T13211REGOTL , 2013:210:20:39:32, IRIS, IOC, SCS, 2013:211:04:00:00, 2013:212:03:59:59, , , 1, , // IRIS Instrument Timeline for 2013.07.30_04:00:00 through 2013.07.31_03:59:59 // Created: 2013-07-29T20:39:32Z // TIM File: iris_tim_20130730.10 2013:211:04:00:00 CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=ORB_EQ_TIME, REG_VALUE1=1154235900, REG_VALUE2=0 2013:211:04:00:01 CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=ORB_PERIOD, REG_VALUE1=5856, REG_VALUE2=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:00:02 CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=SRT_ID, REG_VALUE1=0, REG_VALUE2=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:00:03 CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=OWT_ID, REG_VALUE1=0, REG_VALUE2=0 // 2013:211:04:00:04 // Commands for weekly refresh of DCHRI LUT // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:00:05 /I_HR_LD_TABLE TYP=LOOKUP, TBL_ID=1, HR_SLOT=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:00:06 /I_HR_LD_TABLE TYP=LOOKUP, TBL_ID=2, HR_SLOT=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:00:07 /I_HR_LD_TABLE TYP=LOOKUP, TBL_ID=3, HR_SLOT=2 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:00:08 /I_HR_LD_TABLE TYP=LOOKUP, TBL_ID=4, HR_SLOT=3 // ABORT 2013:211:04:00:10 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:00:11 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 // 2013:211:04:00:20 // AR 11803 in SW 2013:211:04:00:40 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:00:41 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_808_-156" 2013:211:04:00:42 CMD I_SLEW WM1=118, WM2=186 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:04:00 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-115 // 2013:211:04:08:42 // IRIS slew ends 2013:211:04:08:43 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // PZT SRT table id=13211 2013:211:04:08:45 CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=SRT_ID, REG_VALUE1=13211, REG_VALUE2=0 // 2013:211:04:08:45 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753848560, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2013:211:04:08:45 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:08:45 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 // 2013:211:04:08:46 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753848561, PZTA=-205, PZTB=44, PZTC=163 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction // 2013:211:04:08:46 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:08:47 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4204000022, SJI_FDB=4204000028 // 2013:211:04:08:48 // wait 10 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:08:58 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=SJI, FDB_ID=4204000026, USE_CA_CFG=NO // 2013:211:04:08:59 // wait 10 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:09:09 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4204000028, NUV_FDB=4204000024 // 2013:211:04:09:10 // wait 10 // 2013:211:04:09:20 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:04:09:31 // OBSID=4204000003, RPT=1 x dur=360.0s, size=514.5 Mbits, endTime=+0 04:15:31, desc=First-light for 6 min cadence 2013:211:04:09:31 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4204000003, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2013:211:04:15:31 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204000003 ENDS, totRepeats=1, started at +0 04:09:31 // 2013:211:04:15:31 // // 2013:211:04:15:32 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753848967, PZTA=-205, PZTB=44, PZTC=163 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction // 2013:211:04:15:33 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753848968, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2013:211:04:15:34 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204000003 ENDS, started at +0 04:08:45 // 2013:211:04:15:35 // // ABORT 2013:211:04:17:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // 2013:211:04:17:00 // ABORT 30s before starting OBSID=4040512153, desc=Very large sparse raster 127"x175" 128s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 30 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:17:15 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:17:16 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:17:17 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=3600 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:17:18 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:17:19 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=3600 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:17:20 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_ENA_MSK, PAR_VALUE=65535 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:17:30 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2013:211:04:17:30 // OBS priming commands begin. // 2013:211:04:17:31 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:17:32 