#    /Users/kankel/iris/iris_timeline/html//iris_tim_20140614.27.html
#    T14165TIMFIL
#    Written by IRIS Timeline, 20140611_142120, revision 1.258
#	timeline for year=2014, dayOfYear=165,  date=2014-06-14
#    NUMDAYS=3

+0 04:00:00   leaf           ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs
+0 04:00:01   leaf           ORB PERIOD period=5853 secs
+0 04:00:02   leaf           CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=SRT_ID, REG_VALUE1=0, REG_VALUE2=0
+0 04:00:03   leaf           ORB orbid=34, desc=Default orbital wobble table
+0 04:00:04   leaf           CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-131
+0 04:07:20   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=92s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+0 04:08:52   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=92s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)

+0 04:10:00   parent=1       //annotation=Throughput monitoring
+0 04:10:00   parent=1       ABORT
+0 04:10:01   parent=1       CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540
+0 04:10:18   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=199s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+0 04:10:30   parent=1       ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480
+0 04:10:31   parent=1       CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_15_-67"
+0 04:10:32   parent=1       SLEW xoff=15.0, yoff=-74.9, m1=220, m2=88, cmdx=15.0, cmdy=-67.0, slewtime=480s
+0 04:13:37   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=199s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)

+0 04:18:32   parent=1       // IRIS slew ends
+0 04:18:42   parent=1       ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=300600
+0 04:18:45   parent=1       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0
+0 04:18:46   parent=1       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61

+0 04:18:46   parent=1       // OBS priming commands begin.

+0 04:18:47   parent=1       // wait 1
+0 04:18:48   parent=1       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  FUV_FDB=3808400033, NUV_FDB=3808400705

+0 04:18:49   parent=1       // wait 23
+0 04:19:12   parent=1       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  SJI_FDB=3808401377, NUV_FDB=3808400705

+0 04:19:13   parent=1       // wait 23
+0 04:19:36   parent=1       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  SJI_FDB=3808402049, NUV_FDB=3808400705

+0 04:19:37   parent=1       // wait 23

+0 04:20:00   parent=1       // OBS priming commands end.
+0 04:20:01   parent=1       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0
+0 04:20:02   parent=1       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs
+0 04:20:08   parent=1       PZT_SRT TAI=1781410843, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position before OBS

+0 04:20:09   parent=1       PZT_SRT TAI=1781410844, PZTA=-17, PZTB=86, PZTC=-69  // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction

+0 04:20:24   parent=1       // OBSID=3882010194, RPT=1 x dur=1084.4s, size=1987.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 04:38:28, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s  C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k   Mg II w s Deep x 15   SJI cadence 0.5x faster
+0 04:20:24   pid=1          START obsid=3882010194, repeat=1 x dur=1084.4s/rpt, size=1987.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=15.0, ys=-67.0, megabitsPerSec=1.2, xa=15.0, ya=-74.9, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s  C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k   Mg II w s Deep x 15   SJI cadence 0.5x faster

+0 04:38:28   parent=1       // 

+0 04:38:28   parent=1       // 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +0 04:20:24
+0 04:38:29   parent=1       PZT_SRT TAI=1781411944, PZTA=-17, PZTB=86, PZTC=-69  // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction

+0 04:38:30   parent=1       // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +0 04:10:00
+0 04:38:30   parent=1       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs
+0 04:38:30   parent=1       PZT_SRT TAI=1781411945, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position after OBS

+0 04:38:36   parent=1       // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position.
+0 04:38:37   parent=1       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121
+0 04:38:38   parent=1       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250
+0 04:38:39   parent=1       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250
+0 04:38:51   leaf           CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1
+0 04:38:52   leaf           CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1
+0 04:38:53   leaf           CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=3600
+0 04:38:54   leaf           CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0
+0 04:38:55   leaf           CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=1200
+0 04:38:56   leaf           CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_ENA_MSK, PAR_VALUE=65535
+0 05:15:57   leaf           SAAI      
+0 05:28:07   leaf           SAAO      
+0 05:53:47   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=381s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+0 06:00:08   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=381s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+0 06:51:31   leaf           SAAI      
+0 07:08:40   leaf           SAAO      
+0 07:20:00   parent=2       ABORT

+0 07:20:00   parent=2       //annotation=Chromospheric heating w SST [UiO]
+0 07:20:01   parent=2       CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540
+0 07:20:30   parent=2       ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480
+0 07:20:31   parent=2       CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_221_275"
+0 07:20:32   parent=2       SLEW xoff=261.4, yoff=267.4, m1=154, m2=4, cmdx=221.0, cmdy=275.0, slewtime=480s

+0 07:28:32   parent=2       // IRIS slew ends
+0 07:28:42   parent=2       ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=528600
+0 07:28:45   parent=2       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0
+0 07:28:46   parent=2       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61

+0 07:28:46   parent=2       // OBS priming commands begin.

