10 pid=4 START obsid=3680201977, repeat=1 x dur=666.4s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=104.0, ys=-98.0, megabitsPerSec=0.9, xa=104.0, ya=-105.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR13584, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 05:27:10 parent=4 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 05:38:16, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 05:27:10 parent=4 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 05:38:16 parent=4 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +0 05:27:10 +0 05:38:17 parent=4 PZT_SRT TAI=2086839534, PZTA=311, PZTB=-172, PZTC=612 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 05:38:17 parent=4 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +0 05:17:48 +0 05:38:19 parent=4 PZT_SRT TAI=2086839536, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 05:38:20 parent=4 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 05:38:21 parent=4 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 05:38:22 parent=4 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +0 05:38:23 parent=4 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +0 05:38:35 parent=5 //annotation=SUIT coordination, AR pointing 2 +0 05:38:36 parent=5 ABORT +0 05:38:37 parent=5 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 05:39:06 parent=5 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 05:39:07 parent=5 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_104_-98" +0 05:39:08 parent=5 SLEW xoff=125.4, yoff=-108.6, m1=69, m2=180, cmdx=104.0, cmdy=-98.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 05:42:38 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=456s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +0 05:47:08 parent=5 // IRIS slew ends +0 05:47:18 parent=5 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=406920 +0 05:47:20 parent=5 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 05:47:21 parent=5 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 05:47:21 parent=5 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 05:47:22 parent=5 // wait 1 +0 05:47:23 parent=5 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 05:47:24 parent=5 // wait 9 +0 05:47:33 parent=5 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +0 05:47:34 parent=5 // wait 9 +0 05:47:43 parent=5 // OBS priming commands end. +0 05:47:44 parent=5 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 05:47:55 parent=5 PZT_SRT TAI=2086840112, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 05:47:56 parent=5 PZT_SRT TAI=2086840113, PZTA=311, PZTB=-206, PZTC=645 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 05:47:57 pid=5 START obsid=3685201977, repeat=1 x dur=533.9s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=104.0, ys=-98.0, megabitsPerSec=1.1, xa=104.0, ya=-105.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR13584, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 05:47:57 parent=5 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 05:56:50, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 05:47:57 parent=5 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +0 05:50:14 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=456s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +0 05:56:50 parent=5 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +0 05:47:57 +0 05:56:51 parent=5 PZT_SRT TAI=2086840648, PZTA=311, PZTB=-179, PZTC=618 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 05:56:51 parent=5 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +0 05:38:35 +0 05:56:53 parent=5 PZT_SRT TAI=2086840650, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 05:56:54 parent=5 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 05:56:55 parent=5 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 05:56:56 parent=5 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +0 05:56:57 parent=5 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +0 05:57:09 parent=6 ABORT +0 05:57:10 parent=6 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 05:57:11 parent=6 //annotation=Off-limb flare watch +0 05:57:39 parent=6 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 05:57:40 parent=6 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_948_-271" +0 05:57:41 parent=6 SLEW xoff=948.0, yoff=-278.9, m1=118, m2=173, cmdx=948.0, cmdy=-271.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 06:05:41 parent=6 // IRIS slew ends +0 06:05:51 parent=6 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=429180 +0 06:05:54 parent=6 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 06:05:55 parent=6 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 06:05:55 parent=6 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +0 06:05:56 parent=6 // wait 1 +0 06:05:57 parent=6 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700300100, SJI_FDB=3700301572, NUV_FDB=3700300804 +0 06:05:58 parent=6 // wait 16 +0 06:06:14 parent=6 // OBS priming commands end. +0 06:06:15 parent=6 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 06:06:16 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2086841213, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 06:06:17 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2086841214, PZTA=423, PZTB=118, PZTC=207 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 06:06:17 parent=6 // OBSID=3660259533, RPT=140 x dur=76.8s, size=101.6 Mbits, endTime=+0 09:05:35, desc=Large coarse 8-step raster 14x120 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +0 06:06:18 pid=6 START obsid=3660259533, repeat=140 x dur=76.8s/rpt, size=101.6Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=948.0, ys=-271.0, megabitsPerSec=0.9, xa=948.0, ya=-278.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR13576, desc=Large coarse 8-step raster 14x120 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +0 06:40:33 leaf SAAI +0 06:56:04 leaf SAAO +0 07:13:41 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=239s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 07:17:40 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=239s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 08:15:51 leaf SAAI +0 08:33:38 leaf SAAO +0 09:05:35 parent=6 // 140 repeats of OBSID=3660259533 ENDS, totRepeats=140, STRT at +0 06:06:18 +0 09:05:35 parent=6 // total of 140 repeats of OBSID=3660259533 ENDS, started at +0 05:57:09 +0 09:05:36 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2086851973, PZTA=423, PZTB=118, PZTC=207 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 09:05:37 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=2086851974, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 09:05:38 parent=6 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 09:05:38 parent=6 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 09:05:39 parent=6 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=250 +0 09:05:40 parent=6 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=250 +0 09:05:52 parent=7 ABORT +0 09:05:53 parent=7 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 09:05:54 parent=7 //annotation=Off-limb flare watch +0 09:06:22 parent=7 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 09:06:23 parent=7 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_942_-277" +0 09:06:24 parent=7 SLEW xoff=942.0, yoff=-236.5, m1=119, m2=176, cmdx=942.0, cmdy=-277.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +0 09:14:24 parent=7 // IRIS slew ends +0 09:14:34 parent=7 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=655640 +0 09:14:37 parent=7 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 09:14:38 parent=7 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 09:14:38 parent=7 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +0 09:14:39 parent=7 // wait 1 +0 09:14:40 parent=7 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700300084, SJI_FDB=3700301556, NUV_FDB=3700300788 +0 09:14:41 parent=7 // wait 16 +0 09:14:57 parent=7 // OBS priming commands end. +0 09:14:58 parent=7 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 09:14:59 parent=7 PZT_SRT TAI=2086852536, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 09:15:00 parent=7 PZT_SRT TAI=2086852537, PZTA=271, PZTB=349, PZTC=130 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 09:15:00 parent=7 // OBSID=3660259532, RPT=700 x dur=76.5s, size=42.4 Mbits, endTime=+1 00:08:01, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +0 09:15:01 pid=7 START obsid=3660259532, repeat=700 x dur=76.5s/rpt, size=42.4Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=942.0, ys=-277.0, megabitsPerSec=0.4, xa=942.0, ya=-236.5, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR13576, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +0 09:53:03 leaf SAAI +0 10:08:54 leaf SAAO +0 10:16:40 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=116s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +0 10:18:36 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=116s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +0 10:20:06 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=40s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +0 10:20:46 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=40s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +0 11:31:47 leaf SAAI +0 11:42:55 leaf SAAO +0 11:54:30 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=177s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +0 11:57:27 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=177s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +0 13:39:29 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=358s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +0 13:45:27 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=358s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +0 15:14:58 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=412s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +0 15:21:50 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=412s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +0 15:50:17 leaf SAAI +0 15:58:08 leaf SAAO +0 17:01:02 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=402s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 17:07:44 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=402s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 17:25:04 leaf SAAI +0 17:37:50 leaf SAAO +0 18:38:22 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=320s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 18:43:42 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=320s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 18:59:52 leaf SAAI +0 19:17:40 leaf SAAO +0 20:17:53 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=195s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 20:21:08 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=195s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 20:36:21 leaf SAAI +0 20:53:55 leaf SAAO +0 21:54:22 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=98s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 21:56:00 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=98s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 22:15:51 leaf SAAI +0 22:29:57 leaf SAAO +0 23:42:18 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=191s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +0 23:45:29 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=191s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +0 23:58:14 leaf SAAI +1 00:02:58 leaf SAAO +1 00:08:01 parent=7 // 700 repeats of OBSID=3660259532 ENDS, totRepeats=700, STRT at +0 09:15:01 +1 00:08:01 parent=7 // total of 700 repeats of OBSID=3660259532 ENDS, started at +0 09:05:52 +1 00:08:02 parent=7 PZT_SRT TAI=2086906119, PZTA=271, PZTB=349, PZTC=130 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 00:08:03 parent=7 PZT_SRT TAI=2086906120, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 00:08:04 parent=7 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 00:08:04 parent=7 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 00:08:05 parent=7 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=250 +1 00:08:06 parent=7 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=250 +1 00:08:17 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 00:08:18 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 00:08:19 parent=8 ABORT +1 00:08:20 parent=8 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +1 00:08:21 parent=8 //annotation=F2: Equatorial scan (HOP 393) 1/3 +1 00:08:49 parent=8 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +1 00:08:50 parent=8 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-100_117" +1 00:08:51 parent=8 SLEW xoff=-100.0, yoff=109.1, m1=199, m2=56, cmdx=-100.0, cmdy=117.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 00:16:51 parent=8 // IRIS slew ends +1 00:16:54 parent=8 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 00:16:55 parent=8 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 00:16:55 parent=8 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +1 00:16:56 parent=8 // wait 1 +1 00:16:57 parent=8 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700100356, SJI_FDB=3700101892, NUV_FDB=3700101124 +1 00:16:58 parent=8 // wait 16 +1 00:17:01 parent=8 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1738580 +1 00:17:14 parent=8 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700102660, NUV_FDB=3700101124 +1 00:17:15 parent=8 // wait 16 +1 00:17:31 parent=8 // OBS priming commands end. +1 00:17:32 parent=8 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 00:17:33 parent=8 PZT_SRT TAI=2086906690, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 00:17:34 parent=8 PZT_SRT TAI=2086906691, PZTA=272, PZTB=279, PZTC=199 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 00:17:34 parent=8 // OBSID=3620108076, RPT=1 x dur=2932.1s, size=1268.1 Mbits, endTime=+1 01:06:27, desc=Large dense 320-step raster 105.3x120 320s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 +1 00:17:35 pid=8 START obsid=3620108076, repeat=1 x dur=2932.1s/rpt, size=1268.1Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-100.0, ys=117.0, megabitsPerSec=0.3, xa=-100.0, ya=109.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Large dense 320-step raster 105.3x120 320s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 +1 01:03:20 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=302s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 01:06:27 parent=8 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3620108076 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +1 00:17:35 +1 01:06:27 parent=8 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3620108076 ENDS, started at +1 00:08:19 +1 01:06:28 parent=8 PZT_SRT TAI=2086909625, PZTA=272, PZTB=279, PZTC=199 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 01:06:29 parent=8 PZT_SRT TAI=2086909626, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 01:06:30 parent=8 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 01:06:30 parent=8 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 01:06:31 parent=8 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=250 +1 01:06:32 parent=8 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=250 +1 01:06:44 parent=9 ABORT +1 01:06:45 parent=9 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=230 +1 01:06:46 parent=9 //annotation=F2: Equatorial scan (HOP 393) 2/3 +1 01:07:14 parent=9 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=170 +1 01:07:15 parent=9 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_117" +1 01:07:16 parent=9 SLEW xoff=0.0, yoff=109.1, m1=184, m2=45, cmdx=0.0, cmdy=117.0, slewtime=170s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 01:08:22 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=302s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 01:10:06 parent=9 // IRIS slew ends +1 01:10:16 parent=9 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=170, issopenticks=1808680 +1 01:10:29 parent=9 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 01:10:30 parent=9 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 01:10:30 parent=9 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +1 01:10:31 parent=9 // wait 1 +1 01:10:32 parent=9 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700100356, SJI_FDB=3700101892, NUV_FDB=3700101124 +1 01:10:33 parent=9 // wait 16 +1 01:10:49 parent=9 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700102660, NUV_FDB=3700101124 +1 01:10:50 parent=9 // wait 16 +1 01:11:06 parent=9 // OBS priming commands end. +1 01:11:07 parent=9 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 01:11:08 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=2086909905, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 01:11:09 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=2086909906, PZTA=258, PZTB=193, PZTC=299 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 01:11:09 parent=9 // OBSID=3620108076, RPT=1 x dur=2932.1s, size=1268.1 Mbits, endTime=+1 02:00:02, desc=Large dense 320-step raster 105.3x120 320s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 +1 01:11:10 pid=9 START obsid=3620108076, repeat=1 x dur=2932.1s/rpt, size=1268.1Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=0.0, ys=117.0, megabitsPerSec=0.3, xa=0.0, ya=109.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Large dense 320-step raster 105.3x120 320s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 +1 02:00:02 parent=9 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3620108076 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +1 01:11:10 +1 02:00:02 parent=9 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3620108076 ENDS, started at +1 01:06:44 +1 02:00:03 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=2086912840, PZTA=258, PZTB=193, PZTC=299 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 02:00:04 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=2086912841, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 02:00:05 parent=9 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 02:00:05 parent=9 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 02:00:06 parent=9 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=250 +1 02:00:07 parent=9 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=250 +1 02:00:19 parent=10 ABORT +1 02:00:20 parent=10 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=250 +1 02:00:21 parent=10 //annotation=F2: Equatorial scan (HOP 393) 3/3 +1 02:00:49 parent=10 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=190 +1 02:00:50 parent=10 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_100_117" +1 02:00:51 parent=10 SLEW xoff=100.0, yoff=109.1, m1=165, m2=27, cmdx=100.0, cmdy=117.0, slewtime=190s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 02:04:01 parent=10 // IRIS slew ends +1 02:04:11 parent=10 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=190, issopenticks=1872980 +1 02:04:14 parent=10 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 02:04:15 parent=10 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 02:04:15 parent=10 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +1 02:04:16 parent=10 // wait 1 +1 02:04:17 parent=10 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700100356, SJI_FDB=3700101892, NUV_FDB=3700101124 +1 02:04:18 parent=10 // wait 16 +1 02:04:34 parent=10 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700102660, NUV_FDB=3700101124 +1 02:04:35 parent=10 // wait 16 +1 02:04:51 parent=10 // OBS priming commands end. +1 02:04:52 parent=10 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 02:04:53 parent=10 PZT_SRT TAI=2086913130, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 02:04:54 parent=10 PZT_SRT TAI=2086913131, PZTA=76, PZTB=347, PZTC=328 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 02:04:54 parent=10 // OBSID=3620108076, RPT=1 x dur=2932.1s, size=1268.1 Mbits, endTime=+1 02:53:47, desc=Large dense 320-step raster 105.3x120 320s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 +1 02:04:55 pid=10 START obsid=3620108076, repeat=1 x dur=2932.1s/rpt, size=1268.1Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=100.0, ys=117.0, megabitsPerSec=0.3, xa=100.0, ya=109.