# FILE: # /Users/tarbell/iris_timeline/latest/html//iris_tim_20150204.05.html # T15035TIMFIL # Written by IRIS Timeline, 20150106_163834, revision 1.268 # TITLE: # timeline for year=2015, dayOfYear=035, date=2015-02-04 # PURPOSE: # # HISTORY: # # COMMENTS: # # # # NUMDAYS=1 # # IRIS FDT files used for this timeline: # IRIS roll view file: /net/prism/iris1/ops/fdt/output/IRIS_rollview_20150202.V02.txt # IRIS star file: /net/prism/iris1/ops/fdt/output/IRIS_star_20150202.V01.txt # IRIS eclipse file: /net/prism/iris1/ops/fdt/output/IRIS_eclipse_20150202.V01.txt # IRIS AAZ file: /net/prism/iris1/ops/fdt/output/IRIS_aaz_20150202.V01.txt # IRIS events file: /net/prism/iris1/ops/fdt/output/IRIS_events_20150202.V01.txt # IRIS rad zones file: /net/prism/iris1/ops/fdt/output/IRIS_radzones_20150202.V01.txt # IRIS Stanford file: /net/prism/iris1/ops/fdt/output/IRIS_stanford_20150202.V01.txt +0 04:00:00 leaf ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 04:00:01 leaf ORB PERIOD period=5850 secs +0 04:00:02 leaf CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=SRT_ID, REG_VALUE1=0, REG_VALUE2=0 +0 04:00:03 leaf ORB orbid=44, desc=Default orbital wobble table +0 04:00:04 leaf CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-131 +0 04:00:06 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=3600 +0 04:00:07 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=1200 +0 04:00:08 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_ENA_MSK, PAR_VALUE=65535 +0 04:06:23 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=285s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 04:11:08 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=285s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) # +0 04:15:01 AAZ Exit +0 04:20:01 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 04:25:00 parent=1 ABORT +0 04:25:01 parent=1 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 04:25:02 parent=1 //annotation=A1: Throughput monitoring +0 04:25:30 parent=1 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 04:25:31 parent=1 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_0" +0 04:25:32 parent=1 SLEW xoff=0.0, yoff=-7.9, m1=200, m2=66, cmdx=0.0, cmdy=0.0, slewtime=480s +0 04:33:32 parent=1 // IRIS slew ends +0 04:33:42 parent=1 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=318600 +0 04:33:45 parent=1 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 04:33:46 parent=1 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 04:33:46 parent=1 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 04:33:47 parent=1 // wait 1 +0 04:33:48 parent=1 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808400033, USE_CA_CFG=NO +0 04:33:49 parent=1 // wait 23 +0 04:34:12 parent=1 // OBS priming commands end. +0 04:34:13 parent=1 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 04:34:14 parent=1 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 04:34:15 parent=1 PZT_SRT TAI=1801715690, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 04:34:16 parent=1 PZT_SRT TAI=1801715691, PZTA=39, PZTB=-38, PZTC=-1 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 04:34:17 parent=1 // OBSID=3882010194, RPT=1 x dur=1084.4s, size=1987.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 04:52:22, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster +0 04:34:18 pid=1 START obsid=3882010194, repeat=1 x dur=1084.4s/rpt, size=1987.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=0.0, ys=0.0, megabitsPerSec=1.2, xa=0.0, ya=-7.9, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 SJI cadence 0.5x faster +0 04:52:22 parent=1 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +0 04:34:18 +0 04:52:22 parent=1 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +0 04:25:00 +0 04:52:23 parent=1 PZT_SRT TAI=1801716778, PZTA=39, PZTB=-38, PZTC=-1 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 04:52:24 parent=1 PZT_SRT TAI=1801716779, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 04:52:25 parent=1 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 04:52:26 parent=1 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 04:52:26 parent=1 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 04:52:27 parent=1 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 04:52:28 parent=1 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 04:52:40 parent=2 //annotation=NUV for stellar comparison, mu = 1. +0 04:52:40 parent=2 // ABORT 30s before starting OBSID=3890510884, desc=Very large dense 16-step raster 5x175 16s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w Deep x 15 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 Lossless compression +0 04:52:40 parent=2 ABORT +0 04:53:10 parent=2 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 04:53:11 parent=2 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 04:53:11 parent=2 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +0 04:53:12 parent=2 // wait 1 +0 04:53:13 parent=2 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808400166, USE_CA_CFG=NO +0 04:53:14 parent=2 // wait 23 +0 04:53:37 parent=2 // OBS priming commands end. +0 04:53:38 parent=2 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 04:53:39 parent=2 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 04:53:42 parent=2 // OBSID=3890510884, RPT=3 x dur=265.2s, size=439.5 Mbits, endTime=+0 05:06:58, desc=Very large dense 16-step raster 5x175 16s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w Deep x 15 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 Lossless compression +0 04:53:43 pid=2 START obsid=3890510884, repeat=3 x dur=265.2s/rpt, size=439.5Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=0, xs=0.0, ys=0.0, megabitsPerSec=2.5, xa=0.0, ya=-7.9, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 16-step raster 5x175 16s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w Deep x 15 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 Lossless compression +0 05:06:56 parent=2 // total of 3 repeats of OBSID=3890510884 ENDS, started at +0 04:52:40 +0 05:06:58 parent=2 // 3 repeats of OBSID=3890510884 ENDS, totRepeats=3, STRT at +0 04:53:43 +0 05:06:59 parent=2 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 05:07:00 parent=2 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 05:07:00 parent=2 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 05:07:01 parent=2 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 05:07:02 parent=2 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 05:13:29 leaf SAAI +0 05:25:44 leaf SAAO +0 05:36:52 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 05:36:53 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1238, eclipseflag=1 # +0 05:37:23 AAZ Entry # +0 05:52:31 AAZ Exit +0 05:52:52 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=356s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +0 05:57:31 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 