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4008200202, NUV_FDB=4008200902 // 2013:211:04:17:33 // wait 38 // 2013:211:04:18:00 // AEC Test # 1 AF only // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:18:11 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4008201742, NUV_FDB=4008200902 // 2013:211:04:18:12 // wait 38 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:04:18:50 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4008202582, NUV_FDB=4008200902 // 2013:211:04:18:51 // wait 38 // 2013:211:04:19:29 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:04:19:40 // OBSID=4040512153, RPT=1 x dur=3956.5s, size=1445.2 Mbits, endTime=+0 05:25:36, desc=Very large sparse raster 127"x175" 128s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 30 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 2013:211:04:19:40 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4040512153, NUM_REPEATS=1 //! DUMP_START: 2013:211:05:23:19 station pass START, duration=7 minutes 2013:211:05:23:19 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:05:25:36 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4040512153 ENDS, totRepeats=1, started at +0 04:19:40 // 2013:211:05:25:36 // // 2013:211:05:25:37 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4040512153 ENDS, started at +0 04:17:00 // 2013:211:05:25:38 // // ABORT 2013:211:05:30:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // 2013:211:05:30:00 // ABORT 30s before starting OBSID=4040512153, desc=Very large sparse raster 127"x175" 128s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 30 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:05:30:15 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:05:30:16 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:05:30:17 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=3600 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:05:30:18 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:05:30:19 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=3600 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:05:30:20 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_ENA_MSK, PAR_VALUE=65535 // 2013:211:05:30:21 // AEC Test # 2 AF, FF, EF // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:05:30:30 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2013:211:05:30:30 // OBS priming commands begin. // 2013:211:05:30:31 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:05:30:32 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4008200202, NUV_FDB=4008200902 // 2013:211:05:30:33 // wait 38 //! DUMP_STOP: 2013:211:05:30:51 station pass END, duration=7 minutes 2013:211:05:30:51 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:05:31:11 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4008201742, NUV_FDB=4008200902 // 2013:211:05:31:12 // wait 38 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:05:31:50 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4008202582, NUV_FDB=4008200902 // 2013:211:05:31:51 // wait 38 // 2013:211:05:32:29 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:05:32:40 // OBSID=4040512153, RPT=1 x dur=3956.5s, size=1445.2 Mbits, endTime=+0 06:38:36, desc=Very large sparse raster 127"x175" 128s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 30 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 2013:211:05:32:40 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4040512153, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2013:211:06:38:36 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4040512153 ENDS, totRepeats=1, started at +0 05:32:40 // 2013:211:06:38:36 // // 2013:211:06:38:37 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4040512153 ENDS, started at +0 05:30:00 // 2013:211:06:38:38 // // 2013:211:06:44:60 // // ABORT 2013:211:06:45:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:06:45:01 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=230 2013:211:06:45:30 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:06:45:31 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_831_-162" 2013:211:06:45:32 CMD I_SLEW WM1=119, WM2=183 // 2013:211:06:48:22 // IRIS slew ends 2013:211:06:48:23 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:06:48:25 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2013:211:06:48:25 // OBS priming commands begin. // 2013:211:06:48:26 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:06:48:27 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4008000017, SJI_FDB=4008001697, NUV_FDB=4008000857 // 2013:211:06:48:28 // wait 12 // 2013:211:06:48:40 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:06:48:42 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753858157, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2013:211:06:48:43 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753858158, PZTA=-28, PZTB=-852, PZTC=881 