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Large dense 320-step raster 105.3x120 320s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 +1 02:39:16 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=328s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 02:44:44 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=328s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 02:53:47 parent=10 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3620108076 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +1 02:04:55 +1 02:53:47 parent=10 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3620108076 ENDS, started at +1 02:00:19 +1 02:53:48 parent=10 PZT_SRT TAI=2086916065, PZTA=76, PZTB=347, PZTC=328 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 02:53:49 parent=10 PZT_SRT TAI=2086916066, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 02:53:50 parent=10 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 02:53:50 parent=10 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 02:53:51 parent=10 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=250 +1 02:53:52 parent=10 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=250 +1 02:54:04 parent=11 ABORT +1 02:54:05 parent=11 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=310 +1 02:54:06 parent=11 //annotation=C1: North Pole +1 02:54:34 parent=11 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=250 +1 02:54:35 parent=11 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_967" +1 02:54:36 parent=11 SLEW xoff=0.0, yoff=959.1, m1=199, m2=238, cmdx=0.0, cmdy=967.0, slewtime=250s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 02:58:46 parent=11 // IRIS slew ends +1 02:58:56 parent=11 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=250, issopenticks=1937480 +1 02:58:59 parent=11 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 02:59:00 parent=11 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 02:59:00 parent=11 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +1 02:59:01 parent=11 // wait 1 +1 02:59:02 parent=11 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400048, SJI_FDB=3808401392, NUV_FDB=3808400720 +1 02:59:03 parent=11 // wait 38 +1 02:59:41 parent=11 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402064, NUV_FDB=3808400720 +1 02:59:42 parent=11 // wait 38 +1 03:00:20 parent=11 // OBS priming commands end. +1 03:00:21 parent=11 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 03:00:22 parent=11 PZT_SRT TAI=2086916459, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 03:00:23 parent=11 PZT_SRT TAI=2086916460, PZTA=309, PZTB=626, PZTC=566 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 03:00:23 parent=11 // OBSID=3880012095, RPT=1 x dur=2051.5s, size=3118.6 Mbits, endTime=+1 03:34:35, desc=Very large coarse 64-step raster 126x175 64s Deep x 30 +1 03:00:24 pid=11 START obsid=3880012095, repeat=1 x dur=2051.5s/rpt, size=3118.6Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=0.0, ys=967.0, megabitsPerSec=1.0, xa=0.0, ya=959.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large coarse 64-step raster 126x175 64s Deep x 30 +1 03:34:35 parent=11 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3880012095 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +1 03:00:24 +1 03:34:35 parent=11 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3880012095 ENDS, started at +1 02:54:04 +1 03:34:36 parent=11 PZT_SRT TAI=2086918513, PZTA=309, PZTB=626, PZTC=566 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 03:34:37 parent=11 PZT_SRT TAI=2086918514, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 03:34:38 parent=11 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 03:34:38 parent=11 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 03:34:39 parent=11 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +1 03:34:40 parent=11 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +1 03:34:52 parent=12 ABORT +1 03:34:53 parent=12 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +1 03:34:54 parent=12 //annotation=C1: South Pole +1 03:35:22 parent=12 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +1 03:35:23 parent=12 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_-967" +1 03:35:24 parent=12 SLEW xoff=0.0, yoff=-974.9, m1=64, m2=117, cmdx=0.0, cmdy=-967.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 03:43:24 parent=12 // IRIS slew ends +1 03:43:34 parent=12 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1986440 +1 03:43:37 parent=12 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 03:43:38 parent=12 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 03:43:38 parent=12 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +1 03:43:39 parent=12 // wait 1 +1 03:43:40 parent=12 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400048, SJI_FDB=3808401392, NUV_FDB=3808400720 +1 03:43:41 parent=12 // wait 38 +1 03:44:19 parent=12 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402064, NUV_FDB=3808400720 +1 03:44:20 parent=12 // wait 38 +1 03:44:58 parent=12 // OBS priming commands end. +1 03:44:59 parent=12 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 03:45:00 parent=12 PZT_SRT TAI=2086919137, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 03:45:01 parent=12 PZT_SRT TAI=2086919138, PZTA=346, PZTB=622, PZTC=534 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 03:45:01 parent=12 // OBSID=3880012095, RPT=1 x dur=2051.5s, size=3118.6 Mbits, endTime=+1 04:19:13, desc=Very large coarse 64-step raster 126x175 64s Deep x 30 +1 03:45:02 pid=12 START obsid=3880012095, repeat=1 x dur=2051.5s/rpt, size=3118.6Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=0.0, ys=-967.0, megabitsPerSec=1.0, xa=0.0, ya=-974.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large coarse 64-step raster 126x175 64s Deep x 30 +1 03:48:34 leaf SAAI +1 03:55:08 leaf SAAO +1 04:15:44 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=367s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 04:19:13 parent=12 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3880012095 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +1 03:45:02 +1 04:19:13 parent=12 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3880012095 ENDS, started at +1 03:34:52 +1 04:19:14 parent=12 PZT_SRT TAI=2086921191, PZTA=346, PZTB=622, PZTC=534 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 04:19:15 parent=12 PZT_SRT TAI=2086921192, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 04:19:16 parent=12 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 04:19:16 parent=12 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 04:19:17 parent=12 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +1 04:19:18 parent=12 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +1 04:20:00 parent=13 //annotation=SUIT coordination, QS pointing 1 +1 04:20:01 parent=13 ABORT +1 04:20:02 parent=13 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +1 04:20:31 parent=13 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +1 04:20:32 parent=13 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_137_78" +1 04:20:33 parent=13 SLEW xoff=154.4, yoff=71.9, m1=18, m2=141, cmdx=137.0, cmdy=78.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 04:21:51 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=367s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 04:28:33 parent=13 // IRIS slew ends +1 04:28:43 parent=13 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=2040620 +1 04:28:45 parent=13 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 04:28:46 parent=13 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 04:28:46 parent=13 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +1 04:28:47 parent=13 // wait 1 +1 04:28:48 parent=13 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +1 04:28:49 parent=13 // wait 9 +1 04:28:58 parent=13 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +1 04:28:59 parent=13 // wait 9 +1 04:29:08 parent=13 // OBS priming commands end. +1 04:29:09 parent=13 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 04:29:20 parent=13 PZT_SRT TAI=2086921797, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 04:29:21 parent=13 PZT_SRT TAI=2086921798, PZTA=209, PZTB=-74, PZTC=615 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +1 04:29:22 pid=13 START obsid=3680201977, repeat=1 x dur=666.4s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=137.0, ys=78.0, megabitsPerSec=0.9, xa=137.0, ya=70.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +1 04:29:22 parent=13 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 04:40:28, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +1 04:29:22 parent=13 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +1 04:40:28 parent=13 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +1 04:29:22 +1 04:40:29 parent=13 PZT_SRT TAI=2086922466, PZTA=208, PZTB=-39, PZTC=581 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +1 04:40:29 parent=13 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +1 04:20:00 +1 04:40:31 parent=13 PZT_SRT TAI=2086922468, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 04:40:32 parent=13 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 04:40:33 parent=13 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 04:40:34 parent=13 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +1 04:40:35 parent=13 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +1 04:40:47 parent=14 //annotation=SUIT coordination, QS pointing 2 +1 04:40:48 parent=14 ABORT +1 04:40:49 parent=14 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +1 04:41:18 parent=14 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +1 04:41:19 parent=14 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_137_78" +1 04:41:20 parent=14 SLEW xoff=154.4, yoff=71.9, m1=18, m2=141, cmdx=137.0, cmdy=78.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 04:49:20 parent=14 // IRIS slew ends +1 04:49:30 parent=14 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=2065560 +1 04:49:32 parent=14 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 04:49:33 parent=14 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 04:49:33 parent=14 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +1 04:49:34 parent=14 // wait 1 +1 04:49:35 parent=14 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +1 04:49:36 parent=14 // wait 9 +1 04:49:45 parent=14 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +1 04:49:46 parent=14 // wait 9 +1 04:49:55 parent=14 // OBS priming commands end. +1 04:49:56 parent=14 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 04:50:07 parent=14 PZT_SRT TAI=2086923044, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 04:50:08 parent=14 PZT_SRT TAI=2086923045, PZTA=209, PZTB=-74, PZTC=615 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +1 04:50:09 pid=14 START obsid=3685201977, repeat=1 x dur=533.9s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=137.0, ys=78.0, megabitsPerSec=1.1, xa=137.0, ya=70.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +1 04:50:09 parent=14 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 04:59:02, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +1 04:50:09 parent=14 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +1 04:58:27 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +1 04:58:28 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +1 04:59:02 parent=14 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +1 04:50:09 +1 04:59:03 parent=14 PZT_SRT TAI=2086923580, PZTA=209, PZTB=-46, PZTC=588 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +1 04:59:03 parent=14 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +1 04:40:47 +1 04:59:05 parent=14 PZT_SRT TAI=2086923582, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 04:59:06 parent=14 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 04:59:07 parent=14 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 04:59:08 parent=14 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +1 04:59:09 parent=14 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +1 04:59:21 parent=15 //annotation=SUIT coordination, AR pointing 1 +1 04:59:22 parent=15 ABORT +1 04:59:23 parent=15 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +1 04:59:52 parent=15 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +1 04:59:53 parent=15 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-97_-230" +1 04:59:54 parent=15 SLEW xoff=-78.6, yoff=-233.6, m1=14, m2=113, cmdx=-97.0, cmdy=-230.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 05:07:54 parent=15 // IRIS slew ends +1 05:08:04 parent=15 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=2087840 +1 05:08:06 parent=15 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 05:08:07 parent=15 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 05:08:07 parent=15 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +1 05:08:08 parent=15 // wait 1 +1 05:08:09 parent=15 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +1 05:08:10 parent=15 // wait 9 +1 05:08:19 parent=15 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +1 05:08:20 parent=15 // wait 9 +1 05:08:29 parent=15 // OBS priming commands end. +1 05:08:30 parent=15 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +1 05:08:41 parent=15 PZT_SRT TAI=2086924158, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 05:08:42 parent=15 PZT_SRT TAI=2086924159, PZTA=151, PZTB=-65, PZTC=664 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +1 05:08:43 pid=15 START obsid=3680201977, repeat=1 x dur=666.4s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-97.0, ys=-230.0, megabitsPerSec=0.9, xa=-97.0, ya=-237.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +1 05:08:43 parent=15 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 05:19:49, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +1 05:08:43 parent=15 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +1 05:19:49 parent=15 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +1 05:08:43 +1 05:19:50 parent=15 PZT_SRT TAI=2086924827, PZTA=152, PZTB=-34, PZTC=632 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +1 05:19:50 parent=15 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +1 04:59:21 +1 05:19:52 parent=15 PZT_SRT TAI=2086924829, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 05:19:53 parent=15 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 05:19:54 parent=15 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 05:19:55 parent=15 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +1 05:19:56 parent=15 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +1 05:20:08 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 05:20:09 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 05:20:10 parent=16 ABORT +1 05:20:11 parent=16 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +1 05:20:12 parent=16 //annotation=A1: QS monitoring +1 05:20:40 parent=16 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +1 05:20:41 parent=16 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-97_-230" +1 05:20:42 parent=16 SLEW xoff=-97.0, yoff=-237.9, m1=13, m2=111, cmdx=-97.0, cmdy=-230.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 05:23:50 leaf SAAI +1 05:28:42 parent=16 // IRIS slew ends +1 05:28:52 parent=16 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=2112800 +1 05:28:55 parent=16 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 05:28:56 parent=16 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 05:28:56 parent=16 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +1 05:28:57 parent=16 // wait 1 +1 05:28:58 parent=16 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400033, NUV_FDB=3808400705 +1 05:28:59 parent=16 // wait 23 +1 05:29:22 parent=16 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808401377, NUV_FDB=3808400705 +1 05:29:23 parent=16 // wait 23 +1 05:29:46 parent=16 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402049, NUV_FDB=3808400705 +1 05:29:47 parent=16 // wait 23 +1 05:30:10 parent=16 // OBS priming commands end. +1 05:30:11 parent=16 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 05:30:12 parent=16 PZT_SRT TAI=2086925449, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 05:30:13 parent=16 PZT_SRT TAI=2086925450, PZTA=483, PZTB=509, PZTC=509 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 05:30:13 parent=16 // OBSID=3882010194, RPT=1 x dur=1084.4s, size=1987.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 05:48:18, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster +1 05:30:14 pid=16 START obsid=3882010194, repeat=1 x dur=1084.4s/rpt, size=1987.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-97.0, ys=-230.0, megabitsPerSec=1.2, xa=-97.0, ya=-237.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster +1 05:35:20 leaf SAAO +1 05:48:18 parent=16 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +1 05:30:14 +1 05:48:18 parent=16 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +1 05:20:10 +1 05:48:19 parent=16 PZT_SRT TAI=2086926536, PZTA=483, PZTB=509, PZTC=509 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 05:48:20 parent=16 PZT_SRT TAI=2086926537, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 05:48:21 parent=16 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 05:48:21 parent=16 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 05:48:22 parent=16 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +1 05:48:23 parent=16 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +1 05:48:35 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +1 05:48:36 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +1 05:48:37 parent=17 //annotation=SUIT coordination, AR pointing 2 +1 05:48:38 parent=17 ABORT +1 05:48:39 parent=17 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +1 05:49:08 parent=17 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +1 05:49:09 parent=17 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-92_-220" +1 05:49:10 parent=17 SLEW xoff=-79.1, yoff=-229.7, m1=117, m2=5, cmdx=-92.0, cmdy=-220.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 05:57:10 parent=17 // IRIS slew ends +1 05:57:20 parent=17 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=2146960 +1 05:57:22 parent=17 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 05:57:23 parent=17 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 05:57:23 parent=17 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +1 05:57:24 parent=17 // wait 1 +1 05:57:25 parent=17 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +1 05:57:26 parent=17 // wait 9 +1 05:57:35 parent=17 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +1 05:57:36 parent=17 // wait 9 +1 05:57:45 parent=17 // OBS priming commands end. +1 05:57:46 parent=17 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +1 05:57:57 parent=17 PZT_SRT TAI=2086927114, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 05:57:58 parent=17 PZT_SRT TAI=2086927115, PZTA=290, PZTB=-26, PZTC=486 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +1 05:57:59 pid=17 START obsid=3685201977, repeat=1 x dur=533.9s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-92.0, ys=-220.0, megabitsPerSec=1.1, xa=-92.0, ya=-227.