05:58:48 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=356s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +0 06:00:00 parent=3 ABORT +0 06:00:01 parent=3 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 06:00:02 parent=3 //annotation=NUV for stellar comparison, mu = 0.8 +0 06:00:30 parent=3 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 06:00:31 parent=3 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_-584" +0 06:00:32 parent=3 SLEW xoff=0.0, yoff=-591.9, m1=47, m2=128, cmdx=0.0, cmdy=-584.0, slewtime=480s +0 06:08:32 parent=3 // IRIS slew ends +0 06:08:42 parent=3 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=432600 +0 06:08:45 parent=3 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 06:08:46 parent=3 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 06:08:46 parent=3 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +0 06:08:47 parent=3 // wait 1 +0 06:08:48 parent=3 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808400166, USE_CA_CFG=NO +0 06:08:49 parent=3 // wait 23 +0 06:09:12 parent=3 // OBS priming commands end. +0 06:09:13 parent=3 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 06:09:14 parent=3 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 06:09:15 parent=3 PZT_SRT TAI=1801721390, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 06:09:16 parent=3 PZT_SRT TAI=1801721391, PZTA=53, PZTB=-26, PZTC=-27 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 06:09:17 parent=3 // OBSID=3890510884, RPT=3 x dur=265.2s, size=439.5 Mbits, endTime=+0 06:22:33, desc=Very large dense 16-step raster 5x175 16s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w Deep x 15 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 Lossless compression +0 06:09:18 pid=3 START obsid=3890510884, repeat=3 x dur=265.2s/rpt, size=439.5Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=0.0, ys=-584.0, megabitsPerSec=2.5, xa=0.0, ya=-591.9, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 16-step raster 5x175 16s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w Deep x 15 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 Lossless compression +0 06:22:33 parent=3 // 3 repeats of OBSID=3890510884 ENDS, totRepeats=3, STRT at +0 06:09:18 +0 06:22:33 parent=3 // total of 3 repeats of OBSID=3890510884 ENDS, started at +0 06:00:00 +0 06:22:34 parent=3 PZT_SRT TAI=1801722189, PZTA=53, PZTB=-26, PZTC=-27 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 06:22:35 parent=3 PZT_SRT TAI=1801722190, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 06:22:36 parent=3 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 06:22:37 parent=3 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 06:22:37 parent=3 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 06:22:38 parent=3 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 06:22:39 parent=3 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 06:22:51 parent=4 ABORT +0 06:22:52 parent=4 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 06:22:53 parent=4 //annotation=NUV for stellar comparison, mu = 0.6 +0 06:23:21 parent=4 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 06:23:22 parent=4 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_-778" +0 06:23:23 parent=4 SLEW xoff=0.0, yoff=-785.9, m1=55, m2=123, cmdx=0.0, cmdy=-778.0, slewtime=480s +0 06:31:23 parent=4 // IRIS slew ends +0 06:31:33 parent=4 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=460020 +0 06:31:36 parent=4 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 06:31:37 parent=4 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 06:31:37 parent=4 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +0 06:31:38 parent=4 // wait 1 +0 06:31:39 parent=4 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808400166, USE_CA_CFG=NO +0 06:31:40 parent=4 // wait 23 +0 06:32:03 parent=4 // OBS priming commands end. +0 06:32:04 parent=4 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 06:32:05 parent=4 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 06:32:06 parent=4 PZT_SRT TAI=1801722761, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 06:32:07 parent=4 PZT_SRT TAI=1801722762, PZTA=-63, PZTB=170, PZTC=-107 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 06:32:08 parent=4 // OBSID=3890510884, RPT=3 x dur=265.2s, size=439.5 Mbits, endTime=+0 06:45:24, desc=Very large dense 16-step raster 5x175 16s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w Deep x 15 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 Lossless compression +0 06:32:09 pid=4 START obsid=3890510884, repeat=3 x dur=265.2s/rpt, size=439.5Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=0.0, ys=-778.0, megabitsPerSec=2.5, xa=0.0, ya=-785.9, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 16-step raster 5x175 16s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w Deep x 15 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 Lossless compression +0 06:45:24 parent=4 // 3 repeats of OBSID=3890510884 ENDS, totRepeats=3, STRT at +0 06:32:09 +0 06:45:24 parent=4 // total of 3 repeats of OBSID=3890510884 ENDS, started at +0 06:22:51 +0 06:45:25 parent=4 PZT_SRT TAI=1801723560, PZTA=-63, PZTB=170, PZTC=-107 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 06:45:26 parent=4 PZT_SRT TAI=1801723561, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 06:45:27 parent=4 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 06:45:28 parent=4 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 06:45:28 parent=4 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 06:45:29 parent=4 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 06:45:30 parent=4 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 06:49:00 leaf SAAI +0 07:06:15 leaf SAAO +0 07:14:24 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 07:14:25 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1236, eclipseflag=1 # +0 07:14:55 AAZ Entry +0 07:28:18 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=300s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) # +0 07:30:01 AAZ Exit +0 07:33:18 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=300s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +0 07:35:01 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 07:38:00 parent=5 ABORT +0 07:38:01 parent=5 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 07:38:02 parent=5 //annotation=NUV for stellar comparison, mu = 0.4 +0 07:38:30 parent=5 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 07:38:31 parent=5 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_-892" +0 07:38:32 parent=5 SLEW xoff=0.0, yoff=-899.9, m1=61, m2=120, cmdx=0.0, cmdy=-892.0, slewtime=480s +0 07:46:32 parent=5 // IRIS slew ends +0 07:46:42 parent=5 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=550200 +0 07:46:45 parent=5 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 07:46:46 parent=5 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 