+0 07:28:47   parent=2       // wait 1
+0 07:28:48   parent=2       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  FUV_FDB=3808100101, SJI_FDB=3808101389, NUV_FDB=3808100717

+0 07:28:49   parent=2       // wait 12
+0 07:29:01   parent=2       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  SJI_FDB=3808102061, NUV_FDB=3808100717

+0 07:29:02   parent=2       // wait 12

+0 07:29:14   parent=2       // OBS priming commands end.
+0 07:29:15   parent=2       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1
+0 07:29:16   parent=2       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs
+0 07:29:28   parent=2       PZT_SRT TAI=1781422203, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position before OBS

+0 07:29:29   parent=2       PZT_SRT TAI=1781422204, PZTA=-7, PZTB=-799, PZTC=806  // PZT SRT OBS start pos

+0 07:29:30   parent=2       // OBSID=3820256197: RPT=23, desc=Dense synoptic raster 31.35x175 96s  C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k   Mg II w s Deep x 4  FUV spectrally rebinned x 2
+0 07:29:30   pid=2          START obsid=3820256197, repeat=23 x dur=516.2s/rpt, size=1883.4Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=221.0, ys=275.0, megabitsPerSec=2.4, xa=221.0, ya=267.1, hcrTarget=AR12089, desc=Dense synoptic raster 31.35x175 96s  C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k   Mg II w s Deep x 4  FUV spectrally rebinned x 2

+0 07:29:30   parent=2       // OBSID=3820256197, RPT=23 x dur=516.2s, size=1883.4 Mbits, endTime=+0 10:47:23, desc=Dense synoptic raster 31.35x175 96s  C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k   Mg II w s Deep x 4  FUV spectrally rebinned x 2
+0 07:30:52   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=178s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+0 07:33:50   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=178s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+0 08:27:07   leaf           SAAI      
+0 08:44:58   leaf           SAAO      
+0 10:05:46   leaf           SAAI      
+0 10:20:31   leaf           SAAO      
+0 10:29:10   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=245s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WPS)
+0 10:33:15   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=245s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WPS)
+0 10:47:23   parent=2       PZT_SRT TAI=1781434078, PZTA=-7, PZTB=-212, PZTC=219  // PZT SRT OBS end pos

+0 10:47:23   parent=2       // 23 repeats of OBSID=3820256197 ENDS, started at +0 07:29:30

+0 10:47:23   parent=2       // 
+0 10:47:24   parent=2       PZT_SRT TAI=1781434079, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position after OBS

+0 10:47:24   parent=2       // total of 23 repeats of OBSID=3820256197 ENDS, started at +0 07:20:00
+0 10:47:24   parent=2       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs

+0 10:47:30   parent=2       // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position.
+0 10:47:31   parent=2       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121
+0 10:47:32   parent=2       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250
+0 10:47:33   parent=2       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250

+0 11:01:56   parent=3       //annotation=Flare watch w SST [UiO]
+0 11:01:56   parent=3       ABORT
+0 11:01:57   parent=3       CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540
+0 11:02:26   parent=3       ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480
+0 11:02:27   parent=3       CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-386_-305"
+0 11:02:28   parent=3       SLEW xoff=-338.2, yoff=-263.0, m1=8, m2=92, cmdx=-386.0, cmdy=-305.0, slewtime=480s

+0 11:10:28   parent=3       // IRIS slew ends
+0 11:10:38   parent=3       ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=794920
+0 11:10:41   parent=3       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0

+0 11:10:42   parent=3       // OBS priming commands begin.
+0 11:10:42   parent=3       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61

+0 11:10:43   parent=3       // wait 1
+0 11:10:44   parent=3       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  FUV_FDB=3808300352, SJI_FDB=3808301640, NUV_FDB=3808300968

+0 11:10:45   parent=3       // wait 10
+0 11:10:55   parent=3       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  SJI_FDB=3808302312, NUV_FDB=3808300968

+0 11:10:56   parent=3       // wait 10

+0 11:11:06   parent=3       // OBS priming commands end.
+0 11:11:07   parent=3       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1
+0 11:11:08   parent=3       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs
+0 11:11:20   parent=3       PZT_SRT TAI=1781435515, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position before OBS

+0 11:11:21   parent=3       PZT_SRT TAI=1781435516, PZTA=-31, PZTB=-934, PZTC=966  // PZT SRT OBS start pos

+0 11:11:22   parent=3       // OBSID=3863605329: RPT=1859, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster
+0 11:11:22   pid=3          START obsid=3863605329, repeat=1859 x dur=21.5s/rpt, size=10.5Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-386.0, ys=-305.0, megabitsPerSec=0.3, xa=-386.0, ya=-264.4, hcrTarget=AR12087, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster

+0 11:11:22   parent=3       // OBSID=3863605329, RPT=1859 x dur=21.5s, size=10.5 Mbits, endTime=+0 22:16:49, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster
+0 11:44:48   leaf           SAAI      
+0 11:53:38   leaf           SAAO      
+0 12:15:33   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=341s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+0 12:21:14   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=341s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+0 13:49:47   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=490s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+0 13:57:57   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=490s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+0 14:31:20   leaf           SAAI      
+0 14:32:05   leaf           SAAO      
+0 15:26:32   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=220s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+0 15:30:12   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=220s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+0 15:31:35   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=179s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+0 15:34:34   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=179s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+0 16:02:34   leaf           SAAI      
+0 16:12:06   leaf           SAAO      
+0 17:16:10   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=243s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+0 17:20:13   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=243s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+0 17:37:38   leaf           SAAI      
+0 17:52:09   leaf           SAAO      
+0 18:52:43   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=62s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+0 18:53:45   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=62s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+0 18:55:10   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=250s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+0 18:59:20   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=250s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+0 19:12:44   leaf           SAAI      
+0 19:31:19   leaf           SAAO      
+0 20:28:08   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=408s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+0 20:34:56   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=408s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+0 20:51:07   leaf           SAAI      
+0 21:07:37   leaf           SAAO      
+0 22:04:48   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=354s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+0 22:10:42   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=354s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+0 22:16:49   parent=3       PZT_SRT TAI=1781475444, PZTA=-31, PZTB=964, PZTC=-932  // PZT SRT OBS end pos