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +1 05:57:59 parent=17 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 06:06:52, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +1 05:57:59 parent=17 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +1 06:02:52 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=285s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +1 06:06:52 parent=17 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +1 05:57:59 +1 06:06:53 parent=17 PZT_SRT TAI=2086927650, PZTA=290, PZTB=-1, PZTC=460 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +1 06:06:53 parent=17 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +1 05:48:37 +1 06:06:55 parent=17 PZT_SRT TAI=2086927652, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 06:06:56 parent=17 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 06:06:57 parent=17 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 06:06:58 parent=17 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +1 06:06:59 parent=17 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +1 06:07:11 parent=18 ABORT +1 06:07:12 parent=18 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +1 06:07:13 parent=18 //annotation=Coronal nanojets +1 06:07:37 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=285s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +1 06:07:41 parent=18 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +1 06:07:42 parent=18 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_965_-161" +1 06:07:43 parent=18 SLEW xoff=965.0, yoff=-168.9, m1=123, m2=178, cmdx=965.0, cmdy=-161.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 06:15:43 parent=18 // IRIS slew ends +1 06:15:53 parent=18 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=2169220 +1 06:15:56 parent=18 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 06:15:57 parent=18 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 06:15:57 parent=18 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +1 06:15:58 parent=18 // wait 1 +1 06:15:59 parent=18 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700300100, SJI_FDB=3700301572, NUV_FDB=3700300804 +1 06:16:00 parent=18 // wait 16 +1 06:16:16 parent=18 // OBS priming commands end. +1 06:16:17 parent=18 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +1 06:16:18 parent=18 PZT_SRT TAI=2086928215, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 06:16:19 parent=18 PZT_SRT TAI=2086928216, PZTA=360, PZTB=81, PZTC=308 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 06:16:19 parent=18 // OBSID=3660259533, RPT=200 x dur=76.8s, size=101.6 Mbits, endTime=+1 10:32:28, desc=Large coarse 8-step raster 14x120 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +1 06:16:20 pid=18 START obsid=3660259533, repeat=200 x dur=76.8s/rpt, size=101.6Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=965.0, ys=-161.0, megabitsPerSec=0.9, xa=965.0, ya=-168.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR13582, desc=Large coarse 8-step raster 14x120 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +1 06:59:06 leaf SAAI +1 07:15:34 leaf SAAO +1 07:32:38 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=242s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 07:36:40 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=242s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 08:34:25 leaf SAAI +1 08:52:11 leaf SAAO +1 10:12:18 leaf SAAI +1 10:27:27 leaf SAAO +1 10:32:28 parent=18 // 200 repeats of OBSID=3660259533 ENDS, totRepeats=200, STRT at +1 06:16:20 +1 10:32:28 parent=18 // total of 200 repeats of OBSID=3660259533 ENDS, started at +1 06:07:11 +1 10:32:29 parent=18 PZT_SRT TAI=2086943586, PZTA=360, PZTB=81, PZTC=308 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 10:32:30 parent=18 PZT_SRT TAI=2086943587, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 10:32:31 parent=18 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 10:32:31 parent=18 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 10:32:32 parent=18 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=250 +1 10:32:33 parent=18 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=250 +1 10:32:45 parent=19 ABORT +1 10:32:46 parent=19 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +1 10:32:47 parent=19 //annotation=B1: AR tracking from limb to limb +1 10:33:15 parent=19 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +1 10:33:16 parent=19 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-401_529" +1 10:33:17 parent=19 SLEW xoff=-401.0, yoff=521.1, m1=210, m2=33, cmdx=-401.0, cmdy=529.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 10:34:21 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=183s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +1 10:37:24 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=183s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +1 10:41:17 parent=19 // IRIS slew ends +1 10:41:27 parent=19 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=2487900 +1 10:41:30 parent=19 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 10:41:31 parent=19 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 10:41:31 parent=19 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +1 10:41:32 parent=19 // wait 1 +1 10:41:33 parent=19 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400040, SJI_FDB=3808401384, NUV_FDB=3808400712 +1 10:41:34 parent=19 // wait 23 +1 10:41:57 parent=19 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402056, NUV_FDB=3808400712 +1 10:41:58 parent=19 // wait 23 +1 10:42:21 parent=19 // OBS priming commands end. +1 10:42:22 parent=19 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +1 10:42:23 parent=19 PZT_SRT TAI=2086944180, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 10:42:24 parent=19 PZT_SRT TAI=2086944181, PZTA=485, PZTB=449, PZTC=567 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 10:42:24 parent=19 // OBSID=3893010094, RPT=1 x dur=1086.4s, size=2037.1 Mbits, endTime=+1 11:00:31, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 3x faster Lossless compression +1 10:42:25 pid=19 START obsid=3893010094, repeat=1 x dur=1086.4s/rpt, size=2037.1Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-401.0, ys=529.0, megabitsPerSec=1.9, xa=-401.0, ya=521.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR13586, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 3x faster Lossless compression +1 11:00:31 parent=19 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3893010094 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +1 10:42:25 +1 11:00:31 parent=19 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3893010094 ENDS, started at +1 10:32:45 +1 11:00:32 parent=19 PZT_SRT TAI=2086945269, PZTA=485, PZTB=449, PZTC=567 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 11:00:33 parent=19 PZT_SRT TAI=2086945270, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 11:00:34 parent=19 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 11:00:34 parent=19 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 11:00:35 parent=19 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +1 11:00:36 parent=19 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +1 11:00:48 parent=20 ABORT +1 11:00:49 parent=20 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +1 11:00:50 parent=20 //annotation=B2: QS tracking from limb to limb +1 11:01:18 parent=20 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +1 11:01:19 parent=20 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-401_-529" +1 11:01:20 parent=20 SLEW xoff=-401.0, yoff=-536.9, m1=28, m2=98, cmdx=-401.0, cmdy=-529.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 11:09:20 parent=20 // IRIS slew ends +1 11:09:30 parent=20 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=2521560 +1 11:09:33 parent=20 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 11:09:34 parent=20 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 11:09:34 parent=20 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +1 11:09:35 parent=20 // wait 1 +1 11:09:36 parent=20 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400055, NUV_FDB=3808400727 +1 11:09:37 parent=20 // wait 38 +1 11:10:15 parent=20 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808401399, NUV_FDB=3808400727 +1 11:10:16 parent=20 // wait 38 +1 11:10:54 parent=20 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402071, NUV_FDB=3808400727 +1 11:10:55 parent=20 // wait 38 +1 11:11:33 parent=20 // OBS priming commands end. +1 11:11:34 parent=20 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +1 11:11:35 parent=20 PZT_SRT TAI=2086945932, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 11:11:36 parent=20 PZT_SRT TAI=2086945933, PZTA=366, PZTB=675, PZTC=461 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 11:11:36 parent=20 // OBSID=3893012099, RPT=1 x dur=576.5s, size=826.8 Mbits, endTime=+1 11:21:13, desc=Coarse synoptic raster 34x175 18s Deep x 30 SJI cadence 3x faster Lossless compression +1 11:11:37 pid=20 START obsid=3893012099, repeat=1 x dur=576.5s/rpt, size=826.8Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-401.0, ys=-529.0, megabitsPerSec=1.5, xa=-401.0, ya=-536.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Coarse synoptic raster 34x175 18s Deep x 30 SJI cadence 3x faster Lossless compression +1 11:21:13 parent=20 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3893012099 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +1 11:11:37 +1 11:21:13 parent=20 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3893012099 ENDS, started at +1 11:00:48 +1 11:21:14 parent=20 PZT_SRT TAI=2086946511, PZTA=366, PZTB=675, PZTC=461 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 11:21:15 parent=20 PZT_SRT TAI=2086946512, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 11:21:16 parent=20 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 11:21:16 parent=20 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 11:21:17 parent=20 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +1 11:21:18 parent=20 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +1 11:21:30 parent=21 ABORT +1 11:21:31 parent=21 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +1 11:21:32 parent=21 //annotation=Off-limb flare watch +1 11:22:00 parent=21 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +1 11:22:01 parent=21 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_974_75" +1 11:22:02 parent=21 SLEW xoff=974.0, yoff=115.5, m1=136, m2=190, cmdx=974.0, cmdy=75.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 11:30:02 parent=21 // IRIS slew ends +1 11:30:12 parent=21 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=2546400 +1 11:30:15 parent=21 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 11:30:16 parent=21 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 11:30:16 parent=21 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +1 11:30:17 parent=21 // wait 1 +1 11:30:18 parent=21 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700300084, SJI_FDB=3700301556, NUV_FDB=3700300788 +1 11:30:19 parent=21 // wait 16 +1 11:30:35 parent=21 // OBS priming commands end. +1 11:30:36 parent=21 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +1 11:30:37 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2086947074, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 11:30:38 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2086947075, PZTA=284, PZTB=350, PZTC=116 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 11:30:38 parent=21 // OBSID=3660259532, RPT=550 x dur=76.5s, size=42.4 Mbits, endTime=+1 23:12:18, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +1 11:30:39 pid=21 START obsid=3660259532, repeat=550 x dur=76.5s/rpt, size=42.4Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=974.0, ys=75.0, megabitsPerSec=0.4, xa=974.0, ya=115.5, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR13582, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s C II Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +1 11:51:02 leaf SAAI +1 12:00:44 leaf SAAO +1 12:23:39 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=54s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +1 12:24:33 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=54s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +1 12:26:05 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=81s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +1 12:27:26 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=81s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +1 13:56:06 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=487s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +1 14:04:13 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=487s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +1 15:32:13 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=501s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +1 15:40:34 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=501s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS1) +1 16:08:43 leaf SAAI +1 16:17:31 leaf SAAO +1 17:20:17 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=233s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 17:24:10 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=233s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 17:25:38 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=46s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 17:26:24 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=46s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 17:43:30 leaf SAAI +1 17:57:15 leaf SAAO +1 18:57:27 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=310s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 19:02:37 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=310s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 19:18:18 leaf SAAI +1 19:36:35 leaf SAAO +1 20:33:43 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=72s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 20:34:55 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=72s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 20:37:20 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=157s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 20:39:57 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=157s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 20:55:42 leaf SAAI +1 21:12:38 leaf SAAO +1 22:24:45 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=151s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +1 22:27:16 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=151s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +1 22:35:12 leaf SAAI +1 22:35:12 leaf SAAO +1 22:35:14 leaf SAAI +1 22:48:39 leaf SAAO +1 23:12:18 parent=21 // 550 repeats of OBSID=3660259532 ENDS, totRepeats=550, STRT at +1 11:30:39 +1 23:12:18 parent=21 // total of 550 repeats of OBSID=3660259532 ENDS, started at +1 11:21:30 +1 23:12:19 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2086989176, PZTA=284, PZTB=350, PZTC=116 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 23:12:20 parent=21 PZT_SRT TAI=2086989177, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 23:12:21 parent=21 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 23:12:21 parent=21 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 23:12:22 parent=21 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=250 +1 23:12:23 parent=21 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=250 +1 23:12:35 parent=22 //annotation=High cadence flare watch +1 23:12:36 parent=22 ABORT +1 23:12:37 parent=22 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +1 23:13:06 parent=22 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +1 23:13:07 parent=22 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_27_-240" +1 23:13:08 parent=22 SLEW xoff=104.7, yoff=-199.0, m1=45, m2=151, cmdx=27.0, cmdy=-240.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +1 23:21:08 parent=22 // IRIS slew ends +1 23:21:18 parent=22 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=3399720 +1 23:21:20 parent=22 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 23:21:21 parent=22 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 23:21:21 parent=22 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +1 23:21:22 parent=22 // wait 1 +1 23:21:23 parent=22 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4204700157, SJI_FDB=4204700190, NUV_FDB=4204700155 +1 23:21:24 parent=22 // wait 9 +1 23:21:33 parent=22 // OBS priming commands end. +1 23:21:34 parent=22 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +1 23:21:45 parent=22 PZT_SRT TAI=2086989742, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 23:21:46 parent=22 PZT_SRT TAI=2086989743, PZTA=492, PZTB=-1039, PZTC=2048 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +1 23:21:47 pid=22 START obsid=4204700236, repeat=80 x dur=206.2s/rpt, size=393.8Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=27.0, ys=-240.0, megabitsPerSec=1.3, xa=27.0, ya=-199.4, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, flare linelist, C II always +1 23:21:47 parent=22 // OBSID=4204700236, RPT=80 x dur=206.2s, size=393.8 Mbits, endTime=+2 03:56:41, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, flare linelist, C II always +1 23:21:47 parent=22 // OBSID=4204700236: RPT=80, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, flare linelist, C II always +1 23:46:13 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=48s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 23:47:01 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=48s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 23:48:27 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=161s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 23:51:08 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=161s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 00:18:54 leaf SAAI +2 00:20:47 leaf SAAO +2 01:22:03 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=96s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 01:23:39 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=96s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 01:25:11 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=140s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 01:27:31 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=140s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 02:58:56 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=259s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 03:03:15 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=259s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 03:56:41 parent=22 // 80 repeats of OBSID=4204700236 ENDS, started at +1 23:21:47 +2 03:56:42 parent=22 PZT_SRT TAI=2087006239, PZTA=489, PZTB=-238, PZTC=1250 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +2 03:56:42 parent=22 // total of 80 repeats of OBSID=4204700236 ENDS, started at +1 23:12:35 +2 03:56:44 parent=22 PZT_SRT TAI=2087006241, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 03:56:45 parent=22 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 03:56:46 parent=22 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 03:56:47 parent=22 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 03:56:48 parent=22 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 03:57:00 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 03:57:01 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 03:57:02 parent=23 ABORT +2 03:57:03 parent=23 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +2 03:57:04 parent=23 //annotation=A1: QS monitoring +2 03:57:32 parent=23 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +2 03:57:33 parent=23 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-95_75" +2 03:57:34 parent=23 SLEW xoff=-95.0, yoff=67.1, m1=202, m2=61, cmdx=-95.0, cmdy=75.