07:46:46 parent=5 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +0 07:46:47 parent=5 // wait 1 +0 07:46:48 parent=5 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808400166, USE_CA_CFG=NO +0 07:46:49 parent=5 // wait 23 +0 07:47:12 parent=5 // OBS priming commands end. +0 07:47:13 parent=5 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 07:47:14 parent=5 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 07:47:15 parent=5 PZT_SRT TAI=1801727270, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 07:47:16 parent=5 PZT_SRT TAI=1801727271, PZTA=98, PZTB=-214, PZTC=116 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 07:47:17 parent=5 // OBSID=3890510884, RPT=3 x dur=265.2s, size=439.5 Mbits, endTime=+0 08:00:33, desc=Very large dense 16-step raster 5x175 16s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w Deep x 15 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 Lossless compression +0 07:47:18 pid=5 START obsid=3890510884, repeat=3 x dur=265.2s/rpt, size=439.5Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=0.0, ys=-892.0, megabitsPerSec=2.5, xa=0.0, ya=-899.9, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 16-step raster 5x175 16s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w Deep x 15 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 Lossless compression +0 08:00:33 parent=5 // 3 repeats of OBSID=3890510884 ENDS, totRepeats=3, STRT at +0 07:47:18 +0 08:00:33 parent=5 // total of 3 repeats of OBSID=3890510884 ENDS, started at +0 07:38:00 +0 08:00:34 parent=5 PZT_SRT TAI=1801728069, PZTA=98, PZTB=-214, PZTC=116 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 08:00:35 parent=5 PZT_SRT TAI=1801728070, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 08:00:36 parent=5 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 08:00:37 parent=5 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 08:00:37 parent=5 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 08:00:38 parent=5 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 08:00:39 parent=5 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 08:00:51 parent=6 ABORT +0 08:00:52 parent=6 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 08:00:53 parent=6 //annotation=NUV for stellar comparison, mu = 0.9 +0 08:01:21 parent=6 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 08:01:22 parent=6 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_-424" +0 08:01:23 parent=6 SLEW xoff=0.0, yoff=-431.9, m1=39, m2=130, cmdx=0.0, cmdy=-424.0, slewtime=480s +0 08:09:23 parent=6 // IRIS slew ends +0 08:09:33 parent=6 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=577620 +0 08:09:36 parent=6 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 08:09:37 parent=6 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 08:09:37 parent=6 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 +0 08:09:38 parent=6 // wait 1 +0 08:09:39 parent=6 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808400166, USE_CA_CFG=NO +0 08:09:40 parent=6 // wait 23 +0 08:10:03 parent=6 // OBS priming commands end. +0 08:10:04 parent=6 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 08:10:05 parent=6 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 08:10:06 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=1801728641, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 08:10:07 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=1801728642, PZTA=78, PZTB=-49, PZTC=-30 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 08:10:08 parent=6 // OBSID=3890510884, RPT=3 x dur=265.2s, size=439.5 Mbits, endTime=+0 08:23:24, desc=Very large dense 16-step raster 5x175 16s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w Deep x 15 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 Lossless compression +0 08:10:09 pid=6 START obsid=3890510884, repeat=3 x dur=265.2s/rpt, size=439.5Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=0.0, ys=-424.0, megabitsPerSec=2.5, xa=0.0, ya=-431.9, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Very large dense 16-step raster 5x175 16s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w Deep x 15 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 Lossless compression +0 08:23:24 parent=6 // 3 repeats of OBSID=3890510884 ENDS, totRepeats=3, STRT at +0 08:10:09 +0 08:23:24 parent=6 // total of 3 repeats of OBSID=3890510884 ENDS, started at +0 08:00:51 +0 08:23:25 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=1801729440, PZTA=78, PZTB=-49, PZTC=-30 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 08:23:26 parent=6 PZT_SRT TAI=1801729441, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 08:23:27 parent=6 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 08:23:28 parent=6 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 08:23:28 parent=6 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 08:23:29 parent=6 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 08:23:30 parent=6 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 08:24:00 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 08:24:01 leaf CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 08:24:34 leaf SAAI +0 08:42:21 leaf SAAO +0 08:51:57 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 08:51:58 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1232, eclipseflag=1 # +0 08:52:28 AAZ Entry # +0 09:07:30 AAZ Exit +0 09:12:30 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 09:12:40 parent=7 ABORT +0 09:12:41 parent=7 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 09:12:42 parent=7 //annotation=Emerging AR and filament +0 09:13:10 parent=7 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 09:13:11 parent=7 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-614_-60" +0 09:13:12 parent=7 SLEW xoff=-614.0, yoff=-67.9, m1=0, m2=68, cmdx=-614.0, cmdy=-60.0, slewtime=480s +0 09:21:12 parent=7 // IRIS slew ends +0 09:21:22 parent=7 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=663800 +0 09:21:25 parent=7 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 09:21:26 parent=7 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 09:21:26 parent=7 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 09:21:27 parent=7 // wait 1 +0 09:21:28 parent=7 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808000101, USE_CA_CFG=NO +0 09:21:29 parent=7 // wait 12 +0 09:21:41 parent=7 // OBS priming commands end. +0 09:21:42 parent=7 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 09:21:43 parent=7 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 09:21:44 parent=7 PZT_SRT TAI=1801732939, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 09:21:45 parent=7 PZT_SRT TAI=1801732940, PZTA=-76, PZTB=-111, PZTC=188 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 09:21:46 parent=7 // OBSID=3800256196, RPT=1 x dur=2161.0s, size=8424.2 Mbits, endTime=+0 09:57:47, desc=Very large dense