+0 22:16:49   parent=3       // 1859 repeats of OBSID=3863605329 ENDS, started at +0 11:11:22

+0 22:16:49   parent=3       // 
+0 22:16:50   parent=3       ABORT
+0 22:16:51   parent=3       CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540
+0 22:17:20   parent=3       ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480
+0 22:17:21   parent=3       CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-386_-305"
+0 22:17:22   parent=3       SLEW xoff=-251.6, yoff=-265.8, m1=9, m2=98, cmdx=-386.0, cmdy=-305.0, slewtime=480s
+0 22:23:06   parent=3       PZT_SRT TAI=1781475821, PZTA=32, PZTB=-762, PZTC=730  // PZT SRT OBS start pos

+0 22:23:07   parent=3       START obsid=3863605329, repeat=141 x dur=21.5s/rpt, size=10.5Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-386.0, ys=-305.0, megabitsPerSec=0.3, xa=-386.0, ya=-264.4, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster

+0 22:23:07   parent=3       // OBSID=3863605329, RPT=141 x dur=21.5s, size=10.5 Mbits, endTime=+0 23:13:35, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster

+0 22:25:22   parent=3       // IRIS slew ends
+0 22:25:32   parent=3       ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=1604800
+0 22:30:57   leaf           SAAI      
+0 22:43:45   leaf           SAAO      
+0 23:13:35   parent=3       PZT_SRT TAI=1781478850, PZTA=32, PZTB=-615, PZTC=583  // PZT SRT OBS end pos

+0 23:13:35   parent=3       // 2000 repeats of OBSID=3863605329 ENDS, started at +0 22:23:07

+0 23:13:35   parent=3       // 
+0 23:13:36   parent=3       PZT_SRT TAI=1781478851, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position after OBS

+0 23:13:36   parent=3       // total of 2000 repeats of OBSID=3863605329 ENDS, started at +0 11:01:56
+0 23:13:36   parent=3       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs

+0 23:13:42   parent=3       // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position.
+0 23:13:43   parent=3       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121
+0 23:13:44   parent=3       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250
+0 23:13:45   parent=3       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250
+0 23:41:13   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=374s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+0 23:47:27   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=374s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 01:17:24   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=432s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 01:24:36   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=432s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 02:54:28   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=117s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 02:56:25   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=117s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 04:03:26   leaf           SAAI      
+1 04:11:47   leaf           SAAO      
+1 04:31:03   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=405s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 04:37:48   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=405s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 04:40:00   leaf           CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0

+1 04:40:01   parent=4       //annotation=Throughput monitoring
+1 04:40:01   parent=4       ABORT
+1 04:40:02   parent=4       CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540
+1 04:40:31   parent=4       ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480
+1 04:40:32   parent=4       CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_37_21"
+1 04:40:33   parent=4       SLEW xoff=37.0, yoff=13.1, m1=187, m2=54, cmdx=37.0, cmdy=21.0, slewtime=480s

+1 04:48:33   parent=4       // IRIS slew ends
+1 04:48:43   parent=4       ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=2064620
+1 04:48:46   parent=4       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0

+1 04:48:47   parent=4       // OBS priming commands begin.
+1 04:48:47   parent=4       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61

+1 04:48:48   parent=4       // wait 1
+1 04:48:49   parent=4       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  FUV_FDB=3808400033, NUV_FDB=3808400705

+1 04:48:50   parent=4       // wait 23
+1 04:49:13   parent=4       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  SJI_FDB=3808401377, NUV_FDB=3808400705

+1 04:49:14   parent=4       // wait 23
+1 04:49:37   parent=4       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  SJI_FDB=3808402049, NUV_FDB=3808400705

+1 04:49:38   parent=4       // wait 23

+1 04:50:01   parent=4       // OBS priming commands end.
+1 04:50:02   parent=4       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0
+1 04:50:03   parent=4       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs
+1 04:50:09   parent=4       PZT_SRT TAI=1781499044, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position before OBS

+1 04:50:10   parent=4       PZT_SRT TAI=1781499045, PZTA=150, PZTB=-134, PZTC=-17  // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction

+1 04:50:25   parent=4       // OBSID=3882010194, RPT=1 x dur=1084.4s, size=1987.9 Mbits, endTime=+1 05:08:29, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s  C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k   Mg II w s Deep x 15   SJI cadence 0.5x faster
+1 04:50:25   pid=4          START obsid=3882010194, repeat=1 x dur=1084.4s/rpt, size=1987.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=37.0, ys=21.0, megabitsPerSec=1.2, xa=37.0, ya=13.1, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s  C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k   Mg II w s Deep x 15   SJI cadence 0.5x faster

+1 05:08:29   parent=4       // 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +1 04:50:25

+1 05:08:29   parent=4       // 
+1 05:08:30   parent=4       PZT_SRT TAI=1781500145, PZTA=150, PZTB=-134, PZTC=-17  // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction

+1 05:08:31   parent=4       PZT_SRT TAI=1781500146, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position after OBS

+1 05:08:31   parent=4       // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +1 04:40:01
+1 05:08:31   parent=4       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs

+1 05:08:37   parent=4       // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position.
+1 05:08:38   parent=4       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121
+1 05:08:39   parent=4       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250
+1 05:08:40   parent=4       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250
+1 05:38:59   leaf           SAAI      
+1 05:52:19   leaf           SAAO      
+1 07:08:52   leaf           CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1
+1 07:14:32   leaf           SAAI      

+1 07:20:00   parent=5       //annotation=Chromospheric heating w SST [UiO]
+1 07:20:00   parent=5       ABORT
+1 07:20:01   parent=5       CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540
+1 07:20:30   parent=5       ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480
+1 07:20:31   parent=5       CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_413_277"
+1 07:20:32   parent=5       SLEW xoff=447.5, yoff=269.6, m1=144, m2=227, cmdx=413.0, cmdy=277.0, slewtime=480s

+1 07:28:32   parent=5       // IRIS slew ends
+1 07:28:42   parent=5       ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=2256600
+1 07:28:45   parent=5       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0

+1 07:28:46   parent=5       // OBS priming commands begin.
+1 07:28:46   parent=5       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61

+1 07:28:47   parent=5       // wait 1
+1 07:28:48   parent=5       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  FUV_FDB=3808100101, SJI_FDB=3808101389, NUV_FDB=3808100717

+1 07:28:49   parent=5       // wait 12
+1 07:29:01   parent=5       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  SJI_FDB=3808102061, NUV_FDB=3808100717

+1 07:29:02   parent=5       // wait 12

+1 07:29:14   parent=5       // OBS priming commands end.
+1 07:29:15   parent=5       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1
+1 07:29:16   parent=5       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs
+1 07:29:28   parent=5       PZT_SRT TAI=1781508603, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position before OBS

+1 07:29:29   parent=5       PZT_SRT TAI=1781508604, PZTA=-10, PZTB=-679, PZTC=689  // PZT SRT OBS start pos

+1 07:29:30   parent=5       // OBSID=3820256197: RPT=24, desc=Dense synoptic raster 31.35x175 96s  C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k   Mg II w s Deep x 4  FUV spectrally rebinned x 2
+1 07:29:30   pid=5          START obsid=3820256197, repeat=24 x dur=516.2s/rpt, size=1883.4Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=413.0, ys=277.0, megabitsPerSec=2.4, xa=413.0, ya=269.1, hcrTarget=AR12089, desc=Dense synoptic raster 31.35x175 96s  C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k   Mg II w s Deep x 4  FUV spectrally rebinned x 2

+1 07:29:30   parent=5       // OBSID=3820256197, RPT=24 x dur=516.2s, size=1883.4 Mbits, endTime=+1 10:55:59, desc=Dense synoptic raster 31.35x175 96s  C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k   Mg II w s Deep x 4  FUV spectrally rebinned x 2
+1 07:32:24   leaf           SAAO      
+1 07:54:19   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=154s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+1 07:56:53   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=154s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+1 08:50:32   leaf           SAAI      
+1 09:07:58   leaf           SAAO      
+1 10:29:35   leaf           SAAI      
+1 10:43:33   leaf           SAAO      
+1 10:51:01   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=64s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WPS)
+1 10:52:05   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=64s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WPS)
+1 10:55:59   parent=5       PZT_SRT TAI=1781520994, PZTA=-10, PZTB=-120, PZTC=130  // PZT SRT OBS end pos

+1 10:55:59   parent=5       // 24 repeats of OBSID=3820256197 ENDS, started at +1 07:29:30

+1 10:55:59   parent=5       // 
+1 10:56:00   parent=5       PZT_SRT TAI=1781520995, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position after OBS

+1 10:56:00   parent=5       // total of 24 repeats of OBSID=3820256197 ENDS, started at +1 07:20:00
+1 10:56:00   parent=5       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs

+1 10:56:06   parent=5       // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position.
+1 10:56:07   parent=5       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121
+1 10:56:08   parent=5       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250
+1 10:56:09   parent=5       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250

+1 10:56:15   parent=6       //annotation=Flare watch w SST [UiO]
+1 10:56:15   parent=6       ABORT
+1 10:56:16   parent=6       CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540
+1 10:56:45   parent=6       ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480
+1 10:56:46   parent=6       CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-196_-311"
+1 10:56:47   parent=6       SLEW xoff=-151.4, yoff=-272.7, m1=112, m2=5, cmdx=-196.0, cmdy=-311.0, slewtime=480s

+1 11:04:47   parent=6       // IRIS slew ends
+1 11:04:57   parent=6       ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=2516100
+1 11:05:00   parent=6       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0

+1 11:05:01   parent=6       // OBS priming commands begin.
+1 11:05:01   parent=6       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61

+1 11:05:02   parent=6       // wait 1
+1 11:05:03   parent=6       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  FUV_FDB=3808300352, SJI_FDB=3808301640, NUV_FDB=3808300968

+1 11:05:04   parent=6       // wait 10
+1 11:05:14   parent=6       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  SJI_FDB=3808302312, NUV_FDB=3808300968