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 04:05:34 parent=23 // IRIS slew ends +2 04:05:44 parent=23 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=3741040 +2 04:05:47 parent=23 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 04:05:48 parent=23 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 04:05:48 parent=23 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +2 04:05:49 parent=23 // wait 1 +2 04:05:50 parent=23 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400033, NUV_FDB=3808400705 +2 04:05:51 parent=23 // wait 23 +2 04:06:14 parent=23 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808401377, NUV_FDB=3808400705 +2 04:06:15 parent=23 // wait 23 +2 04:06:38 parent=23 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402049, NUV_FDB=3808400705 +2 04:06:39 parent=23 // wait 23 +2 04:07:02 parent=23 // OBS priming commands end. +2 04:07:03 parent=23 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 04:07:04 parent=23 PZT_SRT TAI=2087006861, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 04:07:05 parent=23 PZT_SRT TAI=2087006862, PZTA=490, PZTB=471, PZTC=539 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 04:07:05 parent=23 // OBSID=3882010194, RPT=1 x dur=1084.4s, size=1987.9 Mbits, endTime=+2 04:25:10, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster +2 04:07:06 pid=23 START obsid=3882010194, repeat=1 x dur=1084.4s/rpt, size=1987.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-95.0, ys=75.0, megabitsPerSec=1.2, xa=-95.0, ya=67.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster +2 04:07:07 leaf SAAI +2 04:14:38 leaf SAAO +2 04:25:10 parent=23 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +2 04:07:06 +2 04:25:10 parent=23 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +2 03:57:02 +2 04:25:11 parent=23 PZT_SRT TAI=2087007948, PZTA=490, PZTB=471, PZTC=539 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 04:25:12 parent=23 PZT_SRT TAI=2087007949, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 04:25:13 parent=23 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 04:25:13 parent=23 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 04:25:14 parent=23 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 04:25:15 parent=23 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 04:25:27 parent=24 //annotation=SUIT coordination, QS pointing 1 +2 04:25:28 parent=24 ABORT +2 04:25:29 parent=24 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +2 04:25:58 parent=24 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +2 04:25:59 parent=24 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-95_75" +2 04:26:00 parent=24 SLEW xoff=-74.6, yoff=65.3, m1=200, m2=60, cmdx=-95.0, cmdy=75.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 04:34:00 parent=24 // IRIS slew ends +2 04:34:10 parent=24 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=3775160 +2 04:34:12 parent=24 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 04:34:13 parent=24 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 04:34:13 parent=24 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +2 04:34:14 parent=24 // wait 1 +2 04:34:15 parent=24 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +2 04:34:16 parent=24 // wait 9 +2 04:34:25 parent=24 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +2 04:34:26 parent=24 // wait 9 +2 04:34:35 parent=24 // OBS priming commands end. +2 04:34:36 parent=24 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 04:34:39 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=375s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 04:34:47 parent=24 PZT_SRT TAI=2087008524, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 04:34:48 parent=24 PZT_SRT TAI=2087008525, PZTA=291, PZTB=-176, PZTC=635 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +2 04:34:49 pid=24 START obsid=3680201977, repeat=1 x dur=666.4s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-95.0, ys=75.0, megabitsPerSec=0.9, xa=-95.0, ya=67.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +2 04:34:49 parent=24 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+2 04:45:55, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +2 04:34:49 parent=24 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +2 04:40:54 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=375s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 04:45:55 parent=24 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +2 04:34:49 +2 04:45:56 parent=24 PZT_SRT TAI=2087009193, PZTA=292, PZTB=-142, PZTC=600 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +2 04:45:56 parent=24 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +2 04:25:27 +2 04:45:58 parent=24 PZT_SRT TAI=2087009195, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 04:45:59 parent=24 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 04:46:00 parent=24 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 04:46:01 parent=24 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 04:46:02 parent=24 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 04:46:14 parent=25 //annotation=SUIT coordination, QS pointing 2 +2 04:46:15 parent=25 ABORT +2 04:46:16 parent=25 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +2 04:46:45 parent=25 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +2 04:46:46 parent=25 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-95_75" +2 04:46:47 parent=25 SLEW xoff=-74.6, yoff=65.3, m1=200, m2=60, cmdx=-95.0, cmdy=75.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 04:54:47 parent=25 // IRIS slew ends +2 04:54:57 parent=25 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=3800100 +2 04:54:59 parent=25 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 04:55:00 parent=25 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 04:55:00 parent=25 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +2 04:55:01 parent=25 // wait 1 +2 04:55:02 parent=25 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +2 04:55:03 parent=25 // wait 9 +2 04:55:12 parent=25 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +2 04:55:13 parent=25 // wait 9 +2 04:55:22 parent=25 // OBS priming commands end. +2 04:55:23 parent=25 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 04:55:34 parent=25 PZT_SRT TAI=2087009771, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 04:55:35 parent=25 PZT_SRT TAI=2087009772, PZTA=291, PZTB=-176, PZTC=635 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +2 04:55:36 pid=25 START obsid=3685201977, repeat=1 x dur=533.9s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-95.0, ys=75.0, megabitsPerSec=1.1, xa=-95.0, ya=67.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +2 04:55:36 parent=25 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+2 05:04:29, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +2 04:55:36 parent=25 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +2 05:04:29 parent=25 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +2 04:55:36 +2 05:04:30 parent=25 PZT_SRT TAI=2087010307, PZTA=291, PZTB=-149, PZTC=607 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +2 05:04:30 parent=25 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +2 04:46:14 +2 05:04:32 parent=25 PZT_SRT TAI=2087010309, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 05:04:33 parent=25 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 05:04:34 parent=25 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 05:04:35 parent=25 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 05:04:36 parent=25 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 05:04:48 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +2 05:04:49 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +2 05:04:50 parent=26 //annotation=SUIT coordination, AR pointing 1 +2 05:04:51 parent=26 ABORT +2 05:04:52 parent=26 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +2 05:05:21 parent=26 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +2 05:05:22 parent=26 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_77_-213" +2 05:05:23 parent=26 SLEW xoff=93.1, yoff=-215.4, m1=42, m2=147, cmdx=77.0, cmdy=-213.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 05:13:23 parent=26 // IRIS slew ends +2 05:13:33 parent=26 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=3822420 +2 05:13:35 parent=26 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 05:13:36 parent=26 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 05:13:36 parent=26 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +2 05:13:37 parent=26 // wait 1 +2 05:13:38 parent=26 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +2 05:13:39 parent=26 // wait 9 +2 05:13:48 parent=26 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +2 05:13:49 parent=26 // wait 9 +2 05:13:58 parent=26 // OBS priming commands end. +2 05:13:59 parent=26 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +2 05:14:10 parent=26 PZT_SRT TAI=2087010887, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 05:14:11 parent=26 PZT_SRT TAI=2087010888, PZTA=124, PZTB=-7, PZTC=634 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +2 05:14:12 pid=26 START obsid=3680201977, repeat=1 x dur=666.4s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=77.0, ys=-213.0, megabitsPerSec=0.9, xa=77.0, ya=-220.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +2 05:14:12 parent=26 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+2 05:25:18, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +2 05:14:12 parent=26 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +2 05:25:18 parent=26 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +2 05:14:12 +2 05:25:19 parent=26 PZT_SRT TAI=2087011556, PZTA=124, PZTB=25, PZTC=602 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +2 05:25:19 parent=26 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +2 05:04:50 +2 05:25:21 parent=26 PZT_SRT TAI=2087011558, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 05:25:22 parent=26 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 05:25:23 parent=26 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 05:25:24 parent=26 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 05:25:25 parent=26 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 05:42:22 leaf SAAI +2 05:45:37 parent=27 //annotation=SUIT coordination, AR pointing 2 +2 05:45:38 parent=27 ABORT +2 05:45:39 parent=27 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +2 05:46:08 parent=27 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +2 05:46:09 parent=27 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_84_-237" +2 05:46:10 parent=27 SLEW xoff=103.3, yoff=-246.0, m1=152, m2=36, cmdx=84.0, cmdy=-237.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 05:54:10 parent=27 // IRIS slew ends +2 05:54:20 parent=27 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=3871360 +2 05:54:22 parent=27 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 05:54:23 parent=27 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 05:54:23 parent=27 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +2 05:54:24 parent=27 // wait 1 +2 05:54:25 parent=27 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +2 05:54:26 parent=27 // wait 9 +2 05:54:35 parent=27 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +2 05:54:36 parent=27 // wait 9 +2 05:54:45 parent=27 // OBS priming commands end. +2 05:54:46 parent=27 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +2 05:54:51 leaf SAAO +2 05:54:57 parent=27 PZT_SRT TAI=2087013334, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 05:54:58 parent=27 PZT_SRT TAI=2087013335, PZTA=275, PZTB=-145, PZTC=620 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +2 05:54:59 pid=27 START obsid=3685201977, repeat=1 x dur=533.9s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=84.0, ys=-237.0, megabitsPerSec=1.1, xa=84.0, ya=-244.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +2 05:54:59 parent=27 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+2 06:03:52, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +2 05:54:59 parent=27 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +2 06:03:52 parent=27 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +2 05:54:59 +2 06:03:53 parent=27 PZT_SRT TAI=2087013870, PZTA=275, PZTB=-120, PZTC=595 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +2 06:03:53 parent=27 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +2 05:45:37 +2 06:03:55 parent=27 PZT_SRT TAI=2087013872, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 06:03:56 parent=27 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 06:03:57 parent=27 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 06:03:58 parent=27 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 06:03:59 parent=27 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 06:04:11 parent=28 //annotation=Limb-to-limb tracking of ARs +2 06:04:12 parent=28 ABORT +2 06:04:13 parent=28 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +2 06:04:42 parent=28 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +2 06:04:43 parent=28 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-255_537" +2 06:04:44 parent=28 SLEW xoff=-241.2, yoff=530.4, m1=35, m2=193, cmdx=-255.0, cmdy=537.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 06:12:44 parent=28 // IRIS slew ends +2 06:12:54 parent=28 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=3893640 +2 06:12:56 parent=28 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 06:12:57 parent=28 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 06:12:57 parent=28 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +2 06:12:58 parent=28 // wait 1 +2 06:12:59 parent=28 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700100372, SJI_FDB=3700101908, NUV_FDB=3700101140 +2 06:13:00 parent=28 // wait 16 +2 06:13:16 parent=28 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700102676, NUV_FDB=3700101140 +2 06:13:17 parent=28 // wait 16 +2 06:13:33 parent=28 // OBS priming commands end. +2 06:13:34 parent=28 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +2 06:13:45 parent=28 PZT_SRT TAI=2087014462, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 06:13:46 parent=28 PZT_SRT TAI=2087014463, PZTA=220, PZTB=-9, PZTC=540 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +2 06:13:47 pid=28 START obsid=3620108077, repeat=1 x dur=2937.4s/rpt, size=2051.8Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-255.0, ys=537.0, megabitsPerSec=0.5, xa=-255.0, ya=529.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR13585, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 +2 06:13:47 parent=28 // OBSID=3620108077, RPT=1 x dur=2937.4s, size=2051.8 Mbits, endTime=+2 07:02:44, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 +2 06:13:47 parent=28 // OBSID=3620108077: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 +2 06:22:04 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=268s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +2 06:26:32 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=268s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +2 07:02:44 parent=28 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3620108077 ENDS, started at +2 06:13:47 +2 07:02:45 parent=28 PZT_SRT TAI=2087017402, PZTA=226, PZTB=115, PZTC=410 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +2 07:02:45 parent=28 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3620108077 ENDS, started at +2 06:04:11 +2 07:02:47 parent=28 PZT_SRT TAI=2087017404, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 07:02:48 parent=28 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 07:02:49 parent=28 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 07:02:50 parent=28 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 07:02:51 parent=28 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 07:03:03 parent=29 //annotation=Low telemetry flare watch +2 07:03:04 parent=29 ABORT +2 07:03:05 parent=29 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +2 07:03:34 parent=29 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +2 07:03:35 parent=29 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_93_-236" +2 07:03:36 parent=29 SLEW xoff=171.3, yoff=-196.3, m1=64, m2=169, cmdx=93.0, cmdy=-236.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 07:11:36 parent=29 // IRIS slew ends +2 07:11:46 parent=29 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=3964280 +2 07:11:48 parent=29 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 07:11:49 parent=29 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 07:11:49 parent=29 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +2 07:11:50 parent=29 // wait 1 +2 07:11:51 parent=29 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700300084, SJI_FDB=3700301556, NUV_FDB=3700300788 +2 07:11:52 parent=29 // wait 16 +2 07:12:08 parent=29 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700302324, NUV_FDB=3700300788 +2 07:12:09 parent=29 // wait 16 +2 07:12:25 parent=29 // OBS priming commands end. +2 07:12:26 parent=29 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +2 07:12:37 parent=29 PZT_SRT TAI=2087017994, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 07:12:38 parent=29 PZT_SRT TAI=2087017995, PZTA=269, PZTB=-1315, PZTC=1796 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +2 07:12:39 pid=29 START obsid=3660259102, repeat=1380 x dur=28.1s/rpt, size=15.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=93.0, ys=-236.0, megabitsPerSec=0.4, xa=93.0, ya=-195.5, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR13585, desc=Medium sit-and-stare 0.3x60 1s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +2 07:12:39 parent=29 // OBSID=3660259102, RPT=1380 x dur=28.1s, size=15.9 Mbits, endTime=+2 17:59:49, desc=Medium sit-and-stare 0.3x60 1s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +2 07:12:39 parent=29 // OBSID=3660259102: RPT=1380, desc=Medium sit-and-stare 0.3x60 1s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Deep x 8 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +2 07:17:39 leaf SAAI +2 07:35:04 leaf SAAO +2 07:51:48 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=234s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 07:55:42 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=234s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 08:52:57 leaf SAAI +2 09:10:44 leaf SAAO +2 10:31:30 leaf SAAI +2 10:46:00 leaf SAAO +2 10:53:01 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=65s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +2 10:54:06 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=65s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +2 10:55:29 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=262s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +2 10:59:51 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=262s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +2 12:10:50 leaf SAAI +2 12:18:35 leaf SAAO +2 12:40:13 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=63s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +2 12:41:16 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=63s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +2 12:44:31 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=123s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +2 12:46:34 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=123s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +2 14:14:37 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=455s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +2 14:22:12 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=455s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +2 14:54:37 leaf SAAI +2 14:57:14 leaf SAAO +2 15:51:14 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=404s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +2 15:57:58 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=404s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +2 16:27:09 leaf SAAI +2 16:36:54 leaf SAAO +2 17:39:15 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=203s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 17:42:38 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=203s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 17:44:01 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=60s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 17:45:01 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=60s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 17:59:49 parent=29 // 1380 repeats of OBSID=3660259102 ENDS, started at +2 07:12:39 +2 17:59:50 parent=29 PZT_SRT TAI=2087056827, PZTA=236, PZTB=567, PZTC=-53 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +2 17:59:50 parent=29 // total of 1380 repeats of OBSID=3660259102 ENDS, started at +2 07:03:03 +2 17:59:52 parent=29 PZT_SRT TAI=2087056829, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 17:59:53 parent=29 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 17:59:54 parent=29 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 17:59:55 parent=29 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 17:59:56 parent=29 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 18:01:58 leaf SAAI +2 18:06:00 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 18:06:01 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 18:07:01 parent=30 ABORT +2 18:07:02 parent=30 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +2 18:07:03 parent=30 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 1/17 +2 18:07:31 parent=30 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +2 18:07:32 parent=30 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-808_-951" +2 18:07:33 parent=30 SLEW xoff=-802.2, yoff=-961.1, m1=0, m2=0, cmdx=-808.0, cmdy=-951.