raster 131.7x175 400s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 4 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +0 09:21:47 pid=7 START obsid=3800256196, repeat=1 x dur=2161.0s/rpt, size=8424.2Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-614.0, ys=-60.0, megabitsPerSec=2.6, xa=-614.0, ya=-67.9, hcrTarget=FI, desc=Very large dense raster 131.7x175 400s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 4 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +0 09:57:47 parent=7 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3800256196 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +0 09:21:47 +0 09:57:47 parent=7 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3800256196 ENDS, started at +0 09:12:40 +0 09:57:48 parent=7 PZT_SRT TAI=1801735103, PZTA=-76, PZTB=-111, PZTC=188 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 09:57:49 parent=7 PZT_SRT TAI=1801735104, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 09:57:50 parent=7 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 09:57:51 parent=7 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 09:57:51 parent=7 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 09:57:52 parent=7 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 09:57:53 parent=7 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 10:03:14 leaf SAAI +0 10:17:52 leaf SAAO +0 10:29:29 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 10:29:30 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1230, eclipseflag=1 # +0 10:30:00 AAZ Entry # +0 10:45:00 AAZ Exit +0 10:50:00 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 10:52:00 parent=8 ABORT +0 10:52:01 parent=8 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 10:52:02 parent=8 //annotation=Flaring AR 12277 +0 10:52:30 parent=8 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 10:52:31 parent=8 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_259_218" +0 10:52:32 parent=8 SLEW xoff=259.0, yoff=210.1, m1=150, m2=3, cmdx=259.0, cmdy=218.0, slewtime=480s +0 11:00:32 parent=8 // IRIS slew ends +0 11:00:42 parent=8 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=783000 +0 11:00:45 parent=8 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 11:00:46 parent=8 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 11:00:46 parent=8 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 11:00:47 parent=8 // wait 1 +0 11:00:48 parent=8 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808000101, USE_CA_CFG=NO +0 11:00:49 parent=8 // wait 12 +0 11:01:01 parent=8 // OBS priming commands end. +0 11:01:02 parent=8 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 11:01:03 parent=8 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 11:01:04 parent=8 PZT_SRT TAI=1801738899, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 11:01:05 parent=8 PZT_SRT TAI=1801738900, PZTA=-89, PZTB=-19, PZTC=108 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 11:01:06 parent=8 // OBSID=3800256196, RPT=1 x dur=2161.0s, size=8424.2 Mbits, endTime=+0 11:37:07, desc=Very large dense raster 131.7x175 400s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 4 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +0 11:01:07 pid=8 START obsid=3800256196, repeat=1 x dur=2161.0s/rpt, size=8424.2Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=259.0, ys=218.0, megabitsPerSec=2.6, xa=259.0, ya=210.1, hcrTarget=AR12277, desc=Very large dense raster 131.7x175 400s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 4 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +0 11:37:07 parent=8 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3800256196 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +0 11:01:07 +0 11:37:07 parent=8 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3800256196 ENDS, started at +0 10:52:00 +0 11:37:08 parent=8 PZT_SRT TAI=1801741063, PZTA=-89, PZTB=-19, PZTC=108 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 11:37:09 parent=8 PZT_SRT TAI=1801741064, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 11:37:10 parent=8 ORB REF TIME time=1801718719 secs +0 11:37:11 parent=8 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 11:37:11 parent=8 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 11:37:12 parent=8 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 11:37:13 parent=8 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 11:38:00 parent=9 //annotation=Flarewatch AR 12277 w/Hinode +0 11:38:00 parent=9 ABORT +0 11:38:01 parent=9 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 11:38:30 parent=9 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 11:38:31 parent=9 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_280_221" +0 11:38:32 parent=9 SLEW xoff=318.2, yoff=213.7, m1=2, m2=138, cmdx=280.0, cmdy=221.0, slewtime=480s +0 11:42:29 leaf SAAI +0 11:46:32 parent=9 // IRIS slew ends +0 11:46:42 parent=9 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=838200 +0 11:46:45 parent=9 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 11:46:46 parent=9 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 11:46:46 parent=9 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 11:46:47 parent=9 // wait 1 +0 11:46:48 parent=9 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808300366, USE_CA_CFG=NO +0 11:46:49 parent=9 // wait 10 +0 11:46:59 parent=9 // OBS priming commands end. +0 11:47:00 parent=9 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 11:47:11 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801741666, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 11:47:12 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801741667, PZTA=-12, PZTB=-752, PZTC=765 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 11:47:13 pid=9 START obsid=3860605388, repeat=22 x dur=48.8s/rpt, size=40.3Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=280.0, ys=221.0, megabitsPerSec=0.6, xa=280.0, ya=213.1, hcrTarget=AR12277, desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 11:47:13 parent=9 // OBSID=3860605388, RPT=22 x dur=48.8s, size=40.3 Mbits, endTime=+0 12:05:06, desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 11:47:13 parent=9 // OBSID=3860605388: RPT=22, desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 11:50:51 leaf SAAO +0 12:05:06 parent=9 // 22 repeats of OBSID=3860605388 ENDS, started at +0 11:47:13 +0 12:05:07 parent=9 // total of 22 repeats of OBSID=3860605388 ENDS, started at +0 11:38:00 +0 12:05:08 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801742743, PZTA=-14, PZTB=-698, PZTC=713 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 12:05:08 parent=9 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 12:05:09 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801742744, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 12:05:09 parent=9 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 12:07:01 