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // 2013:211:06:48:44 // OBSID=4003007665: RPT=240, desc=Two-step sparse raster 1"x50" 2s Si IV Deep x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster 2013:211:06:48:44 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4003007665, NUM_REPEATS=240 // 2013:211:06:48:44 // OBSID=4003007665, RPT=240 x dur=10.4s, size=10.2 Mbits, endTime=+0 07:30:28, desc=Two-step sparse raster 1"x50" 2s Si IV Deep x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster //! DUMP_START: 2013:211:07:02:37 station pass START, duration=5 minutes 2013:211:07:02:37 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2013:211:07:07:59 station pass END, duration=5 minutes 2013:211:07:07:59 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:07:30:28 // // 2013:211:07:30:28 // 240 repeats of OBSID=4003007665 ENDS, started at +0 06:48:44 // 2013:211:07:30:28 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753860663, PZTA=-28, PZTB=-785, PZTC=814 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2013:211:07:30:29 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753860664, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // ABORT 2013:211:07:35:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // 2013:211:07:35:00 // ABORT 30s before starting OBSID=4040512153, desc=Very large sparse raster 127"x175" 128s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 30 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:07:35:10 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=FLARE_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:07:35:11 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:07:35:12 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=AEC_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=600 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:07:35:13 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_FLAG, PAR_VALUE=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:07:35:14 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_LAPSE_TM, PAR_VALUE=300 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:07:35:15 CMD I_AEC_SET_PAR PAR_ID=EV_ENA_MSK, PAR_VALUE=65535 // 2013:211:07:35:20 // AEC Test # 3 AF, FF only // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:07:35:30 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2013:211:07:35:30 // OBS priming commands begin. // 2013:211:07:35:31 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:07:35:32 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4008200202, NUV_FDB=4008200902 // 2013:211:07:35:33 // wait 38 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:07:36:11 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4008201742, NUV_FDB=4008200902 // 2013:211:07:36:12 // wait 38 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:07:36:50 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4008202582, NUV_FDB=4008200902 // 2013:211:07:36:51 // wait 38 // 2013:211:07:37:29 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:07:37:40 // OBSID=4040512153, RPT=1 x dur=3956.5s, size=1445.2 Mbits, endTime=+0 08:43:36, desc=Very large sparse raster 127"x175" 128s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 30 FUV spectrally rebinned x 4 2013:211:07:37:40 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4040512153, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2013:211:08:43:36 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4040512153 ENDS, totRepeats=1, started at +0 07:37:40 // 2013:211:08:43:36 // // 2013:211:08:43:37 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4040512153 ENDS, started at +0 07:35:00 // 2013:211:08:43:38 // // 2013:211:08:49:60 // // ABORT 2013:211:08:50:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:08:50:01 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=570 // 2013:211:08:50:15 // AR no number in NE 2013:211:08:50:30 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:08:50:31 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-711_182" 2013:211:08:50:32 CMD I_SLEW WM1=234, WM2=51 // 2013:211:08:59:02 // IRIS slew ends 2013:211:08:59:03 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:08:59:05 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2013:211:08:59:05 // OBS priming commands begin. // 2013:211:08:59:06 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:08:59:07 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4008000129, NUV_FDB=4008000899 // 2013:211:08:59:08 // wait 12 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:08:59:20 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4008001739, NUV_FDB=4008000899 // 2013:211:08:59:21 // wait 12 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:08:59:33 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4008002579, NUV_FDB=4008000899 // 2013:211:08:59:34 // wait 12 // 2013:211:08:59:46 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:08:59:48 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753866023, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2013:211:08:59:49 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753866024, PZTA=35, PZTB=-176, PZTC=141 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // 2013:211:08:59:50 // OBSID=4000256153: RPT=3, desc=Very large sparse raster 127"x175" 128s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 4 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 // 2013:211:08:59:50 // OBSID=4000256153, RPT=3 x dur=631.5s, size=2184.