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 18:15:33 parent=30 // IRIS slew ends +2 18:15:43 parent=30 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=4761020 +2 18:15:46 parent=30 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 18:15:47 parent=30 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 18:15:47 parent=30 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +2 18:15:48 parent=30 // wait 1 +2 18:15:49 parent=30 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +2 18:15:50 parent=30 // wait 66 +2 18:16:40 leaf SAAO +2 18:16:56 parent=30 // OBS priming commands end. +2 18:16:57 parent=30 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 18:16:58 parent=30 PZT_SRT TAI=2087057855, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 18:16:59 parent=30 PZT_SRT TAI=2087057856, PZTA=-42256, PZTB=19530, PZTC=24598 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 18:16:59 parent=30 // OBSID=4204700259, RPT=1 x dur=1679.1s, size=52.2 Mbits, endTime=+2 18:44:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_01 +2 18:17:00 pid=30 START obsid=4204700259, repeat=1 x dur=1679.1s/rpt, size=52.2Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-808.0, ys=-951.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=-802.2, ya=-961.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_01 +2 18:44:59 parent=30 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700259 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +2 18:17:00 +2 18:44:59 parent=30 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700259 ENDS, started at +2 18:07:01 +2 18:45:00 parent=30 PZT_SRT TAI=2087059537, PZTA=-42256, PZTB=19530, PZTC=24598 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 18:45:01 parent=30 PZT_SRT TAI=2087059538, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 18:45:02 parent=30 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 18:45:02 parent=30 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 18:45:03 parent=30 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 18:45:04 parent=30 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 18:45:16 parent=31 ABORT +2 18:45:17 parent=31 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=450 +2 18:45:18 parent=31 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 2/17 +2 18:45:46 parent=31 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=390 +2 18:45:47 parent=31 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-711_-964" +2 18:45:48 parent=31 SLEW xoff=-700.8, yoff=-987.0, m1=60, m2=74, cmdx=-711.0, cmdy=-964.0, slewtime=390s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 18:52:18 parent=31 // IRIS slew ends +2 18:52:28 parent=31 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=390, issopenticks=4806920 +2 18:52:31 parent=31 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 18:52:32 parent=31 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 18:52:32 parent=31 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +2 18:52:33 parent=31 // wait 1 +2 18:52:34 parent=31 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +2 18:52:35 parent=31 // wait 66 +2 18:53:41 parent=31 // OBS priming commands end. +2 18:53:42 parent=31 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 18:53:43 parent=31 PZT_SRT TAI=2087060060, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 18:53:44 parent=31 PZT_SRT TAI=2087060061, PZTA=467, PZTB=667, PZTC=366 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 18:53:44 parent=31 // OBSID=4204700260, RPT=1 x dur=2399.1s, size=74.6 Mbits, endTime=+2 19:33:44, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_02 +2 18:53:45 pid=31 START obsid=4204700260, repeat=1 x dur=2399.1s/rpt, size=74.6Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-711.0, ys=-964.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=-700.8, ya=-987.0, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_02 +2 19:16:49 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=188s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 19:19:57 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=188s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 19:33:44 parent=31 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700260 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +2 18:53:45 +2 19:33:44 parent=31 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700260 ENDS, started at +2 18:45:16 +2 19:33:45 parent=31 PZT_SRT TAI=2087062462, PZTA=467, PZTB=667, PZTC=366 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 19:33:46 parent=31 PZT_SRT TAI=2087062463, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 19:33:47 parent=31 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 19:33:47 parent=31 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 19:33:48 parent=31 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 19:33:49 parent=31 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 19:34:31 parent=32 ABORT +2 19:34:32 parent=32 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=230 +2 19:34:33 parent=32 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 3/17 +2 19:35:01 parent=32 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=170 +2 19:35:02 parent=32 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-608_-968" +2 19:35:03 parent=32 SLEW xoff=-601.1, yoff=-977.2, m1=56, m2=83, cmdx=-608.0, cmdy=-968.0, slewtime=170s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 19:36:44 leaf SAAI +2 19:37:46 parent=32 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 19:37:47 parent=32 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 19:37:47 parent=32 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +2 19:37:48 parent=32 // wait 1 +2 19:37:49 parent=32 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +2 19:37:50 parent=32 // wait 66 +2 19:37:53 parent=32 // IRIS slew ends +2 19:38:03 parent=32 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=170, issopenticks=4866020 +2 19:38:56 parent=32 // OBS priming commands end. +2 19:38:57 parent=32 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 19:38:58 parent=32 PZT_SRT TAI=2087062775, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 19:38:59 parent=32 PZT_SRT TAI=2087062776, PZTA=501, PZTB=528, PZTC=471 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 19:38:59 parent=32 // OBSID=4204700261, RPT=1 x dur=1619.1s, size=50.4 Mbits, endTime=+2 20:05:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_03 +2 19:39:00 pid=32 START obsid=4204700261, repeat=1 x dur=1619.1s/rpt, size=50.4Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-608.0, ys=-968.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=-601.1, ya=-977.2, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_03 +2 19:55:17 leaf SAAO +2 20:05:59 parent=32 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700261 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +2 19:39:00 +2 20:05:59 parent=32 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700261 ENDS, started at +2 19:34:31 +2 20:06:00 parent=32 PZT_SRT TAI=2087064397, PZTA=501, PZTB=528, PZTC=471 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 20:06:01 parent=32 PZT_SRT TAI=2087064398, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 20:06:02 parent=32 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 20:06:02 parent=32 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 20:06:03 parent=32 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 20:06:04 parent=32 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 20:08:11 parent=33 ABORT +2 20:08:12 parent=33 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=210 +2 20:08:13 parent=33 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 4/17 +2 20:08:41 parent=33 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=150 +2 20:08:42 parent=33 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-502_-971" +2 20:08:43 parent=33 SLEW xoff=-498.4, yoff=-989.9, m1=56, m2=89, cmdx=-502.0, cmdy=-971.0, slewtime=150s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 20:11:13 parent=33 // IRIS slew ends +2 20:11:23 parent=33 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=150, issopenticks=4906420 +2 20:11:46 parent=33 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 20:11:47 parent=33 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 20:11:47 parent=33 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +2 20:11:48 parent=33 // wait 1 +2 20:11:49 parent=33 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +2 20:11:50 parent=33 // wait 66 +2 20:12:56 parent=33 // OBS priming commands end. +2 20:12:57 parent=33 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 20:12:58 parent=33 PZT_SRT TAI=2087064815, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 20:12:59 parent=33 PZT_SRT TAI=2087064816, PZTA=531, PZTB=613, PZTC=355 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 20:12:59 parent=33 // OBSID=4204700262, RPT=1 x dur=2279.1s, size=70.9 Mbits, endTime=+2 20:50:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_04 +2 20:13:00 pid=33 START obsid=4204700262, repeat=1 x dur=2279.1s/rpt, size=70.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-502.0, ys=-971.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=-498.4, ya=-989.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_04 +2 20:50:59 parent=33 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700262 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +2 20:13:00 +2 20:50:59 parent=33 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700262 ENDS, started at +2 20:08:11 +2 20:51:00 parent=33 PZT_SRT TAI=2087067097, PZTA=531, PZTB=613, PZTC=355 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 20:51:01 parent=33 PZT_SRT TAI=2087067098, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 20:51:02 parent=33 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 20:51:02 parent=33 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 20:51:03 parent=33 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 20:51:04 parent=33 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 20:52:54 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=44s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 20:53:11 parent=34 ABORT +2 20:53:12 parent=34 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=210 +2 20:53:13 parent=34 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 5/17 +2 20:53:38 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=44s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 20:53:41 parent=34 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=150 +2 20:53:42 parent=34 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-405_-975" +2 20:53:43 parent=34 SLEW xoff=-398.6, yoff=-989.8, m1=56, m2=95, cmdx=-405.0, cmdy=-975.0, slewtime=150s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 20:55:32 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=88s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 20:56:13 parent=34 // IRIS slew ends +2 20:56:23 parent=34 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=150, issopenticks=4960420 +2 20:56:46 parent=34 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 20:56:47 parent=34 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 20:56:47 parent=34 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +2 20:56:48 parent=34 // wait 1 +2 20:56:49 parent=34 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +2 20:56:50 parent=34 // wait 66 +2 20:57:00 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=88s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 20:57:56 parent=34 // OBS priming commands end. +2 20:57:57 parent=34 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 20:57:58 parent=34 PZT_SRT TAI=2087067515, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 20:57:59 parent=34 PZT_SRT TAI=2087067516, PZTA=501, PZTB=651, PZTC=349 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 20:57:59 parent=34 // OBSID=4204700263, RPT=1 x dur=1859.1s, size=57.8 Mbits, endTime=+2 21:28:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_05 +2 20:58:00 pid=34 START obsid=4204700263, repeat=1 x dur=1859.1s/rpt, size=57.8Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-405.0, ys=-975.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=-398.6, ya=-989.8, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_05 +2 21:15:05 leaf SAAI +2 21:28:59 parent=34 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700263 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +2 20:58:00 +2 21:28:59 parent=34 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700263 ENDS, started at +2 20:53:11 +2 21:29:00 parent=34 PZT_SRT TAI=2087069377, PZTA=501, PZTB=651, PZTC=349 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 21:29:01 parent=34 PZT_SRT TAI=2087069378, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 21:29:02 parent=34 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 21:29:02 parent=34 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 21:29:03 parent=34 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 21:29:04 parent=34 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 21:31:18 leaf SAAO +2 21:31:31 parent=35 ABORT +2 21:31:32 parent=35 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=230 +2 21:31:33 parent=35 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 6/17 +2 21:32:01 parent=35 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=170 +2 21:32:02 parent=35 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-304_-978" +2 21:32:03 parent=35 SLEW xoff=-297.1, yoff=-989.5, m1=57, m2=101, cmdx=-304.0, cmdy=-978.0, slewtime=170s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 21:34:46 parent=35 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 21:34:47 parent=35 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 21:34:47 parent=35 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +2 21:34:48 parent=35 // wait 1 +2 21:34:49 parent=35 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +2 21:34:50 parent=35 // wait 66 +2 21:34:53 parent=35 // IRIS slew ends +2 21:35:03 parent=35 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=170, issopenticks=5006420 +2 21:35:56 parent=35 // OBS priming commands end. +2 21:35:57 parent=35 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 21:35:58 parent=35 PZT_SRT TAI=2087069795, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 21:35:59 parent=35 PZT_SRT TAI=2087069796, PZTA=459, PZTB=603, PZTC=438 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 21:35:59 parent=35 // OBSID=4204700264, RPT=1 x dur=1799.1s, size=56.0 Mbits, endTime=+2 22:05:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_06 +2 21:36:00 pid=35 START obsid=4204700264, repeat=1 x dur=1799.1s/rpt, size=56.0Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-304.0, ys=-978.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=-297.1, ya=-989.5, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_06 +2 22:05:59 parent=35 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700264 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +2 21:36:00 +2 22:05:59 parent=35 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700264 ENDS, started at +2 21:31:31 +2 22:06:00 parent=35 PZT_SRT TAI=2087071597, PZTA=459, PZTB=603, PZTC=438 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 22:06:01 parent=35 PZT_SRT TAI=2087071598, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 22:06:02 parent=35 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 22:06:02 parent=35 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 22:06:03 parent=35 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 22:06:04 parent=35 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 22:08:31 parent=36 ABORT +2 22:08:32 parent=36 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=220 +2 22:08:33 parent=36 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 7/17 +2 22:09:01 parent=36 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=160 +2 22:09:02 parent=36 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-206_-982" +2 22:09:03 parent=36 SLEW xoff=-195.8, yoff=-1003.4, m1=60, m2=106, cmdx=-206.0, cmdy=-982.0, slewtime=160s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 22:11:43 parent=36 // IRIS slew ends +2 22:11:46 parent=36 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 22:11:47 parent=36 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 22:11:47 parent=36 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +2 22:11:48 parent=36 // wait 1 +2 22:11:49 parent=36 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +2 22:11:50 parent=36 // wait 66 +2 22:11:53 parent=36 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=160, issopenticks=5050820 +2 22:12:56 parent=36 // OBS priming commands end. +2 22:12:57 parent=36 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 22:12:58 parent=36 PZT_SRT TAI=2087072015, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 22:12:59 parent=36 PZT_SRT TAI=2087072016, PZTA=535, PZTB=517, PZTC=448 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 22:12:59 parent=36 // OBSID=4204700265, RPT=1 x dur=2339.1s, size=72.8 Mbits, endTime=+2 22:51:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_07 +2 22:13:00 pid=36 START obsid=4204700265, repeat=1 x dur=2339.1s/rpt, size=72.8Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-206.0, ys=-982.