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 12:07:02 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1228, eclipseflag=1 # +0 12:07:32 AAZ Entry # +0 12:22:30 AAZ Exit +0 12:27:30 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 12:27:40 parent=9 //annotation=Flarewatch AR 12277 w/Hinode +0 12:27:40 parent=9 ABORT +0 12:27:41 parent=9 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 12:28:10 parent=9 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 12:28:11 parent=9 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_287_221" +0 12:28:12 parent=9 SLEW xoff=325.3, yoff=211.1, m1=145, m2=236, cmdx=287.4, cmdy=220.8, slewtime=480s +0 12:36:12 parent=9 // IRIS slew ends +0 12:36:22 parent=9 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=897800 +0 12:36:51 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801744646, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 12:36:52 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801744647, PZTA=41, PZTB=-774, PZTC=733 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 12:36:53 parent=9 START obsid=3860605388, repeat=81 x dur=48.8s/rpt, size=40.3Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=287.4, ys=220.8, megabitsPerSec=0.6, xa=287.4, ya=212.9, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 12:36:53 parent=9 // OBSID=3860605388, RPT=81 x dur=48.8s, size=40.3 Mbits, endTime=+0 13:42:44, desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 12:36:53 parent=9 // OBSID=3860605388: RPT=81, desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 13:42:44 parent=9 // 81 repeats of OBSID=3860605388 ENDS, started at +0 12:36:53 +0 13:42:45 parent=9 // total of 81 repeats of OBSID=3860605388 ENDS, started at +0 12:27:40 +0 13:42:46 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801748601, PZTA=34, PZTB=-575, PZTC=541 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 13:42:46 parent=9 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 13:42:47 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801748602, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 13:42:47 parent=9 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 13:44:34 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 13:44:35 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1225, eclipseflag=1 # +0 13:45:05 AAZ Entry +0 13:47:03 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=485s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) +0 13:55:08 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=485s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3) # +0 14:00:00 AAZ Exit +0 14:05:00 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 14:05:10 parent=9 //annotation=Flarewatch AR 12277 w/Hinode +0 14:05:10 parent=9 ABORT +0 14:05:11 parent=9 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 14:05:40 parent=9 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 14:05:41 parent=9 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_302_220" +0 14:05:42 parent=9 SLEW xoff=339.6, yoff=217.2, m1=0, m2=137, cmdx=301.9, cmdy=220.3, slewtime=480s +0 14:13:42 parent=9 // IRIS slew ends +0 14:13:52 parent=9 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1014800 +0 14:14:21 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801750496, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 14:14:22 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801750497, PZTA=-108, PZTB=-695, PZTC=804 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 14:14:23 parent=9 START obsid=3860605388, repeat=81 x dur=48.8s/rpt, size=40.3Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=301.9, ys=220.3, megabitsPerSec=0.6, xa=301.9, ya=212.5, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 14:14:23 parent=9 // OBSID=3860605388, RPT=81 x dur=48.8s, size=40.3 Mbits, endTime=+0 15:20:14, desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 14:14:23 parent=9 // OBSID=3860605388: RPT=81, desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 14:27:48 leaf SAAI +0 14:29:27 leaf SAAO +0 15:20:14 parent=9 // 81 repeats of OBSID=3860605388 ENDS, started at +0 14:14:23 +0 15:20:15 parent=9 // total of 81 repeats of OBSID=3860605388 ENDS, started at +0 14:05:10 +0 15:20:16 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801754451, PZTA=-115, PZTB=-497, PZTC=613 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 15:20:16 parent=9 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 15:20:17 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801754452, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 15:20:17 parent=9 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 15:22:06 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 15:22:07 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1223, eclipseflag=1 # +0 15:22:37 AAZ Entry +0 15:34:41 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=199s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) # +0 15:37:30 AAZ Exit +0 15:38:00 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=199s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 15:42:30 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 15:42:40 parent=9 //annotation=Flarewatch AR 12277 w/Hinode +0 15:42:40 parent=9 ABORT +0 15:42:41 parent=9 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 15:43:10 parent=9 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 15:43:11 parent=9 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_316_220" +0 15:43:12 parent=9 SLEW xoff=354.1, yoff=208.0, m1=143, m2=233, cmdx=316.3, cmdy=219.9, slewtime=480s +0 15:51:12 parent=9 // IRIS slew ends +0 15:51:22 parent=9 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1131800 +0 15:51:51 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801756346, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 15:51:52 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801756347, PZTA=90, PZTB=-797, PZTC=706 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 15:51:53 parent=9 START obsid=3860605388, repeat=81 x dur=48.8s/rpt, size=40.3Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=316.3, ys=219.9, megabitsPerSec=0.6, xa=316.3, ya=212.0, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 15:51:53 parent=9 // OBSID=3860605388, RPT=81 x dur=48.8s, size=40.3 Mbits, endTime=+0 16:57:44, desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 15:51:53 parent=9 // OBSID=3860605388: RPT=81, desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 15:59:44 leaf SAAI +0 16:09:24 leaf SAAO +0 16:57:44 parent=9 // 81 repeats of OBSID=3860605388 ENDS, started at +0 15:51:53 +0 16:57:45 parent=9 // total of 81 repeats of OBSID=3860605388 ENDS, started at +0 15:42:40 +0 16:57:46 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801760301, PZTA=82, PZTB=-600, PZTC=517 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 16:57:46 parent=9 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 16:57:47 