+1 11:05:15   parent=6       // wait 10

+1 11:05:25   parent=6       // OBS priming commands end.
+1 11:05:26   parent=6       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1
+1 11:05:27   parent=6       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs
+1 11:05:39   parent=6       PZT_SRT TAI=1781521574, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position before OBS

+1 11:05:40   parent=6       PZT_SRT TAI=1781521575, PZTA=52, PZTB=-913, PZTC=861  // PZT SRT OBS start pos

+1 11:05:41   parent=6       // OBSID=3863605329: RPT=1625, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster
+1 11:05:41   pid=6          START obsid=3863605329, repeat=1625 x dur=21.5s/rpt, size=10.5Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-196.0, ys=-311.0, megabitsPerSec=0.3, xa=-196.0, ya=-270.4, hcrTarget=AR12087, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster

+1 11:05:41   parent=6       // OBSID=3863605329, RPT=1625 x dur=21.5s, size=10.5 Mbits, endTime=+1 20:47:22, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster
+1 12:11:01   leaf           SAAI      
+1 12:15:45   leaf           SAAO      
+1 14:14:29   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=404s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+1 14:21:13   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=404s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+1 14:50:23   leaf           SAAI      
+1 14:56:11   leaf           SAAO      
+1 16:25:27   leaf           SAAI      
+1 16:36:10   leaf           SAAO      
+1 17:39:03   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=68s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 17:40:11   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=68s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 17:41:36   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=91s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 17:43:07   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=91s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 18:00:31   leaf           SAAI      
+1 18:16:15   leaf           SAAO      
+1 18:16:17   leaf           SAAO      
+1 18:16:17   leaf           SAAI      
+1 19:15:00   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=48s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 19:15:48   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=48s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 19:18:35   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=192s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 19:21:47   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=192s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 19:35:37   leaf           SAAI      
+1 19:54:30   leaf           SAAO      
+1 20:47:22   parent=6       PZT_SRT TAI=1781556477, PZTA=52, PZTB=846, PZTC=-898  // PZT SRT OBS end pos

+1 20:47:22   parent=6       // 1625 repeats of OBSID=3863605329 ENDS, started at +1 11:05:41

+1 20:47:22   parent=6       // 
+1 20:47:23   parent=6       ABORT
+1 20:47:24   parent=6       CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540
+1 20:47:53   parent=6       ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480
+1 20:47:54   parent=6       CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-196_-311"
+1 20:47:55   parent=6       SLEW xoff=-53.3, yoff=-263.6, m1=19, m2=118, cmdx=-196.0, cmdy=-311.0, slewtime=480s
+1 20:51:09   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=354s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)

+1 20:55:55   parent=6       // IRIS slew ends
+1 20:56:05   parent=6       ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=3225460
+1 20:56:09   parent=6       PZT_SRT TAI=1781557004, PZTA=-156, PZTB=-970, PZTC=1128  // PZT SRT OBS start pos

+1 20:56:10   parent=6       START obsid=3863605329, repeat=375 x dur=21.5s/rpt, size=10.5Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=-196.0, ys=-311.0, megabitsPerSec=0.3, xa=-196.0, ya=-270.4, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster

+1 20:56:10   parent=6       // OBSID=3863605329, RPT=375 x dur=21.5s, size=10.5 Mbits, endTime=+1 23:10:24, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster
+1 20:57:03   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=354s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+1 21:15:10   leaf           SAAI      
+1 21:30:48   leaf           SAAO      
+1 22:44:06   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=230s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WPS)
+1 22:47:56   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=230s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WPS)
+1 22:55:08   leaf           SAAO      
+1 22:55:08   leaf           SAAI      
+1 22:55:10   leaf           SAAI      
+1 23:05:54   leaf           SAAO      
+1 23:10:24   parent=6       PZT_SRT TAI=1781565059, PZTA=-156, PZTB=-560, PZTC=718  // PZT SRT OBS end pos

+1 23:10:24   parent=6       // 2000 repeats of OBSID=3863605329 ENDS, started at +1 20:56:10

+1 23:10:24   parent=6       // 
+1 23:10:25   parent=6       PZT_SRT TAI=1781565060, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position after OBS

+1 23:10:25   parent=6       // total of 2000 repeats of OBSID=3863605329 ENDS, started at +1 10:56:15
+1 23:10:25   parent=6       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs

+1 23:10:31   parent=6       // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position.
+1 23:10:32   parent=6       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121
+1 23:10:33   parent=6       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250
+1 23:10:34   parent=6       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250
+2 00:04:06   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=396s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 00:10:42   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=396s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 01:40:38   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=425s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 01:47:43   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=425s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 03:17:44   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=109s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 03:19:33   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=109s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 03:21:11   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=197s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 03:24:28   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=197s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 04:00:00   leaf           CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0
+2 04:26:26   leaf           SAAI      
+2 04:35:59   leaf           SAAO      

+2 05:00:01   parent=7       //annotation=Throughput monitoring
+2 05:00:01   parent=7       ABORT
+2 05:00:02   parent=7       CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540
+2 05:00:31   parent=7       ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480
+2 05:00:32   parent=7       CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_36_26"
+2 05:00:33   parent=7       SLEW xoff=36.0, yoff=18.1, m1=186, m2=52, cmdx=36.0, cmdy=26.0, slewtime=480s
+2 05:03:34   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=448s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)