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=-195.8, ya=-1003.4, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_07 +2 22:31:03 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=156s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 22:33:39 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=156s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +2 22:51:59 parent=36 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700265 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +2 22:13:00 +2 22:51:59 parent=36 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700265 ENDS, started at +2 22:08:31 +2 22:52:00 parent=36 PZT_SRT TAI=2087074357, PZTA=535, PZTB=517, PZTC=448 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 22:52:01 parent=36 PZT_SRT TAI=2087074358, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 22:52:02 parent=36 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 22:52:02 parent=36 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 22:52:03 parent=36 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 22:52:04 parent=36 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 22:54:11 parent=37 ABORT +2 22:54:12 parent=37 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=230 +2 22:54:13 parent=37 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 8/17 +2 22:54:35 leaf SAAI +2 22:54:41 parent=37 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=170 +2 22:54:42 parent=37 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-101_-985" +2 22:54:43 parent=37 SLEW xoff=-95.4, yoff=-992.9, m1=62, m2=112, cmdx=-101.0, cmdy=-985.0, slewtime=170s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 22:57:33 parent=37 // IRIS slew ends +2 22:57:43 parent=37 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=170, issopenticks=5105620 +2 22:57:46 parent=37 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 22:57:47 parent=37 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 22:57:47 parent=37 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +2 22:57:48 parent=37 // wait 1 +2 22:57:49 parent=37 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +2 22:57:50 parent=37 // wait 66 +2 22:58:56 parent=37 // OBS priming commands end. +2 22:58:57 parent=37 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 22:58:58 parent=37 PZT_SRT TAI=2087074775, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 22:58:59 parent=37 PZT_SRT TAI=2087074776, PZTA=398, PZTB=448, PZTC=655 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 22:58:59 parent=37 // OBSID=4204700266, RPT=1 x dur=1559.1s, size=48.5 Mbits, endTime=+2 23:24:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_08 +2 22:59:00 pid=37 START obsid=4204700266, repeat=1 x dur=1559.1s/rpt, size=48.5Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-101.0, ys=-985.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=-95.4, ya=-992.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_08 +2 23:06:56 leaf SAAO +2 23:24:59 parent=37 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700266 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +2 22:59:00 +2 23:24:59 parent=37 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700266 ENDS, started at +2 22:54:11 +2 23:25:00 parent=37 PZT_SRT TAI=2087076337, PZTA=398, PZTB=448, PZTC=655 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 23:25:01 parent=37 PZT_SRT TAI=2087076338, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +2 23:25:02 parent=37 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +2 23:25:02 parent=37 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +2 23:25:03 parent=37 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +2 23:25:04 parent=37 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +2 23:27:01 parent=38 ABORT +2 23:27:02 parent=38 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=240 +2 23:27:03 parent=38 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 9/17 +2 23:27:31 parent=38 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=180 +2 23:27:32 parent=38 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-1_-989" +2 23:27:33 parent=38 SLEW xoff=5.1, yoff=-1009.3, m1=66, m2=116, cmdx=-1.0, cmdy=-989.0, slewtime=180s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +2 23:30:33 parent=38 // IRIS slew ends +2 23:30:43 parent=38 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=180, issopenticks=5145020 +2 23:30:46 parent=38 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 23:30:47 parent=38 // OBS priming commands begin. +2 23:30:47 parent=38 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +2 23:30:48 parent=38 // wait 1 +2 23:30:49 parent=38 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +2 23:30:50 parent=38 // wait 66 +2 23:31:56 parent=38 // OBS priming commands end. +2 23:31:57 parent=38 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +2 23:31:58 parent=38 PZT_SRT TAI=2087076755, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +2 23:31:59 parent=38 PZT_SRT TAI=2087076756, PZTA=364, PZTB=541, PZTC=595 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +2 23:31:59 parent=38 // OBSID=4204700267, RPT=1 x dur=2399.1s, size=74.6 Mbits, endTime=+3 00:11:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_09 +2 23:32:00 pid=38 START obsid=4204700267, repeat=1 x dur=2399.1s/rpt, size=74.6Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-1.0, ys=-989.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=5.1, ya=-1009.3, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_09 +3 00:07:08 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=152s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 00:09:40 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=152s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 00:11:59 parent=38 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700267 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +2 23:32:00 +3 00:11:59 parent=38 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700267 ENDS, started at +2 23:27:01 +3 00:12:00 parent=38 PZT_SRT TAI=2087079157, PZTA=364, PZTB=541, PZTC=595 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 00:12:01 parent=38 PZT_SRT TAI=2087079158, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 00:12:02 parent=38 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 00:12:02 parent=38 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 00:12:03 parent=38 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 00:12:04 parent=38 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 00:14:01 parent=39 ABORT +3 00:14:02 parent=39 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=240 +3 00:14:03 parent=39 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 10/17 +3 00:14:31 parent=39 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=180 +3 00:14:32 parent=39 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_94_-992" +3 00:14:33 parent=39 SLEW xoff=106.0, yoff=-1005.5, m1=70, m2=120, cmdx=94.0, cmdy=-992.0, slewtime=180s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 00:17:33 parent=39 // IRIS slew ends +3 00:17:43 parent=39 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=180, issopenticks=5201420 +3 00:17:46 parent=39 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 00:17:47 parent=39 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 00:17:47 parent=39 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +3 00:17:48 parent=39 // wait 1 +3 00:17:49 parent=39 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +3 00:17:50 parent=39 // wait 66 +3 00:18:56 parent=39 // OBS priming commands end. +3 00:18:57 parent=39 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 00:18:58 parent=39 PZT_SRT TAI=2087079575, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 00:18:59 parent=39 PZT_SRT TAI=2087079576, PZTA=559, PZTB=509, PZTC=432 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 00:18:59 parent=39 // OBSID=4204700268, RPT=1 x dur=1739.1s, size=54.1 Mbits, endTime=+3 00:47:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_10 +3 00:19:00 pid=39 START obsid=4204700268, repeat=1 x dur=1739.1s/rpt, size=54.1Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=94.0, ys=-992.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=106.0, ya=-1005.5, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_10 +3 00:47:59 parent=39 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700268 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +3 00:19:00 +3 00:47:59 parent=39 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700268 ENDS, started at +3 00:14:01 +3 00:48:00 parent=39 PZT_SRT TAI=2087081317, PZTA=559, PZTB=509, PZTC=432 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 00:48:01 parent=39 PZT_SRT TAI=2087081318, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 00:48:02 parent=39 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 00:48:02 parent=39 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 00:48:03 parent=39 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 00:48:04 parent=39 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 00:50:21 parent=40 ABORT +3 00:50:22 parent=40 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=220 +3 00:50:23 parent=40 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 11/17 +3 00:50:51 parent=40 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=160 +3 00:50:52 parent=40 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_208_-996" +3 00:50:53 parent=40 SLEW xoff=207.6, yoff=-1012.0, m1=75, m2=124, cmdx=208.0, cmdy=-996.0, slewtime=160s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 00:53:33 parent=40 // IRIS slew ends +3 00:53:43 parent=40 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=160, issopenticks=5245020 +3 00:53:46 parent=40 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 00:53:47 parent=40 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 00:53:47 parent=40 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +3 00:53:48 parent=40 // wait 1 +3 00:53:49 parent=40 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +3 00:53:50 parent=40 // wait 66 +3 00:54:56 parent=40 // OBS priming commands end. +3 00:54:57 parent=40 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 00:54:58 parent=40 PZT_SRT TAI=2087081735, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 00:54:59 parent=40 PZT_SRT TAI=2087081736, PZTA=500, PZTB=348, PZTC=652 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 00:54:59 parent=40 // OBSID=4204700269, RPT=1 x dur=1979.1s, size=61.6 Mbits, endTime=+3 01:27:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_11 +3 00:55:00 pid=40 START obsid=4204700269, repeat=1 x dur=1979.1s/rpt, size=61.6Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=208.0, ys=-996.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=207.6, ya=-1012.0, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_11 +3 01:27:59 parent=40 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700269 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +3 00:55:00 +3 01:27:59 parent=40 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700269 ENDS, started at +3 00:50:21 +3 01:28:00 parent=40 PZT_SRT TAI=2087083717, PZTA=500, PZTB=348, PZTC=652 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 01:28:01 parent=40 PZT_SRT TAI=2087083718, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 01:28:02 parent=40 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 01:28:02 parent=40 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 01:28:03 parent=40 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 01:28:04 parent=40 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 01:30:01 parent=41 ABORT +3 01:30:02 parent=41 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=210 +3 01:30:03 parent=41 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 /17 +3 01:30:31 parent=41 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=150 +3 01:30:32 parent=41 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_301_-1000" +3 01:30:33 parent=41 SLEW xoff=309.2, yoff=-1020.1, m1=80, m2=126, cmdx=301.0, cmdy=-1000.0, slewtime=150s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 01:33:03 parent=41 // IRIS slew ends +3 01:33:13 parent=41 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=150, issopenticks=5292620 +3 01:33:46 parent=41 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 01:33:47 parent=41 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 01:33:47 parent=41 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +3 01:33:48 parent=41 // wait 1 +3 01:33:49 parent=41 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +3 01:33:50 parent=41 // wait 66 +3 01:34:56 parent=41 // OBS priming commands end. +3 01:34:57 parent=41 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 01:34:58 parent=41 PZT_SRT TAI=2087084135, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 01:34:59 parent=41 PZT_SRT TAI=2087084136, PZTA=701, PZTB=427, PZTC=370 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 01:34:59 parent=41 // OBSID=4204700270, RPT=1 x dur=2219.1s, size=69.0 Mbits, endTime=+3 02:11:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_12 +3 01:35:00 pid=41 START obsid=4204700270, repeat=1 x dur=2219.1s/rpt, size=69.0Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=301.0, ys=-1000.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=309.2, ya=-1020.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_12 +3 01:40:29 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=99s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 01:42:08 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=99s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 01:44:02 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=202s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 01:47:24 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=202s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 02:11:59 parent=41 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700270 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +3 01:35:00 +3 02:11:59 parent=41 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700270 ENDS, started at +3 01:30:01 +3 02:12:00 parent=41 PZT_SRT TAI=2087086357, PZTA=701, PZTB=427, PZTC=370 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 02:12:01 parent=41 PZT_SRT TAI=2087086358, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 02:12:02 parent=41 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 02:12:02 parent=41 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 02:12:03 parent=41 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 02:12:04 parent=41 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 02:14:01 parent=42 ABORT +3 02:14:02 parent=42 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=220 +3 02:14:03 parent=42 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 13/17 +3 02:14:31 parent=42 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=160 +3 02:14:32 parent=42 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_407_-1003" +3 02:14:33 parent=42 SLEW xoff=412.3, yoff=-1013.3, m1=85, m2=129, cmdx=407.0, cmdy=-1003.0, slewtime=160s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 02:17:13 parent=42 // IRIS slew ends +3 02:17:23 parent=42 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=160, issopenticks=5345420 +3 02:17:46 parent=42 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 02:17:47 parent=42 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 02:17:47 parent=42 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +3 02:17:48 parent=42 // wait 1 +3 02:17:49 parent=42 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +3 02:17:50 parent=42 // wait 66 +3 02:18:56 parent=42 // OBS priming commands end. +3 02:18:57 parent=42 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 02:18:58 parent=42 PZT_SRT TAI=2087086775, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 02:18:59 parent=42 PZT_SRT TAI=2087086776, PZTA=686, PZTB=390, PZTC=422 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 02:18:59 parent=42 // OBSID=4204700271, RPT=1 x dur=1619.1s, size=50.4 Mbits, endTime=+3 02:45:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_13 +3 02:19:00 pid=42 START obsid=4204700271, repeat=1 x dur=1619.1s/rpt, size=50.4Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=407.0, ys=-1003.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=412.3, ya=-1013.3, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_13 +3 02:45:59 parent=42 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700271 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +3 02:19:00 +3 02:45:59 parent=42 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700271 ENDS, started at +3 02:14:01 +3 02:46:00 parent=42 PZT_SRT TAI=2087088397, PZTA=686, PZTB=390, PZTC=422 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 02:46:01 parent=42 PZT_SRT TAI=2087088398, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 02:46:02 parent=42 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 02:46:02 parent=42 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 02:46:03 parent=42 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 02:46:04 parent=42 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 02:50:31 parent=43 ABORT +3 02:50:32 parent=43 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=230 +3 02:50:33 parent=43 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 14/17 +3 02:51:01 parent=43 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=170 +3 02:51:02 parent=43 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_509_-1006" +3 02:51:03 parent=43 SLEW xoff=516.0, yoff=-1029.7, m1=91, m2=130, cmdx=509.0, cmdy=-1006.0, slewtime=170s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 02:53:46 parent=43 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 02:53:47 parent=43 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 02:53:47 parent=43 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +3 02:53:48 parent=43 // wait 1 +3 02:53:49 parent=43 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +3 02:53:50 parent=43 // wait 66 +3 02:53:53 parent=43 // IRIS slew ends +3 02:54:03 parent=43 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=170, issopenticks=5389220 +3 02:54:56 parent=43 // OBS priming commands end. +3 02:54:57 parent=43 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 02:54:58 parent=43 PZT_SRT TAI=2087088935, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 02:54:59 parent=43 PZT_SRT TAI=2087088936, PZTA=578, PZTB=414, PZTC=507 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 02:54:59 parent=43 // OBSID=4204700272, RPT=1 x dur=2339.1s, size=72.8 Mbits, endTime=+3 03:33:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_14 +3 02:55:00 pid=43 START obsid=4204700272, repeat=1 x dur=2339.1s/rpt, size=72.8Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=509.0, ys=-1006.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=516.0, ya=-1029.7, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_14 +3 03:16:47 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=336s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 03:22:23 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=336s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 03:33:59 parent=43 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700272 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +3 02:55:00 +3 03:33:59 parent=43 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700272 ENDS, started at +3 02:50:31 +3 03:34:00 parent=43 PZT_SRT TAI=2087091277, PZTA=578, PZTB=414, PZTC=507 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 03:34:01 parent=43 PZT_SRT TAI=2087091278, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 03:34:02 parent=43 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 03:34:02 parent=43 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 03:34:03 parent=43 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 03:34:04 parent=43 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 03:36:11 parent=44 ABORT +3 03:36:12 parent=44 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=210 +3 03:36:13 parent=44 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 15/17 +3 03:36:41 parent=44 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=150 +3 03:36:42 parent=44 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_606_-1010" +3 03:36:43 parent=44 SLEW xoff=614.3, yoff=-1022.1, m1=96, m2=131, cmdx=606.0, cmdy=-1010.0, slewtime=150s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 03:39:13 parent=44 // IRIS slew ends +3 03:39:23 parent=44 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=150, issopenticks=5444020 +3 03:39:46 parent=44 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 03:39:47 parent=44 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 03:39:47 parent=44 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +3 03:39:48 parent=44 // wait 1 +3 03:39:49 parent=44 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +3 03:39:50 parent=44 // wait 66 +3 03:40:56 parent=44 // OBS priming commands end. +3 03:40:57 parent=44 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 03:40:58 parent=44 PZT_SRT TAI=2087091695, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 03:40:59 parent=44 PZT_SRT TAI=2087091696, PZTA=648, PZTB=522, PZTC=329 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 03:40:59 parent=44 // OBSID=4204700273, RPT=1 x dur=1619.1s, size=50.4 Mbits, endTime=+3 04:07:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_15 +3 03:41:00 pid=44 START obsid=4204700273, repeat=1 x dur=1619.1s/rpt, size=50.4Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=606.0, ys=-1010.