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801760302, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 16:57:47 parent=9 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 16:59:38 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 16:59:39 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1220, eclipseflag=1 # +0 17:00:09 AAZ Entry +0 17:11:26 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=369s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) # +0 17:14:59 AAZ Exit +0 17:17:35 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=369s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 17:19:59 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 17:20:09 parent=9 //annotation=Flarewatch AR 12277 w/Hinode +0 17:20:09 parent=9 ABORT +0 17:20:10 parent=9 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 17:20:39 parent=9 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 17:20:40 parent=9 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_331_219" +0 17:20:41 parent=9 SLEW xoff=369.4, yoff=212.6, m1=237, m2=135, cmdx=330.7, cmdy=219.4, slewtime=480s +0 17:28:41 parent=9 // IRIS slew ends +0 17:28:51 parent=9 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1248780 +0 17:29:20 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801762195, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 17:29:21 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801762196, PZTA=-24, PZTB=-758, PZTC=783 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 17:29:22 parent=9 START obsid=3860605388, repeat=75 x dur=48.8s/rpt, size=40.3Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=330.7, ys=219.4, megabitsPerSec=0.6, xa=330.7, ya=211.5, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 17:29:22 parent=9 // OBSID=3860605388, RPT=75 x dur=48.8s, size=40.3 Mbits, endTime=+0 18:30:20, desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 17:29:22 parent=9 // OBSID=3860605388: RPT=75, desc=Large coarse 16-step raster 30x120 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 17:34:45 leaf SAAI +0 17:49:27 leaf SAAO +0 18:30:20 parent=9 // 75 repeats of OBSID=3860605388 ENDS, started at +0 17:29:22 +0 18:30:21 parent=9 // total of 75 repeats of OBSID=3860605388 ENDS, started at +0 17:20:09 +0 18:30:22 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801765857, PZTA=-31, PZTB=-576, PZTC=609 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 18:30:23 parent=9 PZT_SRT TAI=1801765858, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 18:30:23 parent=9 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 18:30:24 parent=9 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 18:30:25 parent=9 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 18:30:26 parent=9 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 18:37:10 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 18:37:11 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1218, eclipseflag=1 # +0 18:37:41 AAZ Entry +0 18:48:29 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=381s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) # +0 18:52:29 AAZ Exit +0 18:54:50 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=381s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 18:57:29 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 19:09:46 leaf SAAI +0 19:19:10 parent=10 ABORT +0 19:19:11 parent=10 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 19:19:12 parent=10 //annotation=Raster of flaring AR 12277 +0 19:19:40 parent=10 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 19:19:41 parent=10 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_339_221" +0 19:19:42 parent=10 SLEW xoff=339.0, yoff=213.1, m1=144, m2=234, cmdx=339.0, cmdy=221.0, slewtime=480s +0 19:27:42 parent=10 // IRIS slew ends +0 19:27:52 parent=10 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1391600 +0 19:27:55 parent=10 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 19:27:56 parent=10 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 19:27:56 parent=10 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 19:27:57 parent=10 // wait 1 +0 19:27:58 parent=10 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808000101, USE_CA_CFG=NO +0 19:27:59 parent=10 // wait 12 +0 19:28:11 parent=10 // OBS priming commands end. +0 19:28:12 parent=10 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 19:28:13 parent=10 PZT_SRT TAI=1801769328, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 19:28:14 parent=10 PZT_SRT TAI=1801769329, PZTA=-32, PZTB=-131, PZTC=164 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 19:28:14 parent=10 // OBSID=3800256196, RPT=1 x dur=2161.0s, size=8424.2 Mbits, endTime=+0 20:04:15, desc=Very large dense raster 131.7x175 400s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 4 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +0 19:28:15 pid=10 START obsid=3800256196, repeat=1 x dur=2161.0s/rpt, size=8424.2Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=339.0, ys=221.0, megabitsPerSec=2.6, xa=339.0, ya=213.1, hcrTarget=AR12277, desc=Very large dense raster 131.7x175 400s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 4 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +0 19:28:28 leaf SAAO +0 20:04:15 parent=10 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3800256196 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +0 19:28:15 +0 20:04:15 parent=10 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3800256196 ENDS, started at +0 19:19:10 +0 20:04:16 parent=10 PZT_SRT TAI=1801771491, PZTA=-32, PZTB=-131, PZTC=164 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 20:04:17 parent=10 PZT_SRT TAI=1801771492, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 20:04:18 parent=10 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 20:04:18 parent=10 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 20:04:19 parent=10 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 20:04:20 parent=10 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 20:14:43 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 20:14:44 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1215, eclipseflag=1 # +0 20:15:14 AAZ Entry +0 20:25:27 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=58s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 20:26:25 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=58s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 20:29:03 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=109s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) # +0 20:29:59 AAZ Exit +0 20:30:52 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=109s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 20:34:59 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 20:48:16 leaf SAAI +0 20:56:00 parent=11 ABORT +0 20:56:01 parent=11 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 20:56:02 parent=11 //annotation=Filament and Emerging AR 12280 +0 20:56:30 parent=11 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 20:56:31 parent=11 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-580_-70" +0 20:56:32 parent=11 SLEW xoff=-580.0, yoff=-77.9, m1=0, m2=70, cmdx=-580.0, cmdy=-70.0, slewtime=480s +0 21:04:32 parent=11 // IRIS slew ends +0 21:04:42 parent=11 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1507800 +0 21:04:43 leaf SAAO +0 21:04:45 parent=11 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 21:04:46 parent=11 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 21:04:46 parent=11 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 21:04:47 parent=11 // wait 1 +0 21:04:48 parent=11 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808000101, USE_CA_CFG=NO +0 21:04:49 parent=11 // wait 12 +0 21:05:01 parent=11 // OBS priming commands end. +0 21:05:02 parent=11 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 21:05:03 parent=11 PZT_SRT TAI=1801775138, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 21:05:04 parent=11 PZT_SRT TAI=1801775139, PZTA=111, PZTB=-74, PZTC=-38 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 21:05:04 parent=11 // OBSID=3800256196, RPT=1 x dur=2161.0s, size=8424.2 Mbits, endTime=+0 21:41:05, desc=Very large dense raster 131.7x175 400s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 4 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +0 21:05:05 pid=11 START obsid=3800256196, repeat=1 x dur=2161.0s/rpt, size=8424.2Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-580.0, ys=-70.0, megabitsPerSec=2.6, xa=-580.0, ya=-77.9, hcrTarget=FI, desc=Very large dense raster 131.7x175 400s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 4 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +0 21:41:05 parent=11 // 1 repeats of OBSID=3800256196 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +0 21:05:05 +0 21:41:05 parent=11 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3800256196 ENDS, started at +0 20:56:00 +0 21:41:06 parent=11 PZT_SRT TAI=1801777301, PZTA=111, PZTB=-74, PZTC=-38 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 21:41:07 parent=11 PZT_SRT TAI=1801777302, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 21:41:08 parent=11 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 21:41:08 parent=11 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 21:41:09 parent=11 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 21:41:10 parent=11 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 21:52:15 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 21:52:16 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1213, eclipseflag=1 # +0 21:52:46 AAZ Entry +0 22:02:20 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=61s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 22:03:21 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=61s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 22:04:45 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=225s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) # +0 22:07:29 AAZ Exit +0 22:08:30 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=225s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 22:12:29 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 22:13:00 parent=12 //annotation=Flarewatch on Filament and AR 12280 +0 22:13:00 parent=12 ABORT +0 22:13:01 parent=12 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 22:13:30 parent=12 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 22:13:31 parent=12 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-579_-79" +0 22:13:32 parent=12 SLEW xoff=-534.8, yoff=-76.4, m1=77, m2=231, cmdx=-579.0, cmdy=-79.0, slewtime=480s +0 22:21:32 parent=12 // IRIS slew ends +0 22:21:42 parent=12 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1600200 +0 22:21:45 parent=12 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 22:21:46 parent=12 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 22:21:46 parent=12 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 22:21:47 parent=12 // wait 1 +0 22:21:48 parent=12 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808300380, USE_CA_CFG=NO +0 22:21:49 parent=12 // wait 10 +0 22:21:59 parent=12 // OBS priming commands end. +0 22:22:00 parent=12 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 22:22:11 parent=12 PZT_SRT TAI=1801779766, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 22:22:12 parent=12 PZT_SRT TAI=1801779767, PZTA=-238, PZTB=-758, PZTC=999 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +0 22:22:13 pid=12 START obsid=3860605389, repeat=80 x dur=48.9s/rpt, size=63.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-579.0, ys=-79.0, megabitsPerSec=0.9, xa=-579.0, ya=-86.9, hcrTarget=AR, desc=Very large coarse 16-step raster 30x175 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 22:22:13 parent=12 // OBSID=3860605389, RPT=80 x dur=48.9s, size=63.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 23:27:26, desc=Very large coarse 16-step raster 30x175 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 22:22:13 parent=12 // OBSID=3860605389: RPT=80, desc=Very large coarse 16-step raster 30x175 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +0 22:28:03 leaf SAAI +0 22:40:41 leaf SAAO +0 23:27:26 parent=12 // 80 repeats of OBSID=3860605389 ENDS, started at +0 22:22:13 +0 23:27:27 parent=12 // total of 80 repeats of OBSID=3860605389 ENDS, started at +0 22:13:00 +0 23:27:28 parent=12 PZT_SRT TAI=1801783683, PZTA=-222, PZTB=-606, PZTC=831 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +0 23:27:29 parent=12 PZT_SRT TAI=1801783684, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +0 23:27:29 parent=12 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +0 23:27:30 parent=12 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +0 23:27:31 parent=12 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +0 23:27:32 parent=12 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +0 23:29:47 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +0 23:29:48 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1211, eclipseflag=1 # +0 23:30:18 AAZ Entry +0 23:38:03 leaf DUMP_START band=S, duration=139s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1) +0 23:38:12 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=90s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 23:39:42 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=90s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 23:40:22 leaf DUMP_STOP band=S, duration=139s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1) +0 23:41:48 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=223s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 23:41:48 leaf DUMP_START band=S, duration=223s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1) # +0 23:44:59 AAZ Exit +0 23:45:31 