+2 05:08:33   parent=7       // IRIS slew ends
+2 05:08:43   parent=7       ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=3816620
+2 05:08:46   parent=7       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0

+2 05:08:47   parent=7       // OBS priming commands begin.
+2 05:08:47   parent=7       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61

+2 05:08:48   parent=7       // wait 1
+2 05:08:49   parent=7       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  FUV_FDB=3808400033, NUV_FDB=3808400705

+2 05:08:50   parent=7       // wait 23
+2 05:09:13   parent=7       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  SJI_FDB=3808401377, NUV_FDB=3808400705

+2 05:09:14   parent=7       // wait 23
+2 05:09:37   parent=7       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  SJI_FDB=3808402049, NUV_FDB=3808400705

+2 05:09:38   parent=7       // wait 23

+2 05:10:01   parent=7       // OBS priming commands end.
+2 05:10:02   parent=7       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0
+2 05:10:03   parent=7       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs
+2 05:10:09   parent=7       PZT_SRT TAI=1781586644, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position before OBS

+2 05:10:10   parent=7       PZT_SRT TAI=1781586645, PZTA=-92, PZTB=93, PZTC=1  // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction

+2 05:10:25   parent=7       // OBSID=3882010194, RPT=1 x dur=1084.4s, size=1987.9 Mbits, endTime=+2 05:28:29, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s  C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k   Mg II w s Deep x 15   SJI cadence 0.5x faster
+2 05:10:25   pid=7          START obsid=3882010194, repeat=1 x dur=1084.4s/rpt, size=1987.9Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=36.0, ys=26.0, megabitsPerSec=1.2, xa=36.0, ya=18.1, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Large coarse 64-step raster 126x120 64s  C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k   Mg II w s Deep x 15   SJI cadence 0.5x faster
+2 05:11:02   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=448s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)

+2 05:28:29   parent=7       // 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, totRepeats=1, STRT at +2 05:10:25

+2 05:28:29   parent=7       // 
+2 05:28:30   parent=7       PZT_SRT TAI=1781587745, PZTA=-92, PZTB=93, PZTC=1  // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction

+2 05:28:31   parent=7       PZT_SRT TAI=1781587746, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position after OBS

+2 05:28:31   parent=7       // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=3882010194 ENDS, started at +2 05:00:01
+2 05:28:31   parent=7       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs

+2 05:28:37   parent=7       // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position.
+2 05:28:38   parent=7       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121
+2 05:28:39   parent=7       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250
+2 05:28:40   parent=7       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250
+2 06:01:58   leaf           SAAI      
+2 06:16:33   leaf           SAAO      
+2 06:40:29   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=381s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+2 06:46:50   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=381s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)

+2 07:00:00   parent=8       //annotation=Chromospheric heating w SST [UiO]
+2 07:00:00   parent=8       ABORT
+2 07:00:01   parent=8       CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540
+2 07:00:30   parent=8       ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480
+2 07:00:31   parent=8       CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_180"
+2 07:00:32   parent=8       SLEW xoff=31.8, yoff=178.1, m1=39, m2=169, cmdx=0.0, cmdy=180.0, slewtime=480s

+2 07:08:32   parent=8       // IRIS slew ends
+2 07:08:42   parent=8       ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=3960600
+2 07:08:45   parent=8       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0

+2 07:08:46   parent=8       // OBS priming commands begin.
+2 07:08:46   parent=8       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61

+2 07:08:47   parent=8       // wait 1
+2 07:08:48   parent=8       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  FUV_FDB=3808100102, SJI_FDB=3808101390, NUV_FDB=3808100718

+2 07:08:49   parent=8       // wait 16
+2 07:09:05   parent=8       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  SJI_FDB=3808102062, NUV_FDB=3808100718

+2 07:09:06   parent=8       // wait 16

+2 07:09:22   parent=8       // OBS priming commands end.
+2 07:09:23   parent=8       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0
+2 07:09:24   parent=8       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs
+2 07:09:36   parent=8       PZT_SRT TAI=1781593811, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position before OBS

+2 07:09:37   parent=8       PZT_SRT TAI=1781593812, PZTA=-136, PZTB=-562, PZTC=699  // PZT SRT OBS start pos

+2 07:09:38   parent=8       // OBSID=3820259497: RPT=15, desc=Dense synoptic raster 31.35x175 96s  Si IV   Mg II h/k Deep x 8  FUV spectrally rebinned x 2
+2 07:09:38   pid=8          START obsid=3820259497, repeat=15 x dur=908.4s/rpt, size=1883.4Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=0.0, ys=180.0, megabitsPerSec=1.4, xa=0.0, ya=172.1, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Dense synoptic raster 31.35x175 96s  Si IV   Mg II h/k Deep x 8  FUV spectrally rebinned x 2

+2 07:09:38   parent=8       // OBSID=3820259497, RPT=15 x dur=908.4s, size=1883.4 Mbits, endTime=+2 10:56:43, desc=Dense synoptic raster 31.35x175 96s  Si IV   Mg II h/k Deep x 8  FUV spectrally rebinned x 2
+2 07:37:33   leaf           SAAI      
+2 07:55:25   leaf           SAAO      
+2 09:14:23   leaf           SAAI      
+2 09:30:59   leaf           SAAO      
+2 10:53:26   leaf           SAAI      
+2 10:56:43   parent=8       PZT_SRT TAI=1781607438, PZTA=-136, PZTB=158, PZTC=-21  // PZT SRT OBS end pos