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 09:31:24, desc=Very large sparse raster 127"x175" 128s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 4 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 2013:211:08:59:50 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4000256153, NUM_REPEATS=3 // 2013:211:09:31:24 // // 2013:211:09:31:24 // 3 repeats of OBSID=4000256153 ENDS, started at +0 08:59:50 // 2013:211:09:31:24 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753867919, PZTA=35, PZTB=-107, PZTC=72 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2013:211:09:31:25 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753867920, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // ABORT 2013:211:09:33:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // 2013:211:09:33:00 // ABORT 30s before starting OBSID=4204000003, desc=First-light for 6 min cadence // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:09:33:30 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=31 // 2013:211:09:33:30 // OBS priming commands begin. // 2013:211:09:33:31 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:09:33:32 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4204000022, SJI_FDB=4204000028 // 2013:211:09:33:33 // wait 10 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:09:33:43 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=SJI, FDB_ID=4204000026, USE_CA_CFG=NO // 2013:211:09:33:44 // wait 10 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:09:33:54 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4204000028, NUV_FDB=4204000024 // 2013:211:09:33:55 // wait 10 // 2013:211:09:34:05 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:09:34:16 // OBSID=4204000003, RPT=1 x dur=360.0s, size=514.5 Mbits, endTime=+0 09:40:16, desc=First-light for 6 min cadence 2013:211:09:34:16 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4204000003, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2013:211:09:40:16 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4204000003 ENDS, totRepeats=1, started at +0 09:34:16 // 2013:211:09:40:16 // // 2013:211:09:40:17 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4204000003 ENDS, started at +0 09:33:00 // 2013:211:09:40:18 // // 2013:211:09:45:00 // Abort before IRIS slew // ABORT 2013:211:09:45:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:09:45:01 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2013:211:09:45:30 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:09:45:31 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_0" 2013:211:09:45:32 CMD I_SLEW WM1=196, WM2=61 // 2013:211:09:53:32 // IRIS slew ends // IRIS spacecraft roll, degrees=60, radians=1.047198 2013:211:09:53:33 CMD A_ACS_ROLL_CMD ANGLE=1.047198 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:09:53:34 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="ROLL_60" // 2013:211:09:58:53 // IRIS roll ends 2013:211:09:58:53 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // 2013:211:09:59:60 // // ABORT 2013:211:10:00:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:10:00:01 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=340 2013:211:10:00:30 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:10:00:31 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-711_182" 2013:211:10:00:32 CMD I_SLEW WM1=22, WM2=91 // 2013:211:10:05:12 // IRIS slew ends 2013:211:10:05:13 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:10:05:15 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2013:211:10:05:15 // OBS priming commands begin. // 2013:211:10:05:16 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:10:05:17 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4008000017, SJI_FDB=4008001697, NUV_FDB=4008000857 // 2013:211:10:05:18 // wait 12 // 2013:211:10:05:30 // OBS priming commands end. //! DUMP_START: 2013:211:10:05:30 station pass START, duration=7 minutes 2013:211:10:05:30 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:10:05:32 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753869967, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2013:211:10:05:33 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753869968, PZTA=-1287, PZTB=44, PZTC=1254 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // 2013:211:10:05:34 // OBSID=4003007665: RPT=200, desc=Two-step sparse raster 1"x50" 2s Si IV Deep