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=223s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +0 23:45:31 leaf DUMP_STOP band=S, duration=223s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1) +0 23:49:59 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +0 23:50:10 parent=13 ABORT +0 23:50:11 parent=13 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +0 23:50:12 parent=13 //annotation=Prominence in SE, HOP 269 +0 23:50:40 parent=13 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +0 23:50:41 parent=13 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-933_-358" +0 23:50:42 parent=13 SLEW xoff=-933.0, yoff=-365.9, m1=27, m2=63, cmdx=-933.0, cmdy=-358.0, slewtime=480s +0 23:58:42 parent=13 // IRIS slew ends +0 23:58:52 parent=13 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1716800 +0 23:58:55 parent=13 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +0 23:58:56 parent=13 // OBS priming commands begin. +0 23:58:56 parent=13 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +0 23:58:57 parent=13 // wait 1 +0 23:58:58 parent=13 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808100103, USE_CA_CFG=NO +0 23:58:59 parent=13 // wait 23 +0 23:59:22 parent=13 // OBS priming commands end. +0 23:59:23 parent=13 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +0 23:59:24 parent=13 PZT_SRT TAI=1801785599, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +0 23:59:25 parent=13 PZT_SRT TAI=1801785600, PZTA=-1, PZTB=-15, PZTC=16 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +0 23:59:25 parent=13 // OBSID=3820260489, RPT=13 x dur=262.6s, size=313.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 00:56:19, desc=Very large coarse 16-step raster 30x175 16s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +0 23:59:26 pid=13 START obsid=3820260489, repeat=13 x dur=262.6s/rpt, size=313.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=-933.0, ys=-358.0, megabitsPerSec=0.8, xa=-933.0, ya=-365.9, hcrTarget=FI, desc=Very large coarse 16-step raster 30x175 16s Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 15 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 +1 00:56:19 parent=13 // 13 repeats of OBSID=3820260489 ENDS, totRepeats=13, STRT at +0 23:59:26 +1 00:56:19 parent=13 // total of 13 repeats of OBSID=3820260489 ENDS, started at +0 23:50:10 +1 00:56:20 parent=13 PZT_SRT TAI=1801789015, PZTA=-1, PZTB=-15, PZTC=16 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction +1 00:56:21 parent=13 PZT_SRT TAI=1801789016, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // LAST PZT safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 00:56:22 parent=13 // After OBS. Put FW, PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 00:56:22 parent=13 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 00:56:23 parent=13 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +1 00:56:24 parent=13 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +1 01:07:20 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +1 01:07:21 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1207, eclipseflag=1 # +1 01:07:51 AAZ Entry +1 01:14:27 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=80s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 01:15:47 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=80s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 01:18:41 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=113s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 01:20:34 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=113s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) # +1 01:22:28 AAZ Exit +1 01:27:28 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +1 01:27:40 parent=14 //annotation=Flarewatch on filament and AR 12280 +1 01:27:40 parent=14 ABORT +1 01:27:41 parent=14 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 +1 01:28:10 parent=14 ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480 +1 01:28:11 parent=14 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-558_-73" +1 01:28:12 parent=14 SLEW xoff=-522.5, yoff=-82.1, m1=238, m2=72, cmdx=-558.0, cmdy=-73.0, slewtime=480s +1 01:36:12 parent=14 // IRIS slew ends +1 01:36:22 parent=14 ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1833800 +1 01:36:25 parent=14 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 +1 01:36:26 parent=14 // OBS priming commands begin. +1 01:36:26 parent=14 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 +1 01:36:27 parent=14 // wait 1 +1 01:36:28 parent=14 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=FUV, FDB_ID=3808300380, USE_CA_CFG=NO +1 01:36:29 parent=14 // wait 10 +1 01:36:39 parent=14 // OBS priming commands end. +1 01:36:40 parent=14 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 +1 01:36:51 parent=14 PZT_SRT TAI=1801791446, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS +1 01:36:52 parent=14 PZT_SRT TAI=1801791447, PZTA=28, PZTB=-719, PZTC=692 // PZT SRT OBS start pos +1 01:36:53 pid=14 START obsid=3860605389, repeat=80 x dur=48.9s/rpt, size=63.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-558.0, ys=-73.0, megabitsPerSec=0.9, xa=-558.0, ya=-80.9, hcrTarget=AR, desc=Very large coarse 16-step raster 30x175 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +1 01:36:53 parent=14 // OBSID=3860605389, RPT=80 x dur=48.9s, size=63.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 02:42:06, desc=Very large coarse 16-step raster 30x175 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +1 01:36:53 parent=14 // OBSID=3860605389: RPT=80, desc=Very large coarse 16-step raster 30x175 16s C II Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 +1 02:42:06 parent=14 // 80 repeats of OBSID=3860605389 ENDS, started at +1 01:36:53 +1 02:42:07 parent=14 // total of 80 repeats of OBSID=3860605389 ENDS, started at +1 01:27:40 +1 02:42:08 parent=14 PZT_SRT TAI=1801795363, PZTA=43, PZTB=-563, PZTC=520 // PZT SRT OBS end pos +1 02:42:09 parent=14 PZT_SRT TAI=1801795364, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS +1 02:42:09 parent=14 // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position. +1 02:42:10 parent=14 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 +1 02:42:11 parent=14 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250 +1 02:42:12 parent=14 CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250 +1 02:44:52 leaf ABORT, eclipseflag=1 +1 02:44:53 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=1205, eclipseflag=1 # +1 02:45:23 AAZ Entry +1 02:50:31 leaf DUMP_START band=X, duration=344s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) +1 02:56:15 leaf DUMP_STOP band=X, duration=344s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22) # +1 02:59:58 AAZ Exit +1 03:04:58 leaf ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=1, issopenticks=0, eclipseflag=1 +1 03:45:23 leaf CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN +1 03:59:00 leaf ABORT