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=614.3, ya=-1022.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_15 +3 04:07:59 parent=44 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700273 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +3 03:41:00 +3 04:07:59 parent=44 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700273 ENDS, started at +3 03:36:11 +3 04:08:00 parent=44 PZT_SRT TAI=2087093317, PZTA=648, PZTB=522, PZTC=329 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 04:08:01 parent=44 PZT_SRT TAI=2087093318, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 04:08:02 parent=44 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 04:08:02 parent=44 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 04:08:03 parent=44 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 04:08:04 parent=44 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 04:10:11 parent=45 ABORT +3 04:10:12 parent=45 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=230 +3 04:10:13 parent=45 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 16/17 +3 04:10:41 parent=45 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=170 +3 04:10:42 parent=45 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_715_-1014" +3 04:10:43 parent=45 SLEW xoff=716.0, yoff=-1033.8, m1=103, m2=130, cmdx=715.0, cmdy=-1014.0, slewtime=170s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 04:13:33 parent=45 // IRIS slew ends +3 04:13:43 parent=45 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=170, issopenticks=5484820 +3 04:13:46 parent=45 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 04:13:47 parent=45 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 04:13:47 parent=45 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +3 04:13:48 parent=45 // wait 1 +3 04:13:49 parent=45 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +3 04:13:50 parent=45 // wait 66 +3 04:14:56 parent=45 // OBS priming commands end. +3 04:14:57 parent=45 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 04:14:58 parent=45 PZT_SRT TAI=2087093735, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 04:14:59 parent=45 PZT_SRT TAI=2087093736, PZTA=589, PZTB=437, PZTC=474 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 04:14:59 parent=45 // OBSID=4204700274, RPT=1 x dur=2159.1s, size=67.2 Mbits, endTime=+3 04:50:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_16 +3 04:15:00 pid=45 START obsid=4204700274, repeat=1 x dur=2159.1s/rpt, size=67.2Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=715.0, ys=-1014.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=716.0, ya=-1033.8, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_16 +3 04:25:39 leaf SAAI +3 04:34:08 leaf SAAO +3 04:50:59 parent=45 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700274 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +3 04:15:00 +3 04:50:59 parent=45 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700274 ENDS, started at +3 04:10:11 +3 04:51:00 parent=45 PZT_SRT TAI=2087095897, PZTA=589, PZTB=437, PZTC=474 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 04:51:01 parent=45 PZT_SRT TAI=2087095898, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 04:51:02 parent=45 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 04:51:02 parent=45 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 04:51:03 parent=45 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 04:51:04 parent=45 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 04:53:31 parent=46 ABORT +3 04:53:32 parent=46 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=230 +3 04:53:33 parent=46 //annotation=Calib 13: Stellar HD 210424 17/17 +3 04:54:01 parent=46 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=170 +3 04:54:02 parent=46 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_812_-1017" +3 04:54:03 parent=46 SLEW xoff=816.1, yoff=-1036.0, m1=110, m2=128, cmdx=812.0, cmdy=-1017.0, slewtime=170s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 04:56:46 parent=46 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 04:56:47 parent=46 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 04:56:47 parent=46 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +3 04:56:48 parent=46 // wait 1 +3 04:56:49 parent=46 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4203300006, SJI_FDB=4203300008, NUV_FDB=4203300007 +3 04:56:50 parent=46 // wait 66 +3 04:56:53 parent=46 // IRIS slew ends +3 04:57:03 parent=46 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=170, issopenticks=5536820 +3 04:57:56 parent=46 // OBS priming commands end. +3 04:57:57 parent=46 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 04:57:58 parent=46 PZT_SRT TAI=2087096315, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 04:57:59 parent=46 PZT_SRT TAI=2087096316, PZTA=570, PZTB=548, PZTC=382 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 04:57:59 parent=46 // OBSID=4204700275, RPT=1 x dur=2339.1s, size=72.8 Mbits, endTime=+3 05:36:59, desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_17 +3 04:58:00 pid=46 START obsid=4204700275, repeat=1 x dur=2339.1s/rpt, size=72.8Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=812.0, ys=-1017.0, megabitsPerSec=0.0, xa=816.1, ya=-1036.0, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Stellar_Cal_HD210424_2024_Pointing_17 +3 05:02:32 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=80s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 05:03:52 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=80s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 05:05:28 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=208s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 05:08:56 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=208s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 05:36:59 parent=46 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700275 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +3 04:58:00 +3 05:36:59 parent=46 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204700275 ENDS, started at +3 04:53:31 +3 05:37:00 parent=46 PZT_SRT TAI=2087098657, PZTA=570, PZTB=548, PZTC=382 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 05:37:01 parent=46 PZT_SRT TAI=2087098658, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 05:37:02 parent=46 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 05:37:02 parent=46 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 05:37:03 parent=46 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 05:37:04 parent=46 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 05:37:07 parent=47 //annotation=SUIT coordination, QS pointing 1 +3 05:37:08 parent=47 ABORT +3 05:37:09 parent=47 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +3 05:37:38 parent=47 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +3 05:37:39 parent=47 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-0_-0" +3 05:37:40 parent=47 SLEW xoff=16.3, yoff=-8.3, m1=67, m2=187, cmdx=0.0, cmdy=0.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 05:45:40 parent=47 // IRIS slew ends +3 05:45:50 parent=47 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=5589160 +3 05:45:52 parent=47 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 05:45:53 parent=47 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 05:45:53 parent=47 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +3 05:45:54 parent=47 // wait 1 +3 05:45:55 parent=47 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +3 05:45:56 parent=47 // wait 9 +3 05:46:05 parent=47 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +3 05:46:06 parent=47 // wait 9 +3 05:46:15 parent=47 // OBS priming commands end. +3 05:46:16 parent=47 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 05:46:27 parent=47 PZT_SRT TAI=2087099224, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 05:46:28 parent=47 PZT_SRT TAI=2087099225, PZTA=259, PZTB=-78, PZTC=569 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +3 05:46:29 pid=47 START obsid=3680201977, repeat=1 x dur=666.4s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=0.0, ys=0.0, megabitsPerSec=0.9, xa=0.0, ya=-7.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +3 05:46:29 parent=47 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+3 05:57:35, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +3 05:46:29 parent=47 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +3 05:57:35 parent=47 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +3 05:46:29 +3 05:57:36 parent=47 PZT_SRT TAI=2087099893, PZTA=259, PZTB=-44, PZTC=535 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +3 05:57:36 parent=47 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +3 05:37:07 +3 05:57:38 parent=47 PZT_SRT TAI=2087099895, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 05:57:39 parent=47 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 05:57:40 parent=47 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 05:57:41 parent=47 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 05:57:42 parent=47 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 05:57:54 parent=48 //annotation=A1: QS monitoring +3 05:57:55 parent=48 ABORT +3 05:57:56 parent=48 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +3 05:58:25 parent=48 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +3 05:58:26 parent=48 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_0" +3 05:58:27 parent=48 SLEW xoff=12.7, yoff=-9.3, m1=199, m2=66, cmdx=0.0, cmdy=0.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 06:00:54 leaf SAAI +3 06:06:27 parent=48 // IRIS slew ends +3 06:06:37 parent=48 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=5614100 +3 06:06:39 parent=48 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 06:06:40 parent=48 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 06:06:40 parent=48 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +3 06:06:41 parent=48 // wait 1 +3 06:06:42 parent=48 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400033, NUV_FDB=3808400705 +3 06:06:43 parent=48 // wait 23 +3 06:07:06 parent=48 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808401377, NUV_FDB=3808400705 +3 06:07:07 parent=48 // wait 23 +3 06:07:30 parent=48 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402049, NUV_FDB=3808400705 +3 06:07:31 parent=48 // wait 23 +3 06:07:54 parent=48 // OBS priming commands end. +3 06:07:55 parent=48 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 06:08:06 parent=48 PZT_SRT TAI=2087100523, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 06:08:07 parent=48 PZT_SRT TAI=2087100524, PZTA=532, PZTB=232, PZTC=736 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +3 06:08:08 pid=48 START obsid=3882010194, repeat=1 x dur=1084.4s/rpt, size=1987.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=0.0, ys=0.0, megabitsPerSec=1.2, xa=0.0, ya=-7.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster +3 06:08:08 parent=48 // OBSID=3882010194, RPT=1 x dur=1084.4s, size=1987.9 Mbits, endTime=+3 06:26:12, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster +3 06:08:08 parent=48 // OBSID=3882010194: RPT=1, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster +3 06:14:20 leaf SAAO +3 06:26:12 parent=48 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +3 06:08:08 +3 06:26:13 parent=48 PZT_SRT TAI=2087101610, PZTA=532, PZTB=288, PZTC=680 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +3 06:26:13 parent=48 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +3 05:57:54 +3 06:26:15 parent=48 PZT_SRT TAI=2087101612, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 06:26:16 parent=48 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 06:26:17 parent=48 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 06:26:18 parent=48 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 06:26:19 parent=48 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 06:26:31 parent=49 //annotation=SUIT coordination, QS pointing 2 +3 06:26:32 parent=49 ABORT +3 06:26:33 parent=49 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +3 06:27:02 parent=49 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +3 06:27:03 parent=49 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-0_-0" +3 06:27:04 parent=49 SLEW xoff=16.3, yoff=-8.3, m1=67, m2=187, cmdx=0.0, cmdy=0.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 06:35:04 parent=49 // IRIS slew ends +3 06:35:14 parent=49 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=5648440 +3 06:35:16 parent=49 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 06:35:17 parent=49 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 06:35:17 parent=49 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +3 06:35:18 parent=49 // wait 1 +3 06:35:19 parent=49 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +3 06:35:20 parent=49 // wait 9 +3 06:35:29 parent=49 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +3 06:35:30 parent=49 // wait 9 +3 06:35:39 parent=49 // OBS priming commands end. +3 06:35:40 parent=49 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 06:35:51 parent=49 PZT_SRT TAI=2087102188, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 06:35:52 parent=49 PZT_SRT TAI=2087102189, PZTA=259, PZTB=-78, PZTC=569 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +3 06:35:53 pid=49 START obsid=3685201977, repeat=1 x dur=533.9s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=0.0, ys=0.0, megabitsPerSec=1.1, xa=0.0, ya=-7.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +3 06:35:53 parent=49 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+3 06:44:46, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +3 06:35:53 parent=49 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +3 06:40:08 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=294s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 06:44:46 parent=49 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +3 06:35:53 +3 06:44:47 parent=49 PZT_SRT TAI=2087102724, PZTA=259, PZTB=-50, PZTC=541 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +3 06:44:47 parent=49 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +3 06:26:31 +3 06:44:49 parent=49 PZT_SRT TAI=2087102726, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 06:44:50 parent=49 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 06:44:51 parent=49 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 06:44:52 parent=49 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 06:44:53 parent=49 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 06:45:02 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=294s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 06:45:05 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +3 06:45:06 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +3 06:45:07 parent=50 //annotation=SUIT coordination, AR pointing 1 +3 06:45:08 parent=50 ABORT +3 06:45:09 parent=50 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +3 06:45:38 parent=50 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +3 06:45:39 parent=50 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_276_-245" +3 06:45:40 parent=50 SLEW xoff=296.6, yoff=-258.5, m1=180, m2=70, cmdx=276.0, cmdy=-245.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 06:53:40 parent=50 // IRIS slew ends +3 06:53:50 parent=50 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=5670760 +3 06:53:52 parent=50 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 06:53:53 parent=50 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 06:53:53 parent=50 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +3 06:53:54 parent=50 // wait 1 +3 06:53:55 parent=50 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +3 06:53:56 parent=50 // wait 9 +3 06:54:05 parent=50 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +3 06:54:06 parent=50 // wait 9 +3 06:54:15 parent=50 // OBS priming commands end. +3 06:54:16 parent=50 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +3 06:54:27 parent=50 PZT_SRT TAI=2087103304, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 06:54:28 parent=50 PZT_SRT TAI=2087103305, PZTA=377, PZTB=-224, PZTC=596 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +3 06:54:29 pid=50 START obsid=3680201977, repeat=1 x dur=666.4s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=276.0, ys=-245.0, megabitsPerSec=0.9, xa=276.0, ya=-252.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +3 06:54:29 parent=50 // OBSID=3680201977, RPT=1 x dur=666.4s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+3 07:05:35, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +3 06:54:29 parent=50 // OBSID=3680201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +3 07:05:35 parent=50 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +3 06:54:29 +3 07:05:36 parent=50 PZT_SRT TAI=2087103973, PZTA=376, PZTB=-193, PZTC=567 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +3 07:05:36 parent=50 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3680201977 ENDS, started at +3 06:45:07 +3 07:05:38 parent=50 PZT_SRT TAI=2087103975, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 07:05:39 parent=50 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 07:05:40 parent=50 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 07:05:41 parent=50 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 07:05:42 parent=50 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 07:05:54 parent=51 //annotation=SUIT coordination, AR pointing 2 +3 07:05:55 parent=51 ABORT +3 07:05:56 parent=51 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +3 07:06:25 parent=51 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +3 07:06:26 parent=51 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_276_-245" +3 07:06:27 parent=51 SLEW xoff=296.6, yoff=-258.5, m1=180, m2=70, cmdx=276.0, cmdy=-245.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 07:14:27 parent=51 // IRIS slew ends +3 07:14:37 parent=51 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=5695700 +3 07:14:39 parent=51 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 07:14:40 parent=51 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 07:14:40 parent=51 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +3 07:14:41 parent=51 // wait 1 +3 07:14:42 parent=51 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3700400688, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +3 07:14:43 parent=51 // wait 9 +3 07:14:52 parent=51 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3700402992, NUV_FDB=3700401456 +3 07:14:53 parent=51 // wait 9 +3 07:15:02 parent=51 // OBS priming commands end. +3 07:15:03 parent=51 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +3 07:15:14 parent=51 PZT_SRT TAI=2087104551, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 07:15:15 parent=51 PZT_SRT TAI=2087104552, PZTA=377, PZTB=-224, PZTC=596 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +3 07:15:16 pid=51 START obsid=3685201977, repeat=1 x dur=533.9s/rpt, size=854.