x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster // 2013:211:10:05:34 // OBSID=4003007665, RPT=200 x dur=10.4s, size=10.2 Mbits, endTime=+0 10:40:21, desc=Two-step sparse raster 1"x50" 2s Si IV Deep x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster 2013:211:10:05:34 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4003007665, NUM_REPEATS=200 //! DUMP_STOP: 2013:211:10:13:27 station pass END, duration=7 minutes 2013:211:10:13:27 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:10:40:21 // // 2013:211:10:40:21 // 200 repeats of OBSID=4003007665 ENDS, started at +0 10:05:34 // 2013:211:10:40:21 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753872056, PZTA=-1212, PZTB=44, PZTC=1178 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2013:211:10:40:22 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753872057, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2013:211:10:42:60 // // ABORT 2013:211:10:43:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:10:43:01 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=420 2013:211:10:43:30 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:10:43:31 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_227_233" 2013:211:10:43:32 CMD I_SLEW WM1=188, WM2=34 // 2013:211:10:46:03 // Sunspot in AR 11801 // 2013:211:10:49:32 // IRIS slew ends 2013:211:10:49:33 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:10:49:35 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2013:211:10:49:35 // OBS priming commands begin. // 2013:211:10:49:36 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:10:49:37 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4008000129, NUV_FDB=4008000899 // 2013:211:10:49:38 // wait 12 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:10:49:50 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4008001739, NUV_FDB=4008000899 // 2013:211:10:49:51 // wait 12 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:10:50:03 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4008002579, NUV_FDB=4008000899 // 2013:211:10:50:04 // wait 12 // 2013:211:10:50:16 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:10:50:18 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753872653, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2013:211:10:50:19 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753872654, PZTA=-305, PZTB=29, PZTC=278 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // 2013:211:10:50:20 // OBSID=4000256153: RPT=3, desc=Very large sparse raster 127"x175" 128s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 4 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 // 2013:211:10:50:20 // OBSID=4000256153, RPT=3 x dur=631.5s, size=2184.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 11:21:54, desc=Very large sparse raster 127"x175" 128s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 4 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 2013:211:10:50:20 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4000256153, NUM_REPEATS=3 // 2013:211:11:21:54 // // 2013:211:11:21:54 // 3 repeats of OBSID=4000256153 ENDS, started at +0 10:50:20 // 2013:211:11:21:54 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753874549, PZTA=-208, PZTB=29, PZTC=180 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2013:211:11:21:55 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753874550, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2013:211:11:24:00 // Abort before IRIS slew // ABORT 2013:211:11:24:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:11:24:01 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2013:211:11:24:30 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:11:24:31 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_0" 2013:211:11:24:32 CMD I_SLEW WM1=196, WM2=61 // 2013:211:11:32:32 // IRIS slew ends // IRIS spacecraft roll, degrees=-90, radians=-1.570796 2013:211:11:32:33 CMD A_ACS_ROLL_CMD ANGLE=-1.570796 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:11:32:34 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="ROLL_-90" // 2013:211:11:45:53 // IRIS roll ends 2013:211:11:45:53 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // ABORT 2013:211:11:50:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // 2013:211:11:50:00 // ABORT 30s before starting OBSID=4201900006, desc=FUV and NUV SJI dither flat, out of focus series // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:11:50:10 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=0 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:11:50:30 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=151 // 2013:211:11:50:30 // OBS priming commands begin. // 2013:211:11:50:31 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:11:50:32 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=SJI, FDB_ID=4201900016, USE_CA_CFG=NO // 2013:211:11:50:33 // wait 23 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:11:50:56 