+2 10:56:43   parent=8       // 15 repeats of OBSID=3820259497 ENDS, started at +2 07:09:38

+2 10:56:43   parent=8       // 
+2 10:56:44   parent=8       PZT_SRT TAI=1781607439, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position after OBS

+2 10:56:44   parent=8       // total of 15 repeats of OBSID=3820259497 ENDS, started at +2 07:00:00
+2 10:56:44   parent=8       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs

+2 10:56:50   parent=8       // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position.
+2 10:56:51   parent=8       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121
+2 10:56:52   parent=8       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250
+2 10:56:53   parent=8       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250
+2 11:00:00   leaf           CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1

+2 11:00:01   parent=9       //annotation=Flare watch w SST [UiO]
+2 11:00:01   parent=9       ABORT
+2 11:00:02   parent=9       CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540
+2 11:00:31   parent=9       ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480
+2 11:00:32   parent=9       CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_10_-317"
+2 11:00:33   parent=9       SLEW xoff=52.6, yoff=-280.4, m1=141, m2=27, cmdx=10.0, cmdy=-317.0, slewtime=480s
+2 11:06:00   leaf           SAAO      

+2 11:08:33   parent=9       // IRIS slew ends
+2 11:08:43   parent=9       ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=4248620
+2 11:08:46   parent=9       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0

+2 11:08:47   parent=9       // OBS priming commands begin.
+2 11:08:47   parent=9       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61

+2 11:08:48   parent=9       // wait 1
+2 11:08:49   parent=9       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  FUV_FDB=3808300352, SJI_FDB=3808301640, NUV_FDB=3808300968

+2 11:08:50   parent=9       // wait 10
+2 11:09:00   parent=9       CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  SJI_FDB=3808302312, NUV_FDB=3808300968

+2 11:09:01   parent=9       // wait 10

+2 11:09:11   parent=9       // OBS priming commands end.
+2 11:09:12   parent=9       CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1
+2 11:09:13   parent=9       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs
+2 11:09:25   parent=9       PZT_SRT TAI=1781608200, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position before OBS

+2 11:09:26   parent=9       PZT_SRT TAI=1781608201, PZTA=92, PZTB=-893, PZTC=801  // PZT SRT OBS start pos

+2 11:09:27   parent=9       // OBSID=3863605329: RPT=1535, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster
+2 11:09:27   pid=9          START obsid=3863605329, repeat=1535 x dur=21.5s/rpt, size=10.5Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=10.0, ys=-317.0, megabitsPerSec=0.3, xa=10.0, ya=-276.4, hcrTarget=AR12087, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster

+2 11:09:27   parent=9       // OBSID=3863605329, RPT=1535 x dur=21.5s, size=10.5 Mbits, endTime=+2 20:18:55, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster
+2 11:15:53   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=109s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WPS)
+2 11:17:42   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=109s, roll=0, WALLOPS (WPS)
+2 12:36:59   leaf           SAAI      
+2 12:37:01   leaf           SAAO      
+2 12:37:03   leaf           SAAI      
+2 12:37:54   leaf           SAAO      
+2 13:02:18   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=328s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+2 13:07:46   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=328s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+2 14:36:03   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=506s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+2 14:44:29   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=506s, roll=0, ALASKA (AS3)
+2 15:13:16   leaf           SAAI      
+2 15:20:14   leaf           SAAO      
+2 16:25:26   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=267s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 16:29:53   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=267s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 16:48:20   leaf           SAAI      
+2 17:00:16   leaf           SAAO      
+2 18:01:28   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=90s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 18:02:58   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=90s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 18:04:24   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=178s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 18:07:22   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=178s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 18:23:24   leaf           SAAI      
+2 18:40:23   leaf           SAAO      
+2 19:38:13   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=303s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 19:43:16   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=303s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 19:59:21   leaf           SAAI      
+2 20:17:42   leaf           SAAO      
+2 20:18:55   parent=9       PZT_SRT TAI=1781641170, PZTA=92, PZTB=785, PZTC=-877  // PZT SRT OBS end pos

+2 20:18:55   parent=9       // 1535 repeats of OBSID=3863605329 ENDS, started at +2 11:09:27

+2 20:18:55   parent=9       // 
+2 20:18:56   parent=9       ABORT
+2 20:18:57   parent=9       CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540
+2 20:19:26   parent=9       ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480
+2 20:19:27   parent=9       CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_10_-317"
+2 20:19:28   parent=9       SLEW xoff=138.2, yoff=-269.4, m1=52, m2=154, cmdx=10.0, cmdy=-317.0, slewtime=480s
+2 20:22:42   parent=9       PZT_SRT TAI=1781641397, PZTA=-159, PZTB=-761, PZTC=921  // PZT SRT OBS start pos

+2 20:22:43   parent=9       START obsid=3863605329, repeat=865 x dur=21.5s/rpt, size=10.5Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=1, count=0, slewed=1, xs=10.0, ys=-317.0, megabitsPerSec=0.3, xa=10.0, ya=-276.4, hcrTarget=(NONE), desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster

+2 20:22:43   parent=9       // OBSID=3863605329, RPT=865 x dur=21.5s, size=10.5 Mbits, endTime=+3 01:32:21, desc=Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II   Mg II h/k Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spectral x 2 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster