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=276.0, ys=-245.0, megabitsPerSec=1.1, xa=276.0, ya=-252.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +3 07:15:16 parent=51 // OBSID=3685201977, RPT=1 x dur=533.9s, size=854.9 Mbits, endTime=+3 07:24:09, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +3 07:15:16 parent=51 // OBSID=3685201977: RPT=1, desc=Very large dense 320-step raster 105.3x175 320s Mg II h/k Mg II w Spatial x 4, Spectral x 4 +3 07:24:09 parent=51 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +3 07:15:16 +3 07:24:10 parent=51 PZT_SRT TAI=2087105087, PZTA=376, PZTB=-199, PZTC=572 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +3 07:24:10 parent=51 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3685201977 ENDS, started at +3 07:05:54 +3 07:24:12 parent=51 PZT_SRT TAI=2087105089, PZTA=250, PZTB=250, PZTC=250 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 07:24:13 parent=51 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 07:24:14 parent=51 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 07:24:15 parent=51 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 07:24:16 parent=51 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 07:24:28 parent=52 ABORT +3 07:24:29 parent=52 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +3 07:24:30 parent=52 //annotation=B1: AR tracking from limb to limb +3 07:24:58 parent=52 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +3 07:24:59 parent=52 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-48_545" +3 07:25:00 parent=52 SLEW xoff=-48.0, yoff=537.1, m1=187, m2=21, cmdx=-48.0, cmdy=545.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 07:33:00 parent=52 // IRIS slew ends +3 07:33:10 parent=52 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=5717960 +3 07:33:13 parent=52 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 07:33:14 parent=52 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 07:33:14 parent=52 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +3 07:33:15 parent=52 // wait 1 +3 07:33:16 parent=52 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400040, SJI_FDB=3808401384, NUV_FDB=3808400712 +3 07:33:17 parent=52 // wait 23 +3 07:33:40 parent=52 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402056, NUV_FDB=3808400712 +3 07:33:41 parent=52 // wait 23 +3 07:34:04 parent=52 // OBS priming commands end. +3 07:34:05 parent=52 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +3 07:34:06 parent=52 PZT_SRT TAI=2087105683, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 07:34:07 parent=52 PZT_SRT TAI=2087105684, PZTA=566, PZTB=429, PZTC=504 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 07:34:07 parent=52 // OBSID=3893010094, RPT=1 x dur=1086.4s, size=2037.1 Mbits, endTime=+3 07:52:14, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 3x faster Lossless compression +3 07:34:08 pid=52 START obsid=3893010094, repeat=1 x dur=1086.4s/rpt, size=2037.1Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-48.0, ys=545.0, megabitsPerSec=1.9, xa=-48.0, ya=537.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR13586, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 3x faster Lossless compression +3 07:36:11 leaf SAAI +3 07:52:14 parent=52 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3893010094 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +3 07:34:08 +3 07:52:14 parent=52 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3893010094 ENDS, started at +3 07:24:28 +3 07:52:15 parent=52 PZT_SRT TAI=2087106772, PZTA=566, PZTB=429, PZTC=504 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 07:52:16 parent=52 PZT_SRT TAI=2087106773, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 07:52:17 parent=52 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 07:52:17 parent=52 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 07:52:18 parent=52 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 07:52:19 parent=52 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 07:52:31 parent=53 ABORT +3 07:52:32 parent=53 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +3 07:52:33 parent=53 //annotation=B2: QS tracking from limb to limb +3 07:53:01 parent=53 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +3 07:53:02 parent=53 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-48_-545" +3 07:53:03 parent=53 SLEW xoff=-48.0, yoff=-552.9, m1=43, m2=125, cmdx=-48.0, cmdy=-545.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 07:53:58 leaf SAAO +3 08:01:03 parent=53 // IRIS slew ends +3 08:01:13 parent=53 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=5751620 +3 08:01:16 parent=53 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 08:01:17 parent=53 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 08:01:17 parent=53 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +3 08:01:18 parent=53 // wait 1 +3 08:01:19 parent=53 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=3808400055, NUV_FDB=3808400727 +3 08:01:20 parent=53 // wait 38 +3 08:01:58 parent=53 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808401399, NUV_FDB=3808400727 +3 08:01:59 parent=53 // wait 38 +3 08:02:37 parent=53 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=3808402071, NUV_FDB=3808400727 +3 08:02:38 parent=53 // wait 38 +3 08:03:16 parent=53 // OBS priming commands end. +3 08:03:17 parent=53 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +3 08:03:18 parent=53 PZT_SRT TAI=2087107435, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 08:03:19 parent=53 PZT_SRT TAI=2087107436, PZTA=664, PZTB=363, PZTC=471 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 08:03:19 parent=53 // OBSID=3893012099, RPT=1 x dur=576.5s, size=826.8 Mbits, endTime=+3 08:12:56, desc=Coarse synoptic raster 34x175 18s Deep x 30 SJI cadence 3x faster Lossless compression +3 08:03:20 pid=53 START obsid=3893012099, repeat=1 x dur=576.5s/rpt, size=826.8Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-48.0, ys=-545.0, megabitsPerSec=1.5, xa=-48.0, ya=-552.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Coarse synoptic raster 34x175 18s Deep x 30 SJI cadence 3x faster Lossless compression +3 08:12:56 parent=53 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3893012099 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +3 08:03:20 +3 08:12:56 parent=53 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3893012099 ENDS, started at +3 07:52:31 +3 08:12:57 parent=53 PZT_SRT TAI=2087108014, PZTA=664, PZTB=363, PZTC=471 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 08:12:58 parent=53 PZT_SRT TAI=2087108015, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 08:12:59 parent=53 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 08:12:59 parent=53 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 08:13:00 parent=53 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 08:13:01 parent=53 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 08:13:13 parent=54 //annotation=High cadence flare watch +3 08:13:14 parent=54 ABORT +3 08:13:15 parent=54 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +3 08:13:44 parent=54 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +3 08:13:45 parent=54 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_302_-249" +3 08:13:46 parent=54 SLEW xoff=371.2, yoff=-211.6, m1=90, m2=185, cmdx=302.0, cmdy=-249.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 08:21:46 parent=54 // IRIS slew ends +3 08:21:56 parent=54 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=5776480 +3 08:21:58 parent=54 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 08:21:59 parent=54 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 08:21:59 parent=54 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 +3 08:22:00 parent=54 // wait 1 +3 08:22:01 parent=54 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4204700157, SJI_FDB=4204700190, NUV_FDB=4204700155 +3 08:22:02 parent=54 // wait 9 +3 08:22:11 parent=54 // OBS priming commands end. +3 08:22:12 parent=54 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +3 08:22:23 parent=54 PZT_SRT TAI=2087108580, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 08:22:24 parent=54 PZT_SRT TAI=2087108581, PZTA=572, PZTB=-912, PZTC=1840 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +3 08:22:25 pid=54 START obsid=4204700236, repeat=70 x dur=206.2s/rpt, size=393.8Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=302.0, ys=-249.0, megabitsPerSec=1.3, xa=302.0, ya=-208.4, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=AR, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, flare linelist, C II always +3 08:22:25 parent=54 // OBSID=4204700236, RPT=70 x dur=206.2s, size=393.8 Mbits, endTime=+3 12:22:57, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, flare linelist, C II always +3 08:22:25 parent=54 // OBSID=4204700236: RPT=70, desc=High-Cadence Flare Program: .3 sec, flare linelist, C II always +3 09:11:57 leaf SAAI +3 09:29:14 leaf SAAO +3 10:50:42 leaf SAAI +3 11:04:31 leaf SAAO +3 11:13:00 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=126s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +3 11:15:06 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=126s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +3 11:16:56 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=96s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +3 11:18:32 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=96s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WG1) +3 12:22:57 parent=54 // 70 repeats of OBSID=4204700236 ENDS, started at +3 08:22:25 +3 12:22:58 parent=54 PZT_SRT TAI=2087123015, PZTA=541, PZTB=-241, PZTC=1200 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +3 12:22:58 parent=54 // total of 70 repeats of OBSID=4204700236 ENDS, started at +3 08:13:13 +3 12:23:00 parent=54 PZT_SRT TAI=2087123017, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 12:23:01 parent=54 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 12:23:02 parent=54 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 12:23:03 parent=54 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 12:23:04 parent=54 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 12:23:16 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 12:23:17 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 12:23:18 leaf ORB orbid=0, desc=Turn off orbital wobble table +3 12:23:19 parent=55 ABORT +3 12:23:20 parent=55 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +3 12:23:21 parent=55 //annotation=Calib 14: Wobble (zero roll) +3 12:23:49 parent=55 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +3 12:23:50 parent=55 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-925_0" +3 12:23:51 parent=55 SLEW xoff=-925.0, yoff=-7.9, m1=12, m2=53, cmdx=-925.0, cmdy=0.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +3 12:31:51 parent=55 // IRIS slew ends +3 12:31:54 leaf SAAI +3 12:32:01 parent=55 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=6076580 +3 12:32:04 parent=55 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 12:32:05 parent=55 // OBS priming commands begin. +3 12:32:05 parent=55 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 12:32:06 parent=55 // wait 1 +3 12:32:07 parent=55 CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=OWT_ID, REG_VALUE1=0, REG_VALUE2=0 +3 12:32:08 parent=55 // wait 1 +3 12:32:09 parent=55 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=SJI, FDB_ID=4202100004, USE_CA_CFG=NO +3 12:32:10 parent=55 // wait 18 +3 12:32:28 parent=55 // OBS priming commands end. +3 12:32:29 parent=55 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 12:32:30 parent=55 PZT_SRT TAI=2087123587, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +3 12:32:31 parent=55 PZT_SRT TAI=2087123588, PZTA=600, PZTB=464, PZTC=436 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 12:32:31 parent=55 // OBSID=4202100002, RPT=600 x dur=20.0s, size=8.9 Mbits, endTime=+3 15:52:32, desc=SJI MgII w, 1x1, 10s exp, 20s cadence, for wobble calibration +3 12:32:32 pid=55 START obsid=4202100002, repeat=600 x dur=20.0s/rpt, size=8.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-925.0, ys=0.0, megabitsPerSec=0.5, xa=-925.0, ya=-7.9, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=SJI MgII w, 1x1, 10s exp, 20s cadence, for wobble calibration +3 12:36:24 leaf SAAO +3 12:58:27 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=239s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 13:02:26 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=239s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 13:03:59 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=80s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 13:05:19 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=80s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 14:33:13 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=141s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 14:35:34 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=141s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 14:38:02 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=203s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 14:41:25 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=203s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 15:10:48 leaf SAAI +3 15:16:37 leaf SAAO +3 15:52:32 parent=55 // 600 repeats of OBSID=4202100002 ENDS, totRepeats=600, STRT at +3 12:32:32 +3 15:52:32 parent=55 // total of 600 repeats of OBSID=4202100002 ENDS, started at +3 12:23:19 +3 15:52:33 parent=55 PZT_SRT TAI=2087135590, PZTA=600, PZTB=464, PZTC=436 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +3 15:52:34 parent=55 PZT_SRT TAI=2087135591, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +3 15:52:35 parent=55 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +3 15:52:35 parent=55 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +3 15:52:36 parent=55 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +3 15:52:37 parent=55 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +3 15:52:49 leaf ORB orbid=20049, desc=Roll 0 master table for DOY 049 +3 16:00:00 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +3 16:00:01 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +3 16:11:34 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=352s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 16:17:26 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=352s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +3 16:45:35 leaf SAAI +3 16:56:17 leaf SAAO +3 17:58:01 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=314s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 18:03:15 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=314s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 18:20:23 leaf SAAI +3 18:36:02 leaf SAAO +3 19:35:15 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=272s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 19:39:47 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=272s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 19:55:11 leaf SAAI +3 20:13:56 leaf SAAO +3 21:11:43 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=214s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 21:15:17 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=214s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 21:34:25 leaf SAAI +3 21:49:57 leaf SAAO +3 22:43:06 leaf DUMP_START band=S, duration=840s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1) +3 22:49:43 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=162s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 22:52:25 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=162s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +3 22:57:06 leaf DUMP_STOP band=S, duration=840s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1) +3 23:14:05 leaf SAAI +3 23:24:47 leaf SAAO +3 23:59:50 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +3 23:59:51 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +4 00:00:01 leaf ORB orbid=0, desc=Turn off orbital wobble table +4 00:00:02 parent=56 ABORT +4 00:00:03 parent=56 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +4 00:00:04 parent=56 //annotation=Calib 14: Wobble (zero roll) +4 00:00:32 parent=56 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +4 00:00:33 parent=56 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-40_965" +4 00:00:34 parent=56 SLEW xoff=-40.0, yoff=957.1, m1=200, m2=0, cmdx=-40.0, cmdy=965.0, slewtime=480s, roll_orig=0.0, preroll_center=0.0 +4 00:08:34 parent=56 // IRIS slew ends +4 00:08:44 parent=56 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=6912640 +4 00:08:47 parent=56 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +4 00:08:48 parent=56 // OBS priming commands begin. +4 00:08:48 parent=56 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +4 00:08:49 parent=56 // wait 1 +4 00:08:50 parent=56 CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=OWT_ID, REG_VALUE1=0, REG_VALUE2=0 +4 00:08:51 parent=56 // wait 1 +4 00:08:52 parent=56 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=SJI, FDB_ID=4202100004, USE_CA_CFG=NO +4 00:08:53 parent=56 // wait 18 +4 00:09:11 parent=56 // OBS priming commands end. +4 00:09:12 parent=56 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +4 00:09:13 parent=56 PZT_SRT TAI=2087165390, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +4 00:09:14 parent=56 PZT_SRT TAI=2087165391, PZTA=583, PZTB=477, PZTC=439 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +4 00:09:14 parent=56 // OBSID=4202100002, RPT=600 x dur=20.0s, size=8.9 Mbits, endTime=+4 03:29:15, desc=SJI MgII w, 1x1, 10s exp, 20s cadence, for wobble calibration +4 00:09:15 pid=56 START obsid=4202100002, repeat=600 x dur=20.0s/rpt, size=8.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-40.0, ys=965.0, megabitsPerSec=0.5, xa=-40.0, ya=957.1, roll_orig=0.0, hcrTarget=QS, desc=SJI MgII w, 1x1, 10s exp, 20s cadence, for wobble calibration +4 00:26:18 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=100s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +4 00:27:58 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=100s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +4 01:59:33 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=76s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +4 02:00:49 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=76s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +4 02:02:32 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=133s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +4 02:04:45 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=133s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +4 03:29:15 parent=56 // 600 repeats of OBSID=4202100002 ENDS, totRepeats=600, STRT at +4 00:09:15 +4 03:29:15 parent=56 // total of 600 repeats of OBSID=4202100002 ENDS, started at +4 00:00:02 +4 03:29:16 parent=56 PZT_SRT TAI=2087177393, PZTA=583, PZTB=477, PZTC=439 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +4 03:29:17 parent=56 PZT_SRT TAI=2087177394, PZTA=500, PZTB=500, PZTC=500 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +4 03:29:18 parent=56 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +4 03:29:18 parent=56 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +4 03:29:19 parent=56 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=500 +4 03:29:20 parent=56 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=500 +4 03:29:32 leaf ORB orbid=20049, desc=Roll 0 master table for DOY 049 +4 03:35:44 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=347s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +4 03:41:31 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=347s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +4 03:59:00 leaf ABORT