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=SJI, FDB_ID=4201900018, USE_CA_CFG=NO // 2013:211:11:50:57 // wait 10 // 2013:211:11:51:07 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:11:51:18 // OBSID=4201900006, RPT=1 x dur=1646.8s, size=820.0 Mbits, endTime=+0 12:18:44, desc=FUV and NUV SJI dither flat, out of focus series 2013:211:11:51:18 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4201900006, NUM_REPEATS=1 // 2013:211:12:18:44 // 1 repeats of OBSID=4201900006 ENDS, totRepeats=1, started at +0 11:51:18 // 2013:211:12:18:44 // // 2013:211:12:18:45 // total of 1 repeats of OBSID=4201900006 ENDS, started at +0 11:50:00 // 2013:211:12:18:46 // // ABORT 2013:211:12:25:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:12:25:01 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=400 2013:211:12:25:30 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:12:25:31 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_242_231" 2013:211:12:25:32 CMD I_SLEW WM1=72, WM2=174 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:12:30:00 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FOC, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=-115 // 2013:211:12:31:12 // IRIS slew ends 2013:211:12:31:13 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // 2013:211:12:31:15 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753878710, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2013:211:12:31:16 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753878711, PZTA=-125, PZTB=139, PZTC=-13 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:12:35:15 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=61 // 2013:211:12:35:15 // OBS priming commands begin. // 2013:211:12:35:16 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:12:35:17 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4008000129, NUV_FDB=4008000899 // 2013:211:12:35:18 // wait 12 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:12:35:30 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4008001739, NUV_FDB=4008000899 // 2013:211:12:35:31 // wait 12 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:12:35:43 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 SJI_FDB=4008002579, NUV_FDB=4008000899 // 2013:211:12:35:44 // wait 12 // 2013:211:12:35:56 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:12:36:07 // OBSID=4000256153, RPT=2 x dur=631.5s, size=2184.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 12:57:09, desc=Very large sparse raster 127"x175" 128s C II Si IV Mg II h/k Mg II w s Deep x 4 FUV spectrally rebinned x 2 2013:211:12:36:07 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4000256153, NUM_REPEATS=2 // 2013:211:12:57:09 // 2 repeats of OBSID=4000256153 ENDS, totRepeats=2, started at +0 12:36:07 // 2013:211:12:57:09 // // 2013:211:12:57:10 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753880265, PZTA=-125, PZTB=139, PZTC=-13 // PZT solar pointing wedge motor correction // 2013:211:12:57:11 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753880266, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // 2013:211:12:57:12 // total of 2 repeats of OBSID=4000256153 ENDS, started at +0 12:35:15 // 2013:211:12:57:13 // // 2013:211:12:59:60 // // ABORT 2013:211:13:00:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:13:00:01 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=390 2013:211:13:00:30 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:13:00:31 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_-700_180" 2013:211:13:00:32 CMD I_SLEW WM1=178, WM2=4 // 2013:211:13:06:02 // IRIS slew ends 2013:211:13:06:03 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:13:06:05 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2013:211:13:06:05 // OBS priming commands begin. // 2013:211:13:06:06 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:13:06:07 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4008000017, SJI_FDB=4008001697, NUV_FDB=4008000857 // 2013:211:13:06:08 // wait 12 // 2013:211:13:06:20 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:13:06:22 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753880817, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2013:211:13:06:23 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753880818, PZTA=1385, PZTB=-655, PZTC=-743 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // 2013:211:13:06:24 // OBSID=4003007665: RPT=200, desc=Two-step sparse raster 1"x50" 2s Si IV Deep x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster // 2013:211:13:06:24 // OBSID=4003007665, RPT=200 x dur=10.4s, size=10.2 Mbits, endTime=+0 13:41:11, desc=Two-step sparse raster 1"x50" 2s Si IV Deep x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster 2013:211:13:06:24 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4003007665, NUM_REPEATS=200 //! DUMP_START: 2013:211:13:32:43 station pass START, duration=4 minutes 2013:211:13:32:43 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2013:211:13:36:51 station pass END, duration=4 minutes 2013:211:13:36:51 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:13:41:11 // // 2013:211:13:41:11 // 200 repeats of OBSID=4003007665 ENDS, started at +0 13:06:24 // 2013:211:13:41:11 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753882906, PZTA=1297, PZTB=-610, PZTC=-698 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2013:211:13:41:12 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753882907, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // ABORT 2013:211:13:45:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // 2013:211:13:45:00 // Abort before IRIS slew // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:13:45:01 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=540 2013:211:13:45:30 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:13:45:31 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_0_0" 2013:211:13:45:32 CMD I_SLEW WM1=196, WM2=61 // 2013:211:13:53:32 // IRIS slew ends // IRIS spacecraft roll, degrees=0, radians=0.000000 2013:211:13:53:33 CMD A_ACS_ROLL_CMD ANGLE=0.000000 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:13:53:34 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="ROLL_0" 2013:211:14:01:33 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // 2013:211:14:01:33 // IRIS roll ends // 2013:211:14:05:00 // ABORT 30s before starting OBSID=4202100002, desc=SJI MgII w, 1x1, 10s exp, 20s cadence, for wobble calibration // ABORT 2013:211:14:05:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // 2013:211:14:05:30 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:14:05:30 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // 2013:211:14:05:31 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:14:05:32 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=SJI, FDB_ID=4202100004, USE_CA_CFG=NO // 2013:211:14:05:33 // wait 18 // 2013:211:14:05:51 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:14:06:02 // OBSID=4202100002, RPT=300 x dur=20.0s, size=8.9 Mbits, endTime=+0 15:46:02, desc=SJI MgII w, 1x1, 10s exp, 20s cadence, for wobble calibration 2013:211:14:06:02 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4202100002, NUM_REPEATS=300 //! DUMP_START: 2013:211:15:16:08 station pass START, duration=6 minutes 2013:211:15:16:08 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2013:211:15:22:11 station pass END, duration=6 minutes 2013:211:15:22:11 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:15:46:02 // 300 repeats of OBSID=4202100002 ENDS, totRepeats=300, started at +0 14:06:02 // 2013:211:15:46:02 // // 2013:211:15:46:03 // total of 300 repeats of OBSID=4202100002 ENDS, started at +0 14:05:00 // 2013:211:15:46:04 // // 2013:211:15:49:00 // ABORT 30s before starting OBSID=4202000003, desc=Dark cal, Simple B non-simul, 1x5min // ABORT 2013:211:15:49:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // 2013:211:15:49:30 // OBS priming commands begin. // 2013:211:15:49:30 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:15:49:41 // OBSID=4202000003, RPT=19 x dur=300.0s, size=236.2 Mbits, endTime=+0 17:24:41, desc=Dark cal, Simple B non-simul, 1x5min 2013:211:15:49:41 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4202000003, NUM_REPEATS=19 //! DUMP_START: 2013:211:16:52:56 station pass START, duration=7 minutes 2013:211:16:52:56 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2013:211:17:00:49 station pass END, duration=7 minutes 2013:211:17:00:49 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:17:24:41 // 19 repeats of OBSID=4202000003 ENDS, totRepeats=19, started at +0 15:49:41 // 2013:211:17:24:41 // // 2013:211:17:24:42 // total of 19 repeats of OBSID=4202000003 ENDS, started at +0 15:49:00 // 2013:211:17:24:43 // // 2013:211:17:27:00 // ABORT 30s before starting OBSID=0000003800, desc=4 limb coalignment sequence // ABORT 2013:211:17:27:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // 2013:211:17:27:30 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:17:27:30 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=121 // 2013:211:17:27:31 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:17:27:32 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC CAM_ID=SJI, FDB_ID=0000003800, USE_CA_CFG=NO // 2013:211:17:27:33 // wait 10 // 2013:211:17:27:43 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:17:27:54 // OBSID=0000003800, RPT=2 x dur=6.0s, size=9.0 Mbits, endTime=+0 17:28:06, desc=4 limb coalignment sequence 2013:211:17:27:54 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=3800, NUM_REPEATS=2 // 2013:211:17:28:06 // 2 repeats of OBSID=0000003800 ENDS, totRepeats=2, started at +0 17:27:54 // 2013:211:17:28:06 // // 2013:211:17:28:07 // total of 2 repeats of OBSID=0000003800 ENDS, started at +0 17:27:00 // 2013:211:17:28:08 // // 2013:211:17:29:60 // // ABORT 2013:211:17:30:00 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:17:30:01 CMD A_MOM_UNLOAD_ENABLE CHOICE=DISABLE, DURATION=310 2013:211:17:30:30 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:17:30:31 CMD I_EVENT_MESSAGE MSG="SLEW_70_-50" 2013:211:17:30:32 CMD I_SLEW WM1=135, WM2=5 // 2013:211:17:32:02 // Quiet Sun // 2013:211:17:34:42 // IRIS slew ends 2013:211:17:34:43 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=CLOSED // 2013:211:17:34:45 // OBS priming commands begin. // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:17:34:45 CMD I_MC_MOVE_TO_POS ID=FW, DIR=SHORTEST, POS=91 // 2013:211:17:34:46 // wait 1 // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:17:34:47 CMD I_CA_TAKE_PIC2 FUV_FDB=4008000017, SJI_FDB=4008001697, NUV_FDB=4008000857 // 2013:211:17:34:48 // wait 12 // 2013:211:17:35:00 // OBS priming commands end. // 2013:211:17:35:02 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753896937, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position before OBS // 2013:211:17:35:03 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753896938, PZTA=-40, PZTB=-1437, PZTC=1478 // PZT SRT OBS start pos // 2013:211:17:35:04 // OBSID=4003007665: RPT=120, desc=Two-step sparse raster 1"x50" 2s Si IV Deep x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster 2013:211:17:35:04 CMD I_SQ_START TABLE_ID=4003007665, NUM_REPEATS=120 // 2013:211:17:35:04 // OBSID=4003007665, RPT=120 x dur=10.4s, size=10.2 Mbits, endTime=+0 17:55:56, desc=Two-step sparse raster 1"x50" 2s Si IV Deep x 4 SJI cadence 3x faster // 2013:211:17:55:56 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753898191, PZTA=-40, PZTB=-1368, PZTC=1409 // PZT SRT OBS end pos // 2013:211:17:55:56 // 120 repeats of OBSID=4003007665 ENDS, started at +0 17:35:04 // 2013:211:17:55:56 // // 2013:211:17:55:57 PZT_SRT, TAI=1753898192, PZTA=0, PZTB=0, PZTC=0 // safety PZT guard position after OBS // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:17:58:00 CMD I_IS_CONTROL LOOP=OPEN // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:17:58:01 CMD I_SQ_ABORT // IRIS user inserted command 2013:211:17:58:05 CMD I_SQ_SET_REG REG_ID=SRT_ID, REG_VALUE1=0, REG_VALUE2=0 //! DUMP_START: 2013:211:18:29:49 station pass START, duration=8 minutes 2013:211:18:29:49 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:18:29:49: S band pass start //! DUMP_STOP: 2013:211:18:38:27 station pass END, duration=8 minutes 2013:211:18:38:27 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:18:38:27: S band pass end //! DUMP_START: 2013:211:20:06:35 station pass START, duration=8 minutes 2013:211:20:06:35 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:20:06:35: S band pass start //! DUMP_STOP: 2013:211:20:15:18 station pass END, duration=8 minutes 2013:211:20:15:18 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:20:15:18: S band pass end //! DUMP_START: 2013:211:21:43:09 station pass START, duration=8 minutes 2013:211:21:43:09 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:21:43:09: S band pass start //! DUMP_STOP: 2013:211:21:51:42 station pass END, duration=8 minutes 2013:211:21:51:42 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:21:51:42: S band pass end //! DUMP_START: 2013:211:23:19:30 station pass START, duration=8 minutes 2013:211:23:19:30 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2013:211:23:27:58 station pass END, duration=8 minutes 2013:211:23:27:58 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2013:211:23:33:33 station pass START, duration=8 minutes 2013:211:23:33:33 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:23:33:33: S band pass start //! DUMP_STOP: 2013:211:23:42:01 station pass END, duration=8 minutes 2013:211:23:42:01 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:211:23:42:01: S band pass end //! DUMP_START: 2013:212:00:55:47 station pass START, duration=8 minutes 2013:212:00:55:47 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:212:00:55:47: S band pass start //! DUMP_STOP: 2013:212:01:04:24 station pass END, duration=8 minutes 2013:212:01:04:24 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // 2013:212:01:04:24: S band pass end //! DUMP_START: 2013:212:02:33:09 station pass START, duration=2 minutes 2013:212:02:33:09 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2013:212:02:35:57 station pass END, duration=2 minutes 2013:212:02:35:57 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_START: 2013:212:02:37:00 station pass START, duration=4 minutes 2013:212:02:37:00 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_START PARTITION_TYPE1=EVT, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE1=0, PARTITION_TYPE2=HSK, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE2=0, PARTITION_TYPE3=INST, VC_PRIORITY_TABLE3=0, TX_TYPE=NEW_DATA, XMIT_PATH=XBAND //! DUMP_STOP: 2013:212:02:41:05 station pass END, duration=4 minutes 2013:212:02:41:05 CMD B_SSMB_DUMP_STOP XMIT_PATH=XBAND // END