+2 20:27:28   parent=9       // IRIS slew ends
+2 20:27:38   parent=9       ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=4919320
+2 21:14:12   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=374s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 21:20:26   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=374s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 21:39:11   leaf           SAAI      
+2 21:54:01   leaf           SAAO      
+2 22:51:00   leaf           DUMP_START  band=S, duration=382s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 22:51:00   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=382s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 22:57:22   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=S, duration=382s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 22:57:22   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=382s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+2 23:20:44   leaf           SAAI      
+2 23:28:02   leaf           SAAO      
+3 00:27:30   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=367s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+3 00:33:37   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=367s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+3 01:32:21   parent=9       PZT_SRT TAI=1781659976, PZTA=-159, PZTB=178, PZTC=-18  // PZT SRT OBS end pos

+3 01:32:21   parent=9       // 2400 repeats of OBSID=3863605329 ENDS, started at +2 20:22:43

+3 01:32:21   parent=9       // 
+3 01:32:22   parent=9       PZT_SRT TAI=1781659977, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position after OBS

+3 01:32:22   parent=9       // total of 2400 repeats of OBSID=3863605329 ENDS, started at +2 11:00:01
+3 01:32:22   parent=9       ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs

+3 01:32:28   parent=9       // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position.
+3 01:32:29   parent=9       CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121
+3 01:32:30   parent=9       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250
+3 01:32:31   parent=9       CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250
+3 01:33:00   leaf           CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0

+3 01:33:10   parent=10      //annotation=Focus Calibration
+3 01:33:10   parent=10      ABORT
+3 01:33:11   parent=10      CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540
+3 01:33:40   parent=10      ISS CONTROL loop=OPEN, duration=480
+3 01:33:41   parent=10      CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_557_-58"
+3 01:33:42   parent=10      SLEW xoff=557.0, yoff=-65.9, m1=114, m2=199, cmdx=557.0, cmdy=-58.0, slewtime=480s

+3 01:41:42   parent=10      // IRIS slew ends
+3 01:41:52   parent=10      ISS CONTROL loop=CLOSED, duration=480, issopenticks=5296400
+3 01:41:55   parent=10      CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0

+3 01:41:56   parent=10      // OBS priming commands begin.
+3 01:41:56   parent=10      CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91

+3 01:41:57   parent=10      // wait 1
+3 01:41:58   parent=10      CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-170

+3 01:41:59   parent=10      // wait 20
+3 01:42:19   parent=10      CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=SJI, FDB_ID=4200000028, USE_CA_CFG=NO

+3 01:42:20   parent=10      // wait 18
+3 01:42:38   parent=10      CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2  SJI_FDB=4200000029, NUV_FDB=4200000027

+3 01:42:39   parent=10      // wait 11

+3 01:42:50   parent=10      // OBS priming commands end.
+3 01:42:51   parent=10      CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0
+3 01:42:52   parent=10      ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs
+3 01:42:58   parent=10      PZT_SRT TAI=1781660613, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position before OBS

+3 01:42:59   parent=10      PZT_SRT TAI=1781660614, PZTA=-6, PZTB=-141, PZTC=147  // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction

+3 01:43:14   parent=10      // OBSID=4203600004, RPT=2 x dur=518.3s, size=1190.0 Mbits, endTime=+3 02:00:30, desc=Fine focus 2832, 1330, 2796, 1400; return to -131
+3 01:43:14   pid=10         START obsid=4203600004, repeat=2 x dur=518.3s/rpt, size=1190.0Mbits/rpt, srtFlag=0, count=1, slewed=1, xs=557.0, ys=-58.0, megabitsPerSec=2.3, xa=557.0, ya=-65.9, hcrTarget=QS, desc=Fine focus 2832, 1330, 2796, 1400; return to -131

+3 02:00:30   parent=10      // 2 repeats of OBSID=4203600004 ENDS, totRepeats=2, STRT at +3 01:43:14

+3 02:00:30   parent=10      // 
+3 02:00:31   parent=10      PZT_SRT TAI=1781661666, PZTA=-6, PZTB=-141, PZTC=147  // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction

+3 02:00:32   parent=10      PZT_SRT TAI=1781661667, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0  // safety PZT guard position after OBS

+3 02:00:32   parent=10      // total of 2 repeats of OBSID=4203600004 ENDS, started at +3 01:33:10
+3 02:00:32   parent=10      ORB REF TIME time=1781414867 secs

+3 02:00:38   parent=10      // After OBS. Put filter wheel and PZT A and B in safe/home position.
+3 02:00:39   parent=10      CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121
+3 02:00:40   parent=10      CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=B, OFFSET=-250
+3 02:00:41   parent=10      CMD I_IS_PZT_OFFSET PZT=C, OFFSET=-250
+3 02:04:04   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=380s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+3 02:10:24   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=380s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG22)
+3 03:00:24   leaf           CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-131
+3 03:13:54   leaf           SAAI      
+3 03:19:40   leaf           SAAO      
+3 03:40:10   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=51s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+3 03:41:01   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=51s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+3 03:44:19   leaf           DUMP_START  band=X, duration=130s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+3 03:46:29   leaf           DUMP_STOP   band=X, duration=130s, roll=0, SVALBARD (SG1